Wednesday 4 September 2024

CHAPTER 230: Friendly Neighbourhood Summer Holliday

The last day of Summer was a wistful time at the BFF household.  Liberty, as was her wont, was dreaming about the stars, the Moon and her boyfriend.  She thanked her blessings that she had a loving companion, good friends and the most amazing job anyone could wish for.

Summer and Travis were in the kitchen talking about wedding preparations.  It was now a month to go before they tied the knot and there were seemingly endless tasks still to do.

Whilst Travis just wanted the thing over and done with, Summer was relishing the planning and had typed out list after list of what needed to be done.  The church had been booked, and the catering, music and a whole slew of other things but now it was a matter of chasing up those invited guests who had been slow or unresponsive in replying.  She was loving all of this right down to exercising vigorously in order to maintain her shapely figure so the wedding dress would still fit. 

Travis brought her a cup of coffee and said "Summer...don't burn yourself with all this.  We've got all the things sorted that we need to sort out:  Let's just coast and relax before our big day."

"Relax?  Travis we have dozens of little tasks left to do!  The little name cards for each guest at the reception still needs chasing up.  The florist gave us square centrepiece vases instead of round...that will clash with the shapes of the tables!"

This sailed completely over Travis' head.  "OK, if you're sure you want to go down this route to madness, be my guest.  I'm heading off to work now; don't wear yourself down." he said.

Summer finished typing out her revised wedding schedule, showered and got dressed and then decided that she would check in on all her friends.  She didn't want to be alone at home on her day off because that was boring.  Once dressed, she went to visit Barbara and Jeremy but they weren't in:  It was probably another busy day at their shop.

Next she moved on to visiting Action who was at home, albeit in a somewhat undressed state...

"Come on in..." boomed Action.  "...Excuse my state; I worked the nightshift last night."

"That's cool..." she replied, noticing his bulging biceps for a moment before recovering her senses.  "How did it go?"

"The usual:  Muggers, hookers, drunks and pimps for the most part.  I'm still working these two murder cases though and I think I may be close to a breakthrough."

"I can't imagine doing your job.  You need to be tough, I guess.  Tough and well built to handle anything..." she said, her voice trailing off when she saw his muscular physique again.

"I keep in shape because you never know who or what is coming at you next!" he said, with steely growl in his voice.

"Hmmm, I can't say I relate to that but it's so nice that the police department have you working on our side."

They discussed his work and her wedding plans, which were two topics diametrically opposite to each other.  After 20 minutes, and Action saying he really needed to take a shower, Summer decided to pay a visit to another neighbour.

She found Julia looking bleary eyed and surrounded by medical textbooks and journals.

"Sorry the place is in such a mess..." Julia said by way of apology but to Summer the house seemed in pristine order with the exception of all the books lying around.

"No need to apologise, Jules.  Say, I could help you put this stuff away and do a bit of tidying." said Summer, ever her cheerful self.

"That's kind, Summer, but I'm sure you have more important things on your mind like your wedding preparation." said Julia.

"Well, yes, but I've done all I can on that front for now which is why I'm visiting all my friends today!"

"I welcome the break from the studies" Julia replied.  "And how's Travis coping with the wedding planning?"

Summer let out a sigh.  "He's relaxed...maybe TOO relaxed about it.  He doesn't want to get too involved in the planning though:  He just thinks all that happens is that we show up at the chapel and that's that.  He's leaving most of the work to me.  I just hope he doesn't go on another eating binge and he ends up not being able to fit into his suit!"

"Sounds like some of my uncles!  In my family, we have so many festivals, get togethers and special events my mother is a mistress of organisation:  Rumour has it she was on General Eisenhower's staff during the war...SNORT!" She laughed in her unusual, nasal style.

"Well, she will sure come in handy when it comes time for you to get married!" said Summer but Julia's smile suddenly vanished when she said that and Summer immediately recognised that romance was a subject that made Julia uncomfortable.

"Sorry to mention that, Jules."

" made a reasonable point that most people wouldn't think twice's my hang up, I know.  It's not like I never want to get married's difficult to explain.  I just hate the process of courting, that's all."

"One day it'll all come together for you, I'm sure, Jules." Summer nearly patted Julia on the knee as a way of encouragement but thought better of it.

"...let me help with that pile of dishes" Summer added.

Next on her list of people to visit, it was the turn of their newest neighbour, Joanna.  She was a college student but lived off campus so she could usually be found in half the time.

"Come on in, excuse the mess..." came Joanna's voice after Summer had knocked on the door.  When Summer went inside she thought the place looked great and couldn't see any mess.

"You shouldn't've got the place looking great OH MY GOSH WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?"

Summer suddenly caught sight of Joanna and the girl was covered head to foot in a thick layer of soot.

"Yeah, excuse the mess...I mean, me" Joanna replied.  "I was clearing out the chimney and...well...I got it wrong and the soot came rushing down and covered me, and the kitchen.  Now I'm having to clear it all up.  Have a seat."

"So how's college going?" asked Summer.

"Great...I've never experienced anything like it.  Such a world away from what I'm used to but the course is really interesting and it's keeping me busy." Joanna replied.

"I never went to college" said Summer.  "I spent a year at catering school but that's what I like:  Hospitality and all that."

"Well you've got your big day and all that.  That's one heck of a catering event!"

"Yes it's going to be and I've personally scrutinised and chosen the meal and canapes.  Listen, Joanna, when I got engaged you'd only just moved in and we didn't know you well but these last couple of months have seen us get friendlier and you're now part of our little community.  We still have a couple of places left at our wedding:  Would you like to come as our guest?

"Yeah, sounds cool.  I've never been to a fancy wedding before.  Thanks, Summer." said Joanna, her face lighting up with joy.

"Never been to a wedding before?  Wow." replied Summer, slightly shocked.

"It's just that where I grew up, people didn't tend to get married..."

Summer hadn't realised just what an impoverished background Joanna hailed from before.  It was eye opening to get a glimpse into a world of poverty, desperation and the grim life of the ghetto.  After leaving the cosy confines of Foundry Cove she headed over to the more wealthy and genteel neighbourhood of Courtyard Lane:  Home of her second best friend, Suzy, and her husband Neil.

Being married and moving away from Foundry Cove hadn't hurt their friendship and Suzy was overjoyed to see her friend.

"Summer, wonderful to see you.  Now how is everything going with the Big Day?  Let me tell you from experience that the last month just races by!"

"Yep...I feel there's no going back now!  I've been going through a rollercoaster of emotions from initial excitement, feeling overwhelmed, purposeful and now I can't wait for the day itself!"

"And how's Travis bearing up?  No cold feet from him?" Suzy joked.

"Oh he's being his usual self:  'maintain an even strain' as he says.  He's not as gushing as I am about getting married but I can tell he's keen on it."

"That's great..." Suzy was about to say something else but she was interrupted by the arrival of Neil."

"Honey, have you seen the Burnt Umber?" he called out.

" that a shade of paint?  You left some tubes in the lounge; it could be there." Suzy replied.

Neil entered the lounge and he was startled to see Summer there; startled and embarrassed as he was still in his pyjamas.

"Oops, ahhh, yes.  Sorry about my, erm, appearance" he said apologetically as his cheeks turned red.  "It's just that I had a flash of inspiration for my latest painting and I just leapt out of bed this morning and forgot to shower and get dressed."

"No need to apologise, Neil" said Summer, turning her head away from him to spare him any further embarassment.

"I tell you what, Sum." said Suzy, standing up and clapping her hands.  "How about you and I go somewhere for a drink and a catch up and we'll leave our resident artiste to find his Burnt Umber?"

The place they settled on was the Rattlesnake Juice Bar; somewhere where they hadn't been for some time.  Suzy advised not going to a bar that was more local because of all the press attention she'd been receiving lately and that reporters had been known to camp outside of the Blue Velvet Nightclub.

The bar was busy but the girls found room to order a couple of glasses of wine and have a conversation without having to raise their voices in order to be heard.

"My advice for the big day..." said Suzy " make sure you can get a drink.  You'll be buffeted by family, friends, photographers and caterers all wanting to say congratulations or ask you questions and whilst they'll manage to get a drink quite easily, you won't.  So if you're feeling parched, you just give me the nod and I'll make sure you get a drink!"

"That's great advice, Suzy, and I'll remember about the nod." Summer replied.

"Excuse me, are you Suzy Kent?" said a young woman suddenly butting in to Summer's conversation with her friend.

"I am" said Suzy.

"I just love your column in 'Hey Wow' and congratulations on that big article in this month's issue.  I had no idea about the Landgraabs" continued the woman.

"That's nice of you to say so" said Suzy, respectfully.

Suzy returned to speaking with Summer.  "So can you give me a hint about what your dress is going to be like?"

"No.  That's a secret known by only me and Liberty..." said Summer.

"Hey, you're that Suzy Kent from that magazine!" said another woman, suddenly recognising her.

"Yes, yes I am.  Are you a fan?"

"A BIG, about Malcolm Landgraab..."

And it continued this way for about an hour.  Summer and Suzy would be talking and a fan would show up and interrupt them.  Suzy would always be polite and answer a couple of questions but to Summer it appeared that fame was starting to take over Suzy's life.

Eventually Summer said goodbye to Suzy and made her way home.  There was a small matter of bringing in the mail, which contained junk, bills and a few RSVP returns from wedding guests confirming their attendance.  As Summer checked her mailbox, an acquaintance stopped to say hello.

"Hello, it's Summer, isn't it?" said the woman who Summer recognised as model and night club hostess Tiffany Lawson.  They had met once earlier on in the Summer at Suzy's old house when she was being interviewed for Suzy's magazine.

"That's right:  You're Tiffany from the Lothario club" Summer replied.

"You've got a good memory.  I was just passing and thought I'd call in on Suzy but she doesn't live there anymore."

"No, she moved out and bought a house in Courtyard Lane with her husband" said Summer.

Tiffany nodded as she had been at the wedding herself.  "Yeah, that makes sense.  Going up in the world and all that.  I see she's doing really well after those articles about the Landgraabs.  Good for her"

"I can write down her new address and phone number if you like." said Summer, ever the helpful one.

"Thanks, yeah, that would be great.  And you're keeping well?" Tiffany asked.

"Sure...couldn't be better.  In fact I'm getting married myself soon." said Summer, beaming with pride.

"To that same guy you've been dating?  What's his name?  Trent?"

"Travis...and here he is now.  I'll go and write down those contact details for you" said Summer passing Travis on the steps as she went inside.

"Now I know you from somewhere..." Travis said to Tiffany.

"A lot of men say that" said Tiffany, raising an eyebrow in a suggestive manner.

"Don't tell me...It's...erm...were you in the news not that long ago?"

"Not the news but you're probably thinking of a magazine.  Shall I tell you?"

"No.  I'm keen to guess.  A magazine you say?  Hmm, not a music one.  What genre?"

"Men's lifestyle"

Travis thought for a moment before his eyes went wide.  He was about to say something as the penny dropped but Liberty, who had recently arrived back from work, suddenly interrupted him.

"From Suzy's wedding, Travis" she said.

"That must be it...although you seem more familiar from somewhere else" he said.  Summer then appeared on the porch and handed Tiffany a piece of paper with Suzy's phone number on it.

"Thanks, Summer.  I gotta go now but nice seeing you again...and you, Travis.  Meowwww" she said, mimicking a cat raising its paw.

Back inside the house the three housemates sat down for dinner and when Travis excused himself to go to the bathroom, Summer and Liberty could have a private talk.

"She's never been rude to me or anything like that but that Tiffany always rubs me up the wrong way.  There's something there, I can't put my finger on it, that doesn't seem right."

"If you ask me she always looks like she's on the prowl for men" replied Liberty.  "Not surprising considering she poses naked for magazines."

"I was asked to pose for Lothario magazine once..." said Summer.  Liberty just stared agog at her.

"Really?  How did that happen?" she asked, shocked at her friend's revelation.

"I once met Alan Cuffe and he asked me.  I said no, of course"

"Of course.  I wonder if Travis reads Lothario?" mused Liberty.

"Well, if he does he won't be doing so after October 8th, that's for sure!  I shall be enough for him." she said, haughtily.

Once the dishes had been put away and Liberty went off to do some reading before her bedtime, Summer and Travis found themselves alone in the kitchen together.  

"Travis my dear..." she began.  "Do you read Lothario magazine?"

He sensed a trap being set and gulped.  "Only for the articles, Summer my love"