"Mom! Dad! That's so embarrassing!"
"We had a great anniversary celebration, Jamie and the night is not quite over yet"
"Dad...it's 7am!"
"So your Mom and I stayed out a little late, celebrating"
"And we still feel like celebrating. 20 years; that's a big round number"
"So is two so I'm going to leave you to it!"
Mom and Dad did calm it down while I finished my homework. I'm on the cusp of getting an A in English Literature and I don't want to blow it with late homework. I'm glad they had a nice time celebrating their wedding anniversary...I tried to throw a party whilst they were out but that fell flat because The Rolling Stones were performing in the City and no one could show up. Stupid me forgot to get tickets as well! I tried inviting all the chicks I know...all four of them...but they all made excuses. So I was left alone at home practicing my guitar all evening. Life's a drag...
I just hope my English Lit presentation goes well today...I'm pushing the boat out for an A. My rendition of Richard III will knock Laurence Olivier out. of. the. park. Just give me an A, now, teacher. And with that guys will want to be me and girls will want to be with me!
OK, I just want to crawl under a rock and die right now. Oh the teacher liked my presentation and I got an A but as for my classmates? They thought I was showboating. "Cringeworthy", "tedious", "embarrassing" were some of the words that were aimed in my direction. School heart throb, David Watts, pulled me to one side after class and said "McGregor...at school you have to steer a middle path: Not too shabby, or we all get detention and not too impressive or we all get extra homework. What you did there, McGregor, was raise expectations from the teachers and that won't do at all. Get me?" and then he punched me in the stomach. Of course, I wasn't expecting that and I doubled up on the floor gasping for air. And as sure as night follows day, so many girls could only see me writhing on the ground gasping and now that's what they're going to think of when my name is mentioned.I want to die...Anyway, I must put my bike away and sneak in past the folks. I don't want them to see me like this.
"Hi, Jamie"
"Who? What? Oh...Morgan!" Oh my gosh, it's Morgan Fyres! The hot, willowy weird girl from school. What's she doing here? The last time we saw each other was when we were on a date that went badly.

"I thought I'd stop by and see how you are"
"Well, I've had better days, Morgan"
"Yeah, I know what happened. I thought everyone treated you so badly, especially David Watts. Hitting you was out of line."
"So you know I was hit and not just writhing on the ground for the sake of it. You'd be surprised how many people think that."
"Pah, they're all jerks...all wanting to be like David Watts. Sheep, cattle, conformists the lot of them."

"Well, thanks for calling by...say, would you like to come inside and hang out for a bit?" I know things didn't work out for me and Morgan but...heck...she's being kind; she didn't have to drop by and see how I was. Maybe give things a second chance...I mean, she is HOT, after all."
"Yeah, I'd like that a lot! We've got so much to catch up on"
I show her into the house. She's been here once before so kind of knows the layout. My Mom is here, watching the TV so I'm going to play it cool as I usher Morgan in.
"Hi Mom, you don't mind if Morgan hangs around a bit? We're just going to my room for a bit."
"Wait, Jamie? Morgan? Hello there! What, your room?"
"I knew you'd be cool with it, Mom. See you in a bit."
OK, let's usher in Morgan before Mom can raise any objections. We head straight to my room and Morgan takes no time in sitting on my bed. My bed! This is the first time any female I'm not related to has ever entered my room! She sits down and has left plenty of space for me to sit next to her. Well, let's not this opportunity go to waste.
"Jamie, I want to apologise for how I was with you on...our...date. I was cross with you because you wouldn't go along with some of my crazy ideas and I admit, I have a lot of those. I hope you don't hate me for that."
"Hate? Phht! Nah, I don't hate you. I guess I don't understand a girl like you...one that's totally free spirited."
"Would you like to understand a girl like me better?"
Is she fluttering her eyelashes at me?
"I would like to very much"
"Well, the key to understanding a girl like me is to move a little closer....like this...and don't fight the impulses: Just go with the flow and the moment."
She said those words in a soft, seductive voice and now we were practically touching each other on the bed. I could smell her perfume and I looked into her green eyes, then looked at her bright flame orange coloured lips and...and...oh my gosh! I've got a massive boner right now! What if she notices? Is that a cool thing? I don't know! I'm practically bursting out of my pants! OK, Jamie, it's clear she wants you to kiss her...go for it!
"Dinner's ready, Jamie. Morgan, do you want to stay for dinner with us? I've made plenty to go around"
"Sure thing, Mrs McGregor!"
And that was that. No kiss. Not even hand holding. Morgan stood up and so did I, but I still had a massive erection and now had to go to the dining room, which was brightly lit, and try and hide it from everyone. I stepped outside my room with my right hand placed over my crotch, trying to make that look entirely natural.
Dinner was...interesting. Mom had plenty of questions to fire at Morgan and in return, she is not the kind of girl who holds back.
"So I live in Windenburg with my Mom, Step-dad and half-sister. My dad died when I was only six months old. Someplace in Korea. Have you checked out the Windenburg scene? It's wild! You got all the old mansions and colonial buildings but it's such a swinging place! I hang out at lots of groovy places and there's a vibrant teen scene. You should come and check it out sometime, Jamie."
Morgan was in her stride now and I don't think Mom was impressed by tales of parties, discotheques and the teen scene. Mom was pretty much a Bobby Soxer back in her day. An after-school soda and holding hands in some park was more her style.
"I need to use your bathroom; is it through there?"
"Yes, Morgan, through that door"
Morgan gave me a little wave as she walked by me to the bathroom. Meanwhile Mom had some words for me...
"I thought you and Morgan didn't get along"
"Well, we did...then we didn't...and now it seems we do again"
"Is that through your choice, or hers?"
"Well...uhm...I don't know. It just kind of happened that way."
"It usually does, with her. She's a bit...'random'"
Before I can answer Mom, Morgan reappears and sits on the couch in the lounge. She gives me a "come hither" look and I must oblige...
"So what were you learning at school today?"
"Shakespeare, Mrs McGregor. Jamie did this wonderful presentation..."
"I wouldn't call it 'wonderful'; it got a mixed reception..."
"I loved it! He makes Shakespeare sound so enthralling, so poetic, so......romantic"
"Were you playing Romeo, Jamie?"
"Actually, I was playing Richard III"
"But even Jamie made a villain into something dynamic and...sexy."
Mom wasn't buying this, I could tell.
At that moment, Dad walks in and sighs.
"Oh boy, have I had a busy day at work! So much on at the moment I couldn't get everything done...oh, hello...Morgan"
He noticed her sitting next to me, making herself quite comfortable. I'm not sure what Dad made of Morgan. When he first met her, he was impressed like I was. I guess he went purely by her looks. Then he heard the stories about her and I think he cooled on her a little.
"Hi, Mr McG"
"It's Mr McGregor, not Mr McG"
"Oops, sorry" *giggle*
"And what brings you here?"
"I came by to encourage Jamie"
"Encourage him? Why? Does he need encouragement from you?"
"Well, it was kind of a bummer day at school"
"Oh really? Now this sounds ominous..."
"Let me get you a drink, Dad"
"Thank you, son. Morgan's about to tell me all about what happened today"
"The first thing I must stress, Mr McG...sorry, I mean, Mr McGregor...is that Jamie did nothing wrong"
"I'm glad about that, at least"
"In fact, he was magnificent!"
"I bet he was..." and as I handed Dad his drink he gave me this look of surprise and inquisitiveness. It was a look that said "Jamie, son, what have you been up to with this girl?"
Then something unexpected happened: There was a knock at the door and Mom went to answer it. It was Mrs Sneedley and she seemed upset about something.
"Myra, so sorry to drop in on your without notice but I was wondering if I could have a word with you and Colin about something...delicate?"
"Sure, Edna, come on in."
"Oh, I see young Jamie has a friend over..."
My guess is Mrs Sneedley isn't going to be impressed with Morgan either. She looks her up and down and with some disapproval over Morgan's attire. I guess she's not ready for an outfit that clings tightly to every curve of the body.
"Jamie...we need to have a private word with Edna for a bit, would you and Morgan move to your bedroo...on second thoughts. We'll have the private chat in your room and you and Morgan can stay there on the couch."
Part of me was fascinated by what Mrs Sneedley was bothered about and why it needed a private discussion but a bigger part of me was even more fascinated by a hot chick that had taken a shine to me; again.
"So, it's just you and me, Jamie"
"Alone at last"
We shuffled a little closer together so we were right up close to each other. Again, she had an intoxicating effect on me and, sure, she's a little bit different, a little bit out there but, man, this was my chance at getting a girlfriend here. Who knows what the possibilities would be if she and I got together?
So we're right up close now; I could go for the kiss straight away but I'm going to play it cool. Step things up a level. And stretch, arm out, around her shoulders and squeeze gently...
...and she hasn't recoiled in horror. I'm in! Morgan snuggles closer to me. My goodness, her sheer top feels fantastic! And here comes the boner again but do you know what? I don't care if she notices it this time; it shows I find her hot.
"Is that OK?"
"Hmm...don't ask, just do"
"I certainly will. Well, are we...?"
"Don't think about it; just stay in the moment, Jamie."
"OK then"
I guess we're back on. Well, I guess the next thing is when to time our first kiss. Just enjoy the closeness, the feel of her body...in this case, the shoulder...maybe I'll put my other hand on her thigh and then lean in for that kiss.
"Jamie! Sorry to disturb you, but Mrs Sneedley has a question she'd like to ask you"
Twice, Mom! Twice you have completely killed the moment! Arm retracted, lean back, no kiss, boner wasted.
"Another time, Jamie. I should go now"
"Yeah, another time, Morgan. And thanks for, well, coming around, cheering me up and making the evening that little bit more special."
"Aww, you're a sweet guy. Catch you later"
I show Morgan to the door and then go to my room to see the strange sight of my parents and Mrs Sneedley sitting on my bed.
"OK, Mom, what's the matter?"
"Edna has a question to ask you"
"I was wondering, young Jamie, have you seen a woman entering and exiting our house in the last few days."
"A woman, other than yourself? Actually, I think I've seen someone other than you and your husband outside your place more than once. A dumpy lady..."
"Jamie, don't be rude!"
"I'm not trying to be, Mom, but this lady's on the large side, brown hair, maybe in her 30s or 40s...hard to tell, she wears a lot of makeup. Oh, and I've heard her talking as well...she's got a thick, Southern accent."
"Has she been talking to George?"
"No, Mrs Sneedley. I haven't seen him. No, this lady I saw talking with a middle aged blonde guy with a moustache."
"That would be Geoffrey...Geoffrey Landgraab. He's a friend of ours, you know"
"You know THE Geoffrey Landgraab, Edna?"
"Don't distract us, Colin. So it looks like this cleaning lady does exist, Edna. Nothing to worry about."
"I do wish George had consulted with me first before hiring someone!"
"You're very busy these days, Edna, he probably didn't want to bother you over such a small detail"
"I suppose so. I shan't bother you any longer. Thanks for your help and thank you, Jamie"
"You're welcome, Mrs Sneedley"
"Has Morgan left?"
"Yes, Mom, just a few minutes ago"
"I'm going to bed, are you coming, Colin?"
"In a few minutes, dear"
Oh no, Dad wants to have a 'father and son discussion.
"So, Jamie...you and this girl, Morgan. Are you two serious?"
"I don't know, it's early days. We didn't...you know...do anything physical tonight."
"How do I put this? *sigh* I don't like her, son. Your mother's not too keen on her either."
"Why? What's wrong? I mean, she was really kind to me today!"
"She's a Beatnik, a Space Cadet and probably hopped up on Reefers as well"
"Dad, no one calls them Reefers anymore...they're joints. Erm, or so I've been told!"
"You see this pretty girl, a willowy redhead, and your head's turned. But she dumped you, unceremoniously, once before and she's now back craving your affections again. Her moods swing and she doesn't seem serious about anything. You can do much better."
"Dad, it's just a bit of fun. I don't know how serious Morgan and I are but right now we're having fun and enjoying each other's company."
"Well, just be careful around her, that's all."