"OK, Barbara...you've got that look in your eye. You seemed pleased as punch about something"
"Moi, Jeremy? Maybe I am pleased about something."
"OK, we've had our anniversary...both of when we first met and our first date. I've remembered your birthday...so what is it? Halloween isn't for another few weeks..."
"The new stock is arriving today. You know, that Carnaby Street fashion house has sent me some of their most exciting new clothing?"
"The stock that we paid quite a hefty price for? I was sceptical when you said we should import directly from England."
"Jeremy, I know this stuff will sell. We're heading into the Fall/Winter season and we need to freshen up our stock. Everything British is cool right now: The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, James Bond, Tom Jones, Mary Quant, Ozzie Clarke, Michael Caine. This stock is what the young Mods in London are wearing and the Americans are lagging behind on this!"
"You make it sound like the space race"
"It's a culture race and the US is behind England right now. I'm a Canadian: I'm part English, part French and part American. I can see things from a more balanced perspective. Now eat up, darling...we've got to get to the shop early to set things up."
There was an air of palpable excitement about Barbara and Jeremy hadn't seen her this mix of anxiousness and excitement since she started the boutique. They arrived in time to take delivery of boxes and boxes of clothing and then began the task of dressing the mannequins with the new items.
"It's just women's clothing, Jeremy, so just change the outfits on all our female dummies" said Barbara, getting into her role of shop manager.
Jeremy had a sharp cutting knife in his hand and was slicing through the packing tape to open up the boxes. He pulled out an item of clothing that was wrapped up in tissue paper, laid it across a table and opened it up. A see-through black whisp of nothing much was contained within and he held it up to see what on earth it was...some kind of VERY diaphanous blouse.
"Erm...you're going to have to help me out here, Babs. What is this?"
"That's a negligee, Jeremy. It's part of an intimates collection. In that same box should be some matching bras and knickers."
"Trust my luck to pick out underwear..." he said. He had to admit it looked sexy and wondered if Barbara would like to model a set.
It took an hour and a half to dress all the mannequins and the result was that the female section of the boutique looked radically different to what had been for sale just yesterday. It was a bold collection of outfits, to be sure, and Barbara was impressed by them but also had a small, nagging doubt as to how popular they would be with customers. Just how many Mods were there in Sim City?
It was now 8:40 and there was time to kill before opening time. Toni, their shop assistant, hadn't arrived yet so it was just the two of them, alone. Barbara was excited at the prospect of opening the shop and having amazed and thrilled customers flocking to the boutique. When she was feeling excited she tended to feel romantic towards Jeremy. She took his hands and kissed them, gently saying "thank you for being a part of all this. I wish we could just jump ahead 20 minutes in time so we won't have to wait."
"What to do in 20 minutes?" said Jeremy, suggestively. Barbara saw that look in his eye and smiled suggestively back at him.
"Well...Toni might show up any moment now so keep those dirty thoughts to yourself, Mr Saint! However there was one outfit I was keen to display but we've run out of mannequins. I was thinking I would become a human one myself and wear what I think is my favourite outfit of the new collection."
"It wouldn't be that black negligee set by any chance?" he asked.
"No, silly! I'd catch a cold in that! No, you wait here and I'll change out of this outfit and show you." she said, giving him a coquettish wave before disappearing into a changing room.
When she emerged Jeremy's jaw figuratively hit the floor. He was also stuck for words, so striking was Barbara's outfit.
"What do you think?" she asked.
"You don't like it?" she said, her glee suddenly gone and a worried look replacing it.
"No! I mean, yes! I mean...you look amazing!" Said Jeremy, desperately trying to encourage her again.
"Do you think so? This is THE Mod look! I love the hat and the little boots as well. I've long wanted a Mondrian dress and now I have one!" Barbara was happy again in an instant her frown became a smile once more.
"Wait a minute...that outfit is still property of the business, not us." said Jeremy, his business mind suddenly kicking into gear.
"I will pay for it out of my own savings...I have to have it! Everything: The dress, the hat, earrings, boots and tights."
"I think you've outdone Suzy in the Mod stakes. If we're ready to go, let's open up and see if your hunch pays off"
Toni arrived on the stroke of 9 and then 10 minutes later their first customer entered the boutique...but it was a man and thus the new collection wasn't what he was looking for. It wasn't until nearly 10am that the first female customer entered and already she saw something interesting.
"Good morning, Madam, are you interested in this particular outfit? It's brand new, from the House of Poppy all the way from Carnaby Street."
"Really? The customer's face lit up at the words. "I mean...it's so radical, so fab, it's great gear! It reminds me of....erm...what does it remind me of?"
"You mean the contrast of the cream and black colours? The Total Look?"
"A Rorschach ink blot test! But in a good way! I've gots to try it on!"
"Certainly madam, the changing rooms are right along here." Barbara was elated; an impressed customer!
Jeremy was likewise busy dealing with customers, all of whom were interested in the new range.
Lots of customers wanted to try things on, but there were no sales yet. Barbara, Jeremy and Toni were all busy serving but the success or failure of this new range depended on sales and Barbara was now starting to fear that it was too experimental, too cutting edge to find success in this one city in the US. Sim City was not as cosmopolitan as New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco nor a massive media and star driven place like L.A.
It took just one customer to determine the fate of this range. A beautiful red headed young woman of college student age who had tried on many outfits but had yet to find the one she was truly interested in.
She said her name was Daphne and she was an amateur sleuth by trade, along with some other friends from college. She wanted something in pink and purple; her two favourite colours and which she claimed were her signature look. As it so happened there was one outfit in the new range that fit the criteria and it was a strapless minidress that was designed to be worn formally or at some trendy hot spot in town. It came complete with complimentary accessories and when Daphne had tried it all on, she was ecstatic.
She emerged from the changing room and stepped into the main shop, under the spotlights and modelled dress. Barbara and Jeremy were impressed as this girl looked like a professional model. This didn't go unnoticed by the other customers and when they saw Daphne taking centre stage in the boutique, it prompted a flurry of enquiries about whether Barbara had more in stock.

At the close of business they sat down in their little staffroom and went over how the day went. It was one of Jeremy's ideas to install fridges stocked with food because he figured money and time could be saved if the option to eat on the premises existed.
"In the end we sold one male suit, two 'inkblot' outfits, 3 men's sweaters, 2 of those pink and purple party frocks and even 2 of those lingerie sets...in black." said Barbara, looking over her accounts book.
"At the mark up we put on those clothes we're well in profit today" replied Jeremy.
"I knew those Mod fashions would sell, I had a good gut instinct" said Barbara.
"I won't doubt you again" said Jeremy.
"Mind you, you've become quite the salesman. That man's suit, one of the party frocks and the sweaters were all down to you. If you weren't already co-owner of the shop I'd have had to pay you a commission."
"I've always been able to learn new things quickly" he replied.
"I've always been able to learn new things quickly" he replied.
"Well, I'm very happy things are working out for us!"
"Indeed they are! Say, how about we do our traditional thing and head on down to the Salty Paws Saloon for a few drinks, a little dance, some more drinks and a romantic evening stroll along the harbour?"
"And show off my new dress!" said Barbara.
"They won't know what hit them" replied Jeremy.
The sun was setting when they arrived at the Salty Paws Saloon; they had never been there during daytime but it was their regular, favourite watering hole. Jeremy was still amazed at how fabulous Barbara looked to the point of being transfixed by her.
They had arrived just ahead of the crowd. The Salty Paws could get very busy as the evening wore on with both people and cats...
Jeremy and Barbara noticed Eliza Pancakes was there as well...without Bob or their baby. "Bob must have volunteered to babysit" said Jeremy.
"Volunteered? Or maybe Eliza volunteered him?" said Barbara with a wry smile.
It wasn't long before the expected throng of patrons started showing up, some familiar, others new faces. One familiar face was part of the extended "Foundry Cove Gang"; people who were close friends or family of those living in Foundry Cove. On this occasion it was Francesca Griffiths, Julia's work colleague and best friend.
"Barbara! Oh my gosh you look amazing! Wonderful! Is that a new outfit? Where did you get it from?" Francesca gushed enthusiastically.
"This is brand new...arrived at the shop first thing this morning and I had to have it. We've got more in stock if you're interested"
"Oh I have to visit your boutique again, it's been too long. Now can I get away with wearing a dress like that?"
"Of course you can! Jeremy, do you think this dress would look fab on Francesca?" said Barbara as she put her boyfriend on the spot.
"Well...I mean...well...yes. If you like bright colours and I think you do given the red and orange you're wearing." he stammered in reply. "Let me buy you and Barbara a drink! I could sure do with another..."
As Jeremy ordered another round of drinks Barbara managed to have a conversation with Francesca.
"How are things going right now? How's Stefanie?" Barbara asked, sensitively.
Francesca nodded. "We're getting there...the routine of work and school helps and everyone's been great, really great but I miss Rod so much and there are times when the grief gets to us. Fortunately those days where I cry...and Stefanie as well...are getting fewer and farther between. Julia's babysitting tonight and she's wonderful."
"She is...and she's great with children; has a natural rapport with them."
"I just wish she could find a good husband and start a family of her own" mused Francesca.
"You know what Julia's like with relationships...nothing romantic." said Barbara.
"Well, I'm not so sure anymore...she's been on a couple of dates, you know?"
"No way! I didn't know." said Barbara in surprise.
"She doesn't talk about it much and the men she went out with were not right for her. The thing is, there's a man who's perfect for her but...well...he's not around." said Francesca with a shrug.
"Yes, Vincent. She still holds a candle for him. I hope and pray he comes back from the Congo to Sim City because he's the only man she's ever had genuine feelings for."
Barbara looked around the bar and noticed Eliza dancing with a man she didn't recognise. "Oh now there could be trouble..." she said to Francesca.
"Oh Eliza, why be so blatant about it?" said Francesca, shaking her head.
After downing a second drink, Barbara and Jeremy were ready to hit the dance floor but her energy had left her and it was a struggle do manage anything more than zombie like shuffle on the dance floor.
"I think I should take you home" said Jeremy.
"Ugh, I think you should as well...My eyelids are so heavy right now!" Barbara replied.
"I'll call a cab and you can take a nap on the way home, come on, my gorgeous Mod fashion model"
They said goodbye to the regulars at the bar, especially Francesca and a tipsy Eliza (who was enjoying the attention of some men in the place), caught a cab and went home. All the way Barbara had dozed off and rested her head on Jeremy's shoulder.
He looked at Barbara as she slept and thought about their future together. She was the one, for sure, and he should put a ring on her finger but with only 4 weeks to go before Summer and Travis' wedding he didn't think it right to propose now because that might be seen as stealing their thunder. Best to wait until after they return from honeymoon...but then when to plan his wedding for? March or April 1967 at the earliest. A spring wedding? Maybe...
He thought about popping the question, when and where and how, all the way home whilst she slept in the back of the cab but when they got home she had woken up and had perked up a little.
"Hmmm, so good to be home" she said as she headed for the bedroom. Before she kicked off her boots and took another moment to inspect herself in the mirror. "Wow! I love this outfit...it's my new favourite"
"You certainly turned heads...especially mine. Once again, I'm so fortunate to be your boyfriend" said Jeremy.
"You are adorable and say all the right things..." she said, smiling at him.
Like "would you do me the honour..." he thought to himself.
Barbara went towards him, threw her arms around him and gave him a big kiss.
"Hmmm, I thought you were tired?" he said when they broke apart for air.
"I was back at the Salty Paws...but now I'm feeling all sexy."
"You are, are you? Then maybe you'll appreciate this!"
"Oh yes! Hmmm, more! Or maybe...we should move this to the bed? Would you unzip me from my dress...carefully?"
"I will be the personification of delicacy"
Barbara threw her cap across the room and once out of her new dress she kicked off her boots and started to undress him. Then they went straight to bed, got under the covers and had a steamy bit of woohoo.
Well, maybe not a white wedding now... he thought, mischievously.
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