Saturday, 14 August 2021

CHAPTER 118: Lunch Date


"...and add a touch of nutmeg and KERPOW!  Let the culinary magic take place!" Jeremy was treating Barbara to a special breakfast concoction:  Scrambled eggs a la Saint.  When he arrived in Willow Creek he basically knew how to boil water and now, after reading a bunch of cookbooks and watching the cooking channel he was imagining himself as a male Julia Child.

"It smells wonderful" said Barbara, who was taken aback by all this attention and level of detail Jeremy was putting into this breakfast.  The fact he was wearing sunglasses whilst cooking just made him look more cool.  But the proof of the pudding was in the eating and it was a hit with her.  

"You went the extra mile this morning" she said.

"Well, it's been a busy week for both of us...I thought I'd treat you and it's only just the morning" 

"Boy, has it been busy!" she replied.  "Ugh, I don't want to put a cloud on things but I've got to stop by the shop and do a stock update"

"Do you want any help with that?" 

"I don't want to put you out..."

"I don't mind at all" he said, taking her hands in his gently.  "This shop is our investment, I want to help out"

"OK then, but I promise it won't take long...but you can't go out looking like you're going for a run" she said.

After Jeremy had changed into something more sensible they headed off to Magnolia Promenade.  Pack's Clothing on a Sunday with no customers felt very relaxing to Barbara:  She could bask in her fledgling business, see the finer details of the shop's pop art design and contemplate more and ambitious fashion to sell.

"Right, I've checked the stock list and the weekly account ledger and it all adds up" said Jeremy as he exited the office and was walking over to Barbara.

"Oh that's good" she replied.  "I changed a couple of the outfits on the mannequins and all's looking good for tomorrow."

"And you'll be pleased to note that business was good last week.  Sales up on the previous one." 

"Are you my accountant now, Jeremy?"

"I come only have to pay me in kind" he replied.

"Oh really?" she said suggestively.  

Jeremy gulped as he realised that he'd inadvertently said something risqué.  

"You're such a darling" she said to him, gently stroking his arm.  "Now, I've bored you with the stock taking; what would you like to do next?  Your choice" 

"You know...It's such a lovely day..." he began.  Barbara nodded enthusiastically.

"...and peaceful.  Just you and me, by the river, watching the paddle boat go by, lots of discrete places around here..."

"I'm liking the sound of this so far" said Barbara, anticipating what he was going to suggest.

"So I was thinking we could sit outside and..."

" chess.  Swell" she said, flatly.  After all that build up she should have realised that her loyal, upstanding and gentlemanly boyfriend was a bit of a square.  But fair's fair; she did make him do a stock check on a Sunday so why not have a game of chess as a way of reciprocating?

Jeremy won...Barbara had only recently taken up the game as a way of spending more time with him but Jeremy himself was only a novice a few months ago.  She had to agree with him that Magnolia Promenade on a Spring Sunday was a lovely spot for hanging out.

"You pushed me hard in that game" he said.  "Well done.  How about another game?  One a little bit different?"

"Like Checkers?" she replied.

"Nothing like that....come..." he said, standing up and taking her by the hand.

"Hmmm, now this is a game I could get very used to" said Barbara as their lips parted.

"I was about I take you somewhere special for lunch?  Like the Villa Bovine?" he said.

"Now you're talking!" she replied.  "But I couldn't possibly wear this dress to somewhere like that"

"What's wrong with what you're wearing?  It looks fabulous"

"Jeremy, leave the fashion to me on this one:  For the Villa Bovine we'll need to look our best.  We can be home in 10 minutes, get changed, and be at the restaurant for lunch.  You can't wear a jacket with elbow patches to a place like that"

"Can't I?" said Jeremy, looking at his elbows to see what was wrong with his jacket.

"Of course not!  Let's go" she said, this time taking his hand.

Jeremy wore his trendy suit; the one that was recommended to him by Suzy Kent.  Barbara changed out of her outfit and into a brand new skirt suit she had purchased the day the bank approved the loan to buy the shop:  It was so new it was still in its box.  Jeremy's jaw hit the floor when he saw her dressed to the nines.

"I didn't know you had that suit" he said, looking up and down at her in amazement.  "You look...stunning"

"Thanks.  This is about the most expensive outfit I've ever bought...I was saving it for Suzy's wedding but I can't wait that long.  I'm glad you like it"

Jeremy more than just liked it, it was the kind of well tailored suit that would make him proud to be seen with her.

It was a risk choosing the Villa Bovine as they hadn't booked ahead but they were in luck.  There was one table for two available.

"Luck is on our side" said Barbara, as they were seated.

"Luck?  Pshaw!  You're too stunning to turn away" he replied.

" name is Zane and I'll be your waiter today" said a dapper young man with a neat moustache and even neater waiter outfit.  "The chef's special today is Butternut Gnocci with fresh pesto and garnished with wild rocket and pine nuts...would you also like the wine list?"

Jeremy looked to Barbara to see if she wanted any and she nodded enthusiastically.  "Yes, thank you Zane"

"Voila" he said, handing them the list.  "I shall return when you're ready to order" 

"Would we need to signal to you when we are?" asked Jeremy.

"Sir, I will just know when the time is right"  said Zane, confidently.

"You know, I'm tempted by the butternut gnocchi" said Barbara.  

"How about a bottle of white to share?  I'll think I'll try this that one instead, he said choosing a wine based purely on how nice the description of it sounded."

No sooner had they shut their menus than Zane returned.

"Are you ready to order?" he said.

"Yes, I'll have the chef's special" said Barbara.

"An excellent choice, Madam.  And for you sir?"

"The minestrone...oh and the Zinfandel" Jeremy replied.

"Very good" said Zane, finishing writing the order down with a little flourish of the pen.

"Can we afford to eat here?" asked Barbara, nervously.

"I said the accounts were good and they are.  Between the shop making a profit and my salary we're doing OK.  Why not treat ourselves from time to time?"

"I'm so glad you're keeping an eye on things.  I sometimes think what big thing we should do next?" mused Barbara.  Jeremy froze for a moment:  A big thing might mean getting married and was he ready for that step?

"For example" she continued.  "Should we keep living in our little house with our fantastic neighbours or move out to somewhere a bit bigger?"

Jeremy breathed a sigh of relief.  "Well, our finances aren't quite there for a move.  We sunk a lot of savings into the shop.  But with moving, where did you have in mind?"

"Not far...Newcrest or another part of Willow Creek.  I don't want to have to commute a vast distance to the shop or lose touch with our friends"

"I'm glad you said that and not move to Canada" he joked.

"What's wrong with Canada?" she said, looking offended.

"Oh nothing...actually, I've never been there.   I just meant that it would be too far from our friends and work."

"Could our finances stretch to visiting my family in Montreal some time soon?" she said, smiling invitingly at him.

Jeremy froze again.  Meeting the parents...that's another bold move.  That was moving things along as well.  He thought for a brief moment; yes, the time was right to meet the parents.  "When I get some vacation time, yes.  I'd like that."

"I mean my brothers can get a bit rowdy and my dad distrusts all my old boyfriends but they'll all love you"

"Old...boyfriends?" he said, nervously.  

"Maybe we could also make a trip to Crested Butte to visit your family?" she asked, not picking up on Jeremy's comment.

"Well, there's not many of them left.  Mum and dad passed away a few years ago and it's just my two aunts now...but they'd love to meet you:  I've mentioned you in letters to them."

"Aww, how sweet you still write to your aunts" she said, reaching out to touch his hand.

Meanwhile, over at the next table, Geoffrey and Nancy Landgraab were engaged in a deep conversation.

 "I'm worried about what the Visitors might try next, Geoffrey" said Nancy, nervously.

"The fire was a warning, that's all.  Lily should never have brought Alan Cuffe into our confidence; he's not the right type of person.  If the rumours are true, he's seeking psychiatric help:  Anything he says about it will be dismissed as the ramblings of a man having a nervous breakdown." said Geoffrey, calmly

"But the police are all over this AND that shooting last month.  You know they still have me down as a suspect.?"

"I've sorted that:  They won't pursue you on that matter anymore."

"I've heard that damned reporter, Suzy Kent, made contact with Jonathan"

At this, Geoffrey put down his knife and fork and looked across at Nancy with a look of deep concern.

"That I did not know.  Hmmm, I can't say for certain what Jonathan might tell her...he only knows a few things, nothing seriously damaging but I do share your concern about Miss Kent:  Rest assured, I have a plan for dealing with her as well.  Changing the subject, I see that young Jeremy Saint is here with his girlfriend."

"You've taken a shine to him, haven't you?" replied Nancy.

"He's a decent guy, got a good head for business...his problem is that he's too honest.  I was thinking about luring him away from Dewey's and getting him to work for us"

"For what reason?"

"I need some people working close to me who can handle the legitimate arm of the business and keep the finger of suspicion away from us.  Saint is the kind of man I can trust to run a project that would make Landgraab Enterprises look squeaky clean.  Of course, over time, he'll learn how the real world works but Dewey's won't develop that side of him like we could."

Over at the restaurant bar, George and Edna Sneedley were having a drink whilst waiting to be seated.

"Oh look, George, there's that sweet young man Jeremy Saint sitting over there" said Edna.  George peered over his glasses to get a better look.  

"Who is he with?" asked George.  Edna narrowed her eyes and gave Barbara a hard stare.

"That would be his girlfriend...I don't know her name but she owns that vile clothing shop we visited last week" said Edna with a touch of disdain in her voice.

"Oh yes...there..." said George with a shudder.  He had one of his 'turns' in the shop when they visited.

"She'll lead young Jeremy to rack and ruin, mark my words" said Edna with a huff.  "Did you know they're not even married and YET share a house?  Disgraceful"

A waiter approached the couple.  "Mr & Mrs Sneedley?  Your table is ready for you, if you would like to follow me..." he said.

The Sneedleys followed the waiter but as they approached their table Edna was startled by Barbara laughing at a joke Jeremy had made.  The young woman had also crossed her legs at that moment and Edna was shocked to see that she was revealing a lot of thigh.  Edna recoiled, took a step back and bumped into the waiter, Zane.  The plates he was carrying from Jeremy and Barbara's table went flying into the air and landed in a heap on the floor.  Edna gave Zane a look of pure anger.

"You idiot!" she bellowed.  "Can't you see I was standing here?  Tsch!  This table and the floor is filthy...we won't sit at it, you must give us another!  If my suit is ruined I shall sent the cleaning bill straight to you!"

Jeremy and Barbara finished up their meal and settled the bill.  As they left, they passed a still angry Edna.  Jeremy felt awkward and knew he couldn't ignore her.  "Oh, hello Mrs Sneedley...I can...erm...really recommend the soup.  Well, erm, nice seeing you" he said, almost apologetically.  Edna returned a weak smile to him but looked up and down Barbara, not liking what she saw.

Jeremy and Barbara took a taxi home but he was starting to feel woozy and hot.  "I...don't...feel...well..." he gasped.

"You poor thing, was it something you ate at the restaurant?" she asked.

"I don't think stomach's fine, it's just my head.  I might have been doing too much lately and have run myself down."

"Let's get you home...we've got some of that fast acting medicine in the bathroom cupboard."

When they arrived back at Foundry Cove, Jeremy's face was covered in red blotches.

"Oh dear, let me look after you" said Barbara, touching his face in concern.  She led him into the house where she found the medicine.  Jeremy eschewed the spoon and drank half the bottle on the spot.  

"I'll just lie down on the bed for a while...wait for the medicine to take effect" he said, staggering to the bedroom.

"It is supposed to be fast acting" said Barbara.  She picked up the bottle and read the label, which listed the side effects.  "Erm...Jeremy...I don't think you should have taken so says here on the bottle..."

Jeremy suddenly appeared at the bedroom door.  "Well hello there!" he said in a seductive tone.  The blotches had cleared up and instead there was a mischievous look in his eye.

"...some side effects include a sudden burst of energy and increased libido" said Barbara, her voice trailing off.

"I don't think I praised you enough on just how stunningly beautiful you are" said Jeremy, taking her gently by the hand.  "And I certainly approve of your new outfit"

Barbara blushed...just what was in that medicine?  She didn't read the label for ingredients but instead took a large swig herself.  "I'm having what he's having" she thought.

They trotted off to the bedroom, their temperatures rising.

"Here's to us, darling!" said Jeremy, taking her by the waist.  She batted her eyelashes at him and they both succumbed to the moment.