Saturday, 10 July 2021

CHAPTER 113: A Friend In Need

"So that's the dress, the maid of honour dress, the signature colour, the date and the venue sorted out..." said Suzy to her fiancé, Neil.

"And the car" he interjected.

"Oh yes, the car.  You'll be glad to note that I've rehearsed getting in and out of the car with grace and panache" she added.

"One more thing, the entertainment.  We've got Bakko doing that" said Neil.

"Good point...well, that just leaves..."

"About another million things to organise" said Neil with a sigh.

"We'll get it's only six weeks away now.  Anyway, I must get to work.  We've got a big fashion promotion going on."

"Hey, isn't that a new dress you're wearing?" said Neil.

"It is...thanks for noticing" she replied.  "Don't worry, I haven't spent our honeymoon money on this:  It's a freebie from one of the designers we work with.  They're actually paying us to wear their gear and in return we get to keep it.  What do you think?"

"That sounds like a good deal" said Neil.

"No!  Not the deal,  the fact, the whole outfit:  They gave me the dress, the shoes and the tights"

"It's....quite short" he said.

"Yes.  That's the latest fashion" said Suzy, matter of factly.

"I mean, it's bound to attract attention"

"It's meant to turn heads but actually I'm not displaying that much flesh.  It's got long sleeves, a turtle neck and my legs are covered by these tights...don't you just love the colour and the pattern?" she said slowly running her hands up her leg.  Neil let out a contented sigh.

"You like it when I do that" she said, with a wink.

"You've got the best pair of legs in Sim City" he said, shuffling closer to her.

"Kind of you to notice" she said and they leant in to kiss.  Neil went to place his hand gently on her knee but no sooner had he done so she stood up.  "I really, really, really want to continue this but I've just noticed the time...time for work"  she said.

"Wow, I need to be off as you" he said, giving her one last peck.

"You too, now scoot!" she replied.

Suzy arrived at the offices of "Hey Wow" magazine, dazzling the reception staff in her new outfit.  She made her way to her desk, which was in an open plan office.  As a hip, with-it magazine, the proprietors and editor thought an open office was ideal for the staff to throw around ideas to each other to create a happening vibe.  Suzy, her expertise being fashion, sat next to Layla; who was the magazine's music reporter.

Suzy was hammering out a piece on "top 10 trends you MUST have NOW" but her mind kept drifting to what the Landgraabs and Fengs were up to right now.  She desperately wanted to find out more but that article didn't pay the bills but this trends one did.

"Say, Layla, what's happening in the world of music?" she asked her colleague.

"I've received some singles to review:  Chris Montez, Bobby Fuller and something called...let's see..." she said picking up one of the records.  "My Little Red Book by Love...never heard of them.  Oh, it's written by Burt Bacharach; I'm off to see him in concert on Friday.  He'll have Dionne Warwick and Cilla Black performing with him as well."

"Lucky you" said Suzy.  "I'll still be at this desk on Friday if I can't think of 4 more must have trends"

"Hats?" suggested Layla.

"Actually I was thinking more like belts.  Lots of belts.  Thick ones made of plastic or metal rings.  That's it, only 3 more to go"

Suzy picked up a newspaper that was lying on a nearby coffee table to get some inspiration and saw a photo of Nancy Landgraab attending a large, charity event.  "What makes her tick?" she mused.  Suddenly the last 3 fashionable items didn't seem important to her anymore...getting to the truth was more important.  She went back to her desk, ripped out the sheet of paper she was typing and started again....this time the title was Top Seven Trends You Must Have Now.  Layla looked over at Suzy's desk with curiosity.

"Why change it from 10 to 7?" she asked.

"Because the truth is you don't need only need 7.  If I were to pad this out unnecessarily then I wouldn't be truthful" Suzy replied.

 Later on, back home, Suzy and Neil caught up with each other.  "How about I open a bottle of wine and we have a nice, relaxing night in?" he said.

"Sounds great...I'll just powder my nose first" said Suzy.  Neil went to get the wine and some snacks when there was a knock at the door.

"The best laid plans of mice and men..." he sighed as he went to answer it.  It turned out to be a friend of his, Andre.

"Andre?  What's up man, you look like you've had a nasty shock" said Neil.  Andre was looking downcast and miserable.

"Neil, old buddy, I don't think I can take this dating malarkey any longer!" said Andre in a panicked voice.

"Did tonight's go badly?" asked Neil.  He knew that Andre had been trying to get a date these last few months since he broke up with his old girlfriend.

"Badly?  It was a disaster...and I've had three of them this week!"

"Come inside and I'll pour you a drink...tell me all about it" said Neil.  The romantic evening in would have to go on hold.

"So what went wrong?" asked Neil

"Monday's date....she got drunk and proceeded to smash up the bar" sighed Andre.  "Wednesday's date took one look at me and screamed like I was..."

"One of the Beatles?" said Neil.

"No, like I was Vincent Price" said a despondent Andre.  "And tonight's date walked into the bar, took one look at me and walked out without pausing or stopping"

"Oh..." said Neil, stuck for something encouraging to say.  "Well, old buddy, just hang out here with us for a little've got friends here" he eventually said.

Neil went to see Suzy, who was in the bedroom touching up her make up.  "Suz, slight change of plan" he said.  "An old friend of mine has just popped around and he's in a pretty bad way"

"Oh, what's the matter?" asked Suzy.

"He's been jilted...a lot.  Got stood up on his wedding day last year and he's never really recovered from that.  He's trying the dating circuit again's going really badly for him.  He needs a bit of cheering up so I invited him to hang out with us.  Is that OK?  I know it means putting our nice evening in by ourselves on hold"

"Ouch!  No, poor guy, by all means let him hang out here.  Do you want to just be you guys and I'll lurk in the background?"

"You don't have to...maybe a woman's perspective could encourage him?" said Neil.

Suzy went out to say hello to Andre, who she had never met before.  "Hi, I'm Suzy, Neil's fiancée" she said.

Andre stood stunned when he saw her and looked her up and down before speaking.  "I'm, you're everything Neil said you were"

"I'm hoping he said nice things" said Suzy.

"Only nice things" said Andre.

"Neil said you've had a rough time this evening...a date went badly?" she asked.

"It was the worst!" Andre replied.

"Well you seem charming and polite so she must have had a problem" said Suzy.  "Come and have a seat and Neil will get you something to drink.

 Andre asked for a coffee and sat down at the table.  Neil tried to encourage him.  "Suzy works for 'Hey, Wow' magazine...I bet she has loads of tips for dating"

"As a matter of fact, I wrote a column about it last month" said Suzy.  "The key thing is to remain positive, despite the setbacks"

"I don't know...the more I strike out, the harder it gets" said Andre with a sigh.

"Some women sense panic and fear..." said Suzy.

"You sensed panic and fear in me when we first met" Neil replied.

"Actually you radiated positive energy when we first met" Suzy corrected him.  "You talked passionately about your art, which is what attracted me.  It was only afterwards, when we got talking more that I realised you were shy and needed a little coaxing"

"That's true!" said Andre.  "Back in college, Neil was too terrified to speak to girls!"

"But get him talking about something he likes and he relaxes and becomes positive, strong and....attractive" she said, winking at Neil.  "And that's what you need a bit of...positive energy, Andre."

"How do I get that?" he asked.

"Start with your body sit down over here and show me you being relaxed" said Suzy.  Andre gingerly stood up and walked to the sofa where he sat down next to her.

"You've got to be confident in yourself and let that radiate out" said Suzy.  "Right now you appear all tensed up"

"I am all tensed up" he replied.

"But there's no need to be.  Make yourself comfortable and at ease"

"I don't know if I can manage this!  What if everyone thinks I'm a loser?" 

"Don't think of yourself like that" said Suzy, trying to encourage him.  "OK, let's try something different.  Stand up.  Now give me a power walk"

"A what?"

"A walk that says you're in charge, you know who you are and what you like..." she said.

"Where did you get that line from?" asked Andre.

"An advert for men's cologne but that's not important...what is important is that you need to have better body language.  Now stand up, inhale, exhale, clench, unclench, shoulders back, head held high, you OWN this room!  Say it!"

"I own this room" he replied, meekly.

"More positive!" she said.


"That's give me a quick walk and turn.  And one...two...three....turn...hello!"

"How do you feel now?" she asked.

"Stupid...but I see where you're going with this" Andre replied.

She gave some more tips for Andre while Neil kept everyone supplied with drinks.  Andre thanked both of them for their time and went home.

"Aww, poor guy...his confidence has really taken a hit" she said.

"Yeah, he never gets the lucky breaks which is a shame because he's a really nice guy" said Neil.  "Which makes me all the more lucky because I found you" he said, giving her a kiss.

"Hmm, love you too" she said.  "Is Andre on our guest list because..."

"I know where you're going with this...yes he is.  Who do you have in mind?"

"Hmmm, Layla...she's from work.  Or Julia"

"Julia?  Isn't she a bit...resistant to dating?" said Neil

"Details, details!" replied Suzy.  

"Yawn...I'm getting real sleepy so I'm going to head off to bed" said Neil.  "You coming?"

"Not just yet...I'm still buzzing!" said Suzy.

"You always are when you've got a project.  Good night, see you in bed"

"See you, honey." she replied.  Looking out of the front window she saw a familiar face.  Gillian:  Malcolm Landgraab's ex girlfriend and wannabe model.  She wanted to catch up with her for a number of reasons.

"Gillian, isn't it?" asked Suzy.

"That's're Suzy Kent from 'Hey Wow" the girl replied.

" is it going with the modelling; are you still interested in that as a career?"

"Very much so.  Thanks for that contact you gave me:  I had a professional photographic portfolio done and now I'm applying for jobs"

"You're welcome.  I hope it goes well for you.  And are you still in touch with Malcolm Landgraab?"

Gillian shook her head.  "That louse stood me up and then dumped me for this French girl!"

"Oh...that's too bad" said Suzy.  "Well, I suppose you're better off out of his scene"

"Absolutely!  I could tell you a few stories about what he gets up to, believe me!"

"Oh I do believe must tell me"