Friday 4 December 2020

CHAPTER 69: Looking For Malcolm Landgraab


Back at her house, Suzy began to type up her notes of what she'd found whilst Neil brewed some coffee and acted as a sounding board for her ideas. Soon they were joined by Barbara Dubois from next door.

"Hey...Jeremy said you'd found something in that old tree. It sounds exiting" she said.

"I wouldn't say 'exciting'" said Neil, handing Barbara a cup of coffee. "But there's something more to that tree than meets the eye. Suzy wants to check it out again another day."

Suzy stopped typing and got up. "Well, whatever's in that tree the Landgraabs probably know about it. Say, all this speculation is getting to be a about we go and have some fun?" she said.

"Great! What do you suggest?" said Barbara.

"We could catch a movie or go bowling?" suggested Neil.

"If we went to the Bowl-o-Rama we could do both!" said Suzy. So it was agreed; a bowl then a movie afterwards.

The Bowl-O-Rama, 6pm

When they arrived at the place, Suzy couldn't believe her luck. "That's....Malcolm Landgraab and he's here!" she exclaimed.

"Is that significant?" asked Neil.

"Yes! I've been trying to track him down for weeks now and here he is" said Suzy.

"It looks like he's wearing one of those specialty bowling shirts" said Barbara. "Maybe he's part of a team?"

"Of course...let's follow him in. I'll book us an adjacent lane so I can keep tabs on his movements" said Suzy. Her friends shrugged their shoulders and followed along.

They checked in, got a bowling land and changed their shoes. Then they went to have a game but Suzy, all the while, was keeping tabs on Malcolm. He indeed was in team along with a fellow teen and an older lady. Malcolm had this special handshake with his team mate which they used every time one of them got a strike or a spare. Suzy noticed that some money and a small envelope would change hands when they did this.

About halfway through the game Suzy was surprised to see Bella Goth arrive, not wearing anything suitable to go bowling, and approach Malcolm. They seemed to be having a quiet conversation which Suzy couldn't overhear.

Bella smiled and cocked her head slightly towards Suzy "A journalist" she said.

Malcolm took the hint and nodded. He then returned to playing the game. Meanwhile Bella approached Suzy, Neil and Barbara. "Suzy, nice to see you"

"And you too, Bella" Suzy replied. She noticed that Mrs Goth was wearing her stiletto heels instead of bowling shoes. "Are you not going to have a game, Bella?"

Bella paused before answering "No. Just a flying visit really to see Malcolm. He and Cassandra are study partners at school and he had forgotten something which Cassandra had wished to pass on. I'm just the messenger."

"Oh I see" said Suzy, only half believing her. "I don't think I've met Malcolm yet...would you introduce us?" she continued. Bella took a deep breath and nodded.

"Malcolm...this is Suzy Kent from 'Hey Wow' magazine, I trust you've heard of it" said Bella.

"I have indeed. I also hear that you've been wanting to interview me for some time" said Malcolm to Suzy.

"That's true; I've spoken with both your parents but you've been very elusive of late" she replied.

"Got to stay ahead of the game, I'm sure you understand" said a cool, collected Malcolm.

"Hey, Malcolm...are you going to finish this game and give out the...prizes?" said the fair haired older lady.

"Prizes?" said an intrigued Suzy. "Are you in some kind of competition?"

"Private members only, Miss Kent" replied Malcolm. "Listen, babe" said Malcolm to the lady "all in good time. Well I mustn't keep my team mates waiting, Miss Kent, and I can see your friends are ready for you as well" he said, indicating Barbara and Neil. He turned away and continued to bowl. Suzy went back to her lane.

"I know he's up to something!" said a defiant Suzy.