Thursday, 22 October 2020

CHAPTER TWO: Get With The Beat

"Get a job and get a haircut young man!"

The generation gap hardly bothered Jeremy Saint, who was busy getting ready for his first day as a mailroom clerk at Dewey, Cheathem and Howe. Last night he had to fill in various reports, half of which he didn't understand and the other half he hurredly filled in over breakfast. He didn't want to be late on his first day despite seeing a groovy chick standing right outside of his house, checking her diary. "Focus" he told himself...."focus".

The work was tedious, the hours ticked by but Jeremy's mind was filled with stories of young hopefuls who started in the mail room and ended up being the company chairman. By the time he got home he was hungry and in need of fun.

As soon as he finished a tin of tinned fruit salad....he'd forgotten to stock up on food, the phone rang. It was Travis Scott.

"Hey, Jeremy, me and the girls are gonna head on down to the Blue know, that discotheque we told you about? It's pretty swinging"

"You've thrown me a lifeline, bud, I need some fun right now!" was his reply.

Jeremy was glad to see his new friends and put the tedium of work behind him. The Blue Velvet was buzzing; Summer invited him to dance and he couldn't say no to her. Or to Liberty for that matter. Travis looked on, not looking too put out that this new guy was fast becoming good friends with his housemates, but he cast a sideways glance when Jeremy got a little too close to Summer.

An older gentleman of around 40 accidentally trod on Jeremy's foot. "So sorry, I'm not with it with these crazy new dances they've got these days" he said.

"That's OK, mister. No permanent damage done" Jeremy replied.

The man danced on, awkwardly, trying to get to the rhythm of the song playing: Dusty Simfield's "I Only Want To WooHoo You".

"Do you know who that is?" whispered Travis to Jeremy "That's Geoffrey Landgraab, the millionaire"

"Really? Never heard of him. What's he do?"

"That's one's sure."

A blonde lady in her mid to late 30s walked into the nightclub. She was dressed in the height of fashion and had a swagger to her walk. She walked over to Geoffrey Landgraab, grabbed him and dipped him over...passionately kissing him in front of the entire clientele.

"Golly jeepers!" said Jeremey "you wouldn't see that back in Crested Butte!"

"That's not all of it" replied Travis. "That's his wife!"

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