That run was exhausting. It was important for Edna to look her best and as well as immaculate taste in clothes (in her opinion) and meticulously applied makeup, she had taken up running and exercise as a way of maintaining her figure...which was stick-thin.
But as running was exhausting, she needed a pick-me-up so once back home in Sneedley Burrow she made herself a gin and tonic. She checked the clock on the wall: It was 8:50am and she had to get ready for work...she had a busy day ahead petitioning the city council on a number of crucial issues.
"George!" she cried out to her husband, who was in the kitchen. "I need that file on my...I mean, our desk...the one marked 'Burlesque Show".
"Yes dear...I'll look for it. What's that about?" he asked as he entered the lounge.
"Oh some dreadful revue show that's being put on at the Lothario club. I'm trying to have it stopped. Did you know as well as all those loose young women in various states of undress they're going to have a drag artiste perform there as well? We'll have to campaign against that sort of thing!"
"We do?" gulped George, nervously. Secretly, he had been a drag artiste back in the late 1940s when he did USO shows in the Navy but Edna had never known that.
"Yes we do! Now run along and get me that file" she said, haughtily.
George dutifully obeyed and when he had retrieved the file from the desk, he took a few moments to look inside it to make sure he wasn't mentioned in it. Relived that he wasn't he returned with it to Edna, looking nonchalant.
"Here we go, dear." he said, handing her the file.
"Thank's not going to be easy at this meeting. What I really need is the support and back up of some of our more influential members of society, such as the Landgraabs." said Edna.
"We know them so I think they'll assist our cause." Replied George.
"We are more than just acquaintances with them but we're not at the friend level, George. We've asked for, and received, some support in the past but I'm worried if we pushed them more for help it would have the opposite effect and they'll stop helping. We can't be too familiar with them."
"I can see your point, Edna. Well, we might get another in with them at some point. It certainly would help if we developed deeper contacts with them and their company. So what time's your meeting at City Hall?" he asked.
"I'm meeting with a couple of councillors who are sympathetic to our cause at 9:30, then we go in to make our petition at 11am, then we wait...and we wait...and then hopefully they'll act on our demands today before close of business." she replied.
"Which is at what time?" George asked.
"They stop public consultations at 3pm" said Edna.
"So you'll be home at?"
"Just after 4pm, George. Why do you ask?"
"Oh that's a shame, I will have left for work before you get home" he said with a smile but deep down he had another reason to wonder how long she would be away from the house.
That is a shame but hopefully I'll be awake when you come home, dear" she replied. "It's a pity that our work shifts don't coincide more so we can spend more time together."
"I's a pity" he said, sorrowfully to her but when she left the room to go have a bath and get dressed for work, George's face changed from sorrow to a mischievous grin...he had plans!
Once Edna was dressed and had her files all ready to go, she left the house whilst Georged waved her a fond goodbye. He watched her walk down the road until she was out of sight and then once she was he burst into a jog to get his special transformation kit.
George was going to turn himself into Georgina for the day. He was very excited on this occasion as a couple of weeks ago he had bought himself a new dress and shoes from the fashionable boutiques of Magnolia Promenade and hadn't had the chance to try them on yet. But now, in private, he could let the magic begin for him...but first, there was a lot of make-up to apply.
After the make-up and wig were on to George's satisfaction he produced his nice new dress from out of the bag it had been resting in since the day he bought it and laid it carefully on the bed. He quickly stripped off his male clothes and put on his lingerie, including a pair of new pale stockings. Once his false breasts were in place it was time to put on the dress.
It was pink with white trim and polka dots and a white belt. It fit very nicely and he was able to zip up the back without too much wriggling and struggling. He smoothed it down, rubbing his hands down the sides and to him it felt divine to wear. This dress was a bit different for George he was against the permissive society and in particular mini skirts but as Georgina she had been curious as to what they were like to wear. This dress was quite short, technically mini length, and the hem was a few inches above his knees. He finished off his transformation by slipping on a pair of white heels and clipping on some earrings. Once done he let out a giggle of joy. It was good to be Georgina and this dress was daring! He liked it, or rather, she liked it!

The routine for 'Georgina' was to prance around the house a bit, do some chores and act in a feminine way but after the success of her first solo walk down the road and back, she decided to do that again in the new dress. Georgina was so excited by it; the material, the way it felt on her body and the extra leg shown was all a buzz. With a light skip and a hop she trotted out of the house and walked down the road.

It felt great to be outdoors again and Georgina's confidence grew with each step. She had an objective in mind: Make it all the way to a sidewalk bench at the top end of Bedrock Straight and then take a seat for a while. She focussed on the seat, not looking left nor right to see how anyone else was reacting...she was focussed on her task. Arriving at the little bench seat she turned to sit down, smoothed her dress with her hands and sat with her knees together and legs slightly tilted to the side to make her seem more ladylike. The hem of the dress, much shorter than she was used to, rode up and a glimpse of stocking tops was visible, so Georgina pulled it down to conceal them.

Georgina let out a sigh of contentment and she felt thrilled to be doing this. Such a relief from being boring and stuffy old George. She looked up and down the street, watching people going by and not one of them stared at her. No one had a knowing look that she was a he. Everyone was going about their daily business and Georgina was just another citizen enjoying this fine morning.
"I could get used to this" thought Georgina. "And the new look suits me, I think. Maybe Georgina's a more daring girl than I thought. A bit more with it...yes..." she mused some more.
She decided to get up and walk all the way to the bottom end of Bedrock straights so standing up, smoothing down the sides of her dress and gently patting her hair do, she minced her way down the road. Everything was going very well until she, literally, bumped into Geoffrey Landgraab; who was out on his morning jog and wasn't paying attention to his surrounds.
"Excuse me, Madam" he said, apologetically "I wasn't paying...attention..." he said, looking into Georgina's face and letting his words trail off. "Why, it's Beulah, isn't it?" he said, dreamily.
Georgina panicked. As George he knew Geoffrey quite well but the last time he was in drag and bumped into him, Geoffrey had believed he was an actual woman. Not only that, in order to distract Geoffrey even more and not make the connection between George/Georgina, he had called himself 'Beulah' and spoke in a Deep South accent. Being a transvestite wasn't easy...
"Oh mah, yais it is!" said Georgina, turning into Beulah. "And you are Godfrey Landflab, am ah correct?" said Beulah, camping it up as a Southern Belle.
"Call me....Geoffrey" he said, smoothly. "Geoffrey Landgraab to be precise. I remember meeting you here nearly two weeks ago. You're new to our fair city, how does it compare with Georgia?"
"Oh it's mighty fine, Geoffreh...and how are y'all and your family?"
"My what? Oh, my family? Yes, they're fine. I must say, Miss Beulah, you look absolutely delightful." said Geoffrey, looking her up and down and turning the charm on Beulah.
"Oh thank you for noticing. It's a new dress" she replied, putting one hand on her hip and acting coy.
"It suits you very well" replied Geoffrey. "It shows off your legs particularly well. My compliments"
"Oh really? I thought it might be a trifle too short...for a lady my age"
"I wouldn't worry about that. My wife, Nancy, is all for wearing miniskirts and she's...erm...39. A lady like you who is...I hate to guess but would I be right in saying 30, 31?"
"Oh you old charmer, sah! But, yes, you're right: 31". Georgina/Beulah would happily settle for being thought of as 31.
"Anyway, a lady still in her prime in her early 30s can still show off her legs if she wants to. It all depends on the elegance of the dress and I must say that is an elegant one you're wearing."
"You have just made mah day, Geoffreh!" said Beulah, patting him on the hand and letting out a girly giggle.
"I'm glad I bumped into you, Beulah" continued Geoffrey. "I'm having some problems at home..."
"Oh sorry to hear that, is it your wife?" said Beulah.
"No! It's nothing like that!" replied Geoffrey, defensively. "It's our cleaner: We caught her stealing some objects from our house and we had to fire her and call in the police."
"Why, how terrible! What is the world comin' ta today?" said Beulah, upset by this news but staying in character.
"Indeed, Beulah, indeed. It's a lack of proper upbringing and breeding, I say, not at all like a well mannered and charming lady such yourself."
"Once again, Geoffreh, you flatter me" she replied, fluttering her hand in front of her bosom in mock embarrassment.
"I mean it. I can tell you're a decent, wholesome woman just by looking at you. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I remember the first time we met you said you did some cleaning for the Sneedleys..."
"Whah yais, I do from time to time. That Mrs Sneedley she sure does like to keep a tidy establishment"
"Would it be possible to lure you away from them for a couple of days a week? Our house is large and very...well...appointed" said Geoffrey, his eyes gazing at Beulah's ample bosom as he said the words "well appointed". Little did he know they were made out of silicone rubber.
"Ah don' rightly know, sah. Ah mean ahm a busy lady and the Sneedley's need mah attention" stammered Beulah.
"Nancy and I pay well, if it's a question of money"
"It's not the money, sah, it's about loyaltah" Beulah's answers were becoming defensive.
"That's one of your more attractive qualities" replied Geoffrey, looking Beulah up and down again. "What about 2 days a week, 3 hours at a time? Does that clash with George and Edna's schedule?"
Beulah paused. No, it didn't clash at all because George had plenty of free time during weekdays before his shift at the hotel started and after Edna had left for work. But how to get out of this predicament? He couldn't go to a a house where he knew the couple quite well, as a work as a maid and cleaning woman! His cross dressing was always more elegant and feminine than that.
"" stammered Beulah once more.
"Did I mention the pay? I'm willing to offer..." and Geoffrey leant towards Beulah to whisper in her ear what the amount was. Beulah was taken aback.
" than ah had imagined" she replied, haltingly.
"I won't press you for a commitment right now, Beulah; think it over. Here's my card: It's got my phone number and address on it. When you're ready, call me and we'll arrange a time when you can come over and see the place for yourself. And you'll get to meet Nancy as well."
"Uhm...ah'll certainleh think abaht it, Geoffreh" she replied.
"Enchante, madam...until we meet again." said Geoffrey, smiling at her fondly, before setting off for his jog again.
Beulah went back to being Georgina and she thought to herself. Let's think this over. It's a lot of money for a cleaning job and I can easily do those and the little extra would help maintain the lifestyle Edna and I have come to enjoy. And I can get a bit more cash that I can spend on even more dresses, wigs, make up and shoes. Plus, I'll be put in a good word about Edna and myself, as George, and maybe learn a few Landgraab secrets while I'm at it which would be good for the cause.
Yes...YES. I can see this working! The only issue is whether I get caught and someone recognises me as George? But already people just accept me without noticing that I'm a man and Geoffrey...does he fancy me? At that thought she blushed and fanned herself. OK, I'm going to have to keep a respectful distance from Geoffrey...maybe act coy around him but don't entirely discourage his flirting because maybe he'll drop his guard and reveal some important information? This will be the greatest role I've had to play since I played Lady Macbeth at the Enewetak Atoll's USO show in 1950!
And with that thought Georgina skipped all the way back to the house where she watched an episode of Days of Our Lives before changing back into boring old George. An hour later, he was off to work.
...and an hour after that, Edna returned home.
It had been a trying day at the council but not hopeless. She had to argue hard for her case but the Council came back saying they were impressed by her presentation and that they would further consult on the matter. So not a yes to her demands, but not a no either. However, she hadn't had a drink all day and she was desperate for one now.
But as she was approaching the front door of Sneedley Burrow, she was accosted by none other than Geoffrey and Nancy Landgraab. So they wanted to talk with her, did they? Edna thought. She must be going up in the world.
"Geoffrey, Nancy, how lovely to see you. I'm sorry to receive you in such a state but I have only just arrived home myself. I've been at the Council all day, campaigning for important things for our city." she said in a tone that had a whiff of self-importance to it.
Geoffrey nodded. "I hope you don't mind our borrowing of your cleaner, Edna" said Geoffrey.
"My what?" replied a puzzled Edna.
"Your cleaner. Beulah. We want to hire her a couple of days a week to clean our house as well. Does she clean for you daily or weekly or some other arrangement?" continued Geoffrey.
"We don't have a cleaner, Geoffrey" said Edna.
"Oh, don't you? I was under the impression you did. Beulah herself said she cleaned for you and George."
Edna didn't respond immediately but instead thought this matter over. Was Geoffrey mistaken? Who was this Beulah woman and why does she claim to work for them? Does George know anything about this?
"It might be something George has arranged, recently. I am busy during the day campaigning so I don't have the time to do a thorough clean of the house like I used to do. I have noticed our house is immaculate...that's partly due to our refined taste in choosing things that are low maintenance but also, it must be, getting in a professional cleaner. George probably arranged it but didn't want to trouble me with telling me what was going on" Edna said that last bit through gritted teeth.
"Well, I hope she's as good as Geoffrey says!" said Nancy.
"Yes, I hope so too. As I don't know this woman you can certainly hire her for whatever time you require. But the house does look very clean, more than normal so she's quiet and does appear to do the job well." replied Edna.
"Well, we must make time to meet up soon, Edna" said Nancy. "Inform us of all your crusades. Come along, Geoffrey, let's keep up the pace!"
The Landgraabs jogged off and Edna was left puzzled by the conversation she had just had. "Beulah?" she muttered. She really needed a stiff drink after that!