He arrived downtown as the city centre started filling up. He could hear some music off in the distance so he decided to investigate. A crowd had gathered around a street musician near where the various spicy food stalls were operating. The musician looked familiar and on closer inspection it turned out to be the man he met the other night at the Blue Velvet: The man who taught Jeremy some groovy moves....Bakko Jang. He was strumming a blues tune and getting a lot of attention and approval for his silky guitar playing. Jeremy was impressed and tipped a 5 Simoleon bill into the guitar case.
"Cheers, guy" said Bakko, with a wink.

"Fancy seeing you here, Jeremy" said another familiar voice. Looking around, Jeremy saw Geoffrey Landgraab standing next to him.
"Hello Geoffrey, are you here for the music or the curries?"
"A little of both, and you?"
"I'm still exploring the city...is your wife with you?" said Jeremy, looking around.
"Erm no....she's got an important work do this evening?" said Geoffrey, sheepishly.
"Sorry to hear that"
"It's not uncommon for her to work late. Very late sometimes...it's a safe job"
"Regular pay, benefits?" said Jeremy.
"No, an actual safe job, like in a bank"
"Erm....the opposite" said Geoffrey, nervously.
There was an awkward silence before Jeremy made his excuses and ordered a Chinese dish he'd never heard of from the kiosk.
"You seem like the type of man who enjoys a bit of....spice" said a red headed lady in her 40s, who had suddenly appeared next to Jeremy.
"I'll try anything once" he replied.
"I bet you do...and if you like it you want more and more!" said the lady, batting her eyelashes at him. I swear, every time I go to eat some strange lady starts hitting on me, thought Jeremy.
She introduced herself as Katrina Caliente. The name meant nothing to him but she looked like a woman who'd eat hapless young men like Jeremy alive.
"My is that the time, I have to get up early for work tomorrow!" said Jeremy.
"Tomorrow's Saturday" she replied, making a move towards him.
"I work in security...we have no days off. Bye!" and with that, he jogged back to the subway station.
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