Sunday, 11 April 2021

CHAPTER 95: Throw Me A Curveball Or Two

 Suzy Kent slipped out of bed early on Sunday morning being careful not to awaken her boyfriend, Neil, who was still fast asleep.  She had arranged to meet someone for breakfast, someone who could help her with the next instalment in her expose on the secrets of Sim City.  She gingerly opened a drawer in her clothes chest, careful not to make a loud noise that would disturb Neil so she could fetch some underwear and ever so softly sat on the edge of their bed so she could put on her tights.  She cursed under her breath the noise the zipper on her dress made as she wriggled to zip it up herself and decided to put on her boots in the living room rather than in the bedroom.  Leaving a note on the dresser to explain to him that she'd gone to meet a contact for breakfast, she tiptoed out of the room and gently shut the door.  That done, she put on her favourite white go-go boots, grabbed a shoulder bag and left the house.

Her destination was Windenburg, to a cafe that she knew that was mainly frequented by studios, intellectual types as it had its own library on site.  The person she was meeting was none other than Bella Goth.  Bella and Suzy had met a few times in recent months and had gotten along well...although her husband, Mortimer, was sceptical about his wife meeting with a journalist (albeit a fashion one) for fear that it would dredge up unpleasant memories of the time when she vanished mysteriously.  Mortimer thought that Suzy was trying to write an expose of that incident.

In reality, Suzy wasn't pursuing that line of enquiry.  She was more interested in the activities of the Landgraabs and Bella was willing to share some information about them.  The two women sat down at an outside table, ordered coffee and croissants, and began to talk.

"I hope you don't mind" said Bella "but I've taken the liberty of asking an acquaintance to come and join us here.  I think you'll find what she has to say...interesting"

Suzy was intrigued.  "What does she know?" she asked.

"I think it's better if it came from her...suffice to say that young Malcolm might be Geoffrey's nominated heir, but that could be contested by another party"

Suzy put down her coffee and stared with great interest at Bella.  Bella took a sip of her cappuccino but managed not to get her lips wet or show a trace of foam.  Everything Bella did was with the upmost elegance.

"Can you tell me what this person's connection to the Landgraab's is?" asked Suzy.

"She's a member of a social club that Nancy Landgraab and myself are part of.  She's a widow who's very wealthy husband died of a heart attack whilst on the golf course a couple of years ago.  Her son attends the same school as Malcolm and Cassandra"

"I'm intrigued already" said Suzy, downing the last of her coffee.  They finished up their breakfast whilst making small talk about their day to day lives before Bella spotted the woman they'd come to meet.  They got up to go inside and talk to her.  The woman was in her late 30s by the look at her but was wearing a very trendy from a recent collection that she'd reported on only a few days ago.

"Sammi, lovely to see you...thank you for coming" said Bella after the two had air kissed each other's cheeks.  "May I introduce you to Miss Suzy Kent from 'Hey, Wow' magazine?"

"Delighted to meet you, Miss Kent" said Sammi.

"Please, call me Suzy" 

"Do you know, it was your recommendation in this week's issue of 'Hey, Wow' that led me to buying this dress?"

"High collars and floral patterns are in this season" replied Suzy.

"Indeed.  Now Bella says you're gathering information for an article you're writing about the Landgraabs?" said Sammi.

"That's correct.  I want to know about how their business interests...especially ones they prefer to keep out of the public eye" said Suzy.

"Oh they've got plenty of those!" said Sammi, waving a hand.  "All of them...what Geoffrey gets up to is different from Nancy's activities and as for young Malcolm...well, he's starting his own empire before even graduating from school!"

"That's very interesting...can you elaborate on what those activities might be?" said Suzy, taking notes.

"Well....Geoffrey's buying up land wherever he can for...reasons.  He's very tight lipped about that.  Nancy, well, nothing's ever been confirmed but there are rumours..." and at the mention of that, her voice dropped low and quiet.  "...that her business isn't all together legal."

"She's involved in crime?" asked a shocked Suzy.

"Nothing but rumours, my dear" said Sammi, shaking her head.  "I wouldn't want you to print anything that couldn't be verified...Geoffrey has very powerful lawyers.  As for Malcolm...he's a terrible bully:  Picked on my beloved son Darren for so long after his father passed away.  There's nothing that boy won't stoop to, including having his brother disinherited"

Suzy put down her pad and pen.  "Wait a minute" she said.  "A brother?  The Landgraabs have two sons?"

"Oh yes, didn't you know?" said Sammi.  Bella shook her head.  "Even I didn't know that!" she said.

"Jonathan Landgraab, the eldest of two sons.  He was disinherited, some say on Malcolm's urging, and completely cut out of their lives.  They won't acknowledge him and rumour has it his name is not to be mentioned in their presence."

"That's very interesting" said Suzy, picking up her pad and scribbling this new information down.  "And does Jonathan still live in the city?" she asked.

"Yes he does...but he doesn't use the Landgraab name anymore.  He changed it to Johnny Zest....I hear he's some kind of struggling entertainer based over at Oasis Springs"

"Sammi, this is fantastic information.  I'll be sure to check it out!" said an enthusiastic Suzy.  "Let me buy you another coffee at least"

A familiar face walked over to Suzy and the other ladies:  Bakko Jang.  It'd been a while since the two of them met and he was always a friendly, welcome presence.

"Hey Suzy....Bella" he said, acknowledging Mrs Goth.  "I'm not staying but I thought you might want to know...I heard a little of your conversation and wanted to warn you.  There's a lady over there; the one with long blonde hair and wearing a pink sleeveless sweater.  She's an associate of Malcolm Landgraab."

Suzy looked over in the direction Bakko had indicated and nodded.  "Well, I'd better settle up here and make good use of this information you've provided.  Sammi, Bella...and Bakko, thank you for all your help this morning"

Suzy could barely contain her excitement as she headed back home to type up her notes.  Now she'd made a real breakthrough!

"Hi, honey, I'm home!" said Suzy when she entered the house.

"I thought I was supposed to say that?" said Neil.  "And you look bright and breezy:  I take it your special breakfast went well?

"Better than expected!" she replied, enthusiastically, and then they hugged each other tightly.

"Now what have you got planned for the rest of the day?" asked Neil.

"With the new information I've just found out I have to do some research" said Suzy.  She noticed that Neil looked taken aback.  "I'm sorry, did you make plans?" she said, awkwardly.

"I did" he replied.  "I was going to take you out to the Solar Flare"

" about I do my work this afternoon and we'll have a special time of just us this evening at the Flare?"

"I'll hold you to that!" said Neil.  "So what do you have to do next?"

"I need to find a comedian" she said, matter of factly.

"A comedian?" Neil raised an eyebrow.  "Oh this is going to be good..."

"I need to interview a comedian, someone called Johnny Zest.  We have a phone book and I think his name might be mentioned in a back issue of 'Hey, Wow'....if we can find either a direct contact number for him or at least his agent's that would be my goal"

"Right, we'd better start going through that stack of old magazines...I'll get the phone book" said Neil.  "What?  You thought I've got anything else to do but get involved in one of your projects?" he said with a wry smile.

Clearing a space on the dining table, Suzy looked through the back issues to see if there's any mention of Johnny Zest and Neil went through the phone book compiling a list of theatrical agents to call.  As one did the phoning, the other scoured for any information that could be gleaned about Johnny Zest.

"Only a couple of agents recognised the name" said Neil at last.  "He's not represented by anyone as far as I can tell"

"Hmmm, I've found a couple of reviews of his set in these back issues" said Suzy.  "Let's give the clubs a call to see if they know where he can be contacted"

Another phone call later led to a breakthrough:  One comedy club manager said that Johnny didn't have an agent but provided a contact phone number.  Quickly pouncing on that lead, Suzy dialled the number and waited expectantly for someone to pick up the phone at the other end.

"Hello...Johnny Zest, comedian extraordinaire speaking"

"Oh hello, Mr Zest?  My name is Suzy Kent and I work for 'Hey, Wow' magazine.  Is it possible to set up an interview with you?"

Not long after the phone call, Suzy and Neil found themselves in Oasis Springs standing outside the modest home of Mr Jonathan Landgraab...or Johnny Zest as he was more popularly known.

"How shall we play this?" asked Neil.

"Well...I kind of left it vague that I was more interested in his family background than his comedy career.  I'm going to have to weave questions about the former in with the latter so he doesn't clam up on us." Suzy replied.

"What do you want me to do?" said Neil.

"Best bet is to keep his mood light; maybe you should ask some questions about his comedy and I'll ask the personal stuff"

Suzy went up to the front door and knocked on it.  "It's open" came the reply from within.

"Mr Zest?" asked Suzy.  A young, fair haired man wearing a jacket that would have looked more fitting on a middle aged man rather than a man in his early 20s greeted her warmly.  There was something about Johnny Zest that was slightly old fashioned:  A high school heartthrob in the mould of James Dean thrown forward a decade in time.

"Have a seat Miss Kent" said Johnny.  "Can I get you a drink of something?"

"Coffee would be just fine....and my assistant will be along shortly" replied Suzy.

"Your assistant?" replied a slightly disappointed looking Johnny.  "I'll make a pot then"

They all sat down and Suzy got out her notebook.  Johnny's home...and enlarged trailer really...was a strange mix of faded gothic, cheap appliances, over elaborate dining chairs around a plywood and Formica counter top.  Right in the middle of his living area was a professional standard microphone and mike stand.

"This is an honour and a pleasure being interviewed by Hey, Wow magazine" began Johnny after he'd made the coffee.  "Did you catch my recent show?"

"Erm...I didn't.  Did you, Neil?"  said Suzy, looking for assistance immediately.

", not personally, but a colleague said it was very good.  Very amusing he said" Neil stumbled his way to what he hoped was an appropriate response.

"Very amusing...I should put that on my next promo poster" said Johnny.  "But audiences have been good lately...I was killing it at the Blue Velvet the other night so watch this space!"

"We have our review team writing a piece about your show but we're here today to find a little more about the man behind the jokes" said Suzy.  

"I prefer to focus on my humour" said Johnny.

"What we mean" interjected Neil "is that where do you get your ideas and jokes from?"

"Yes" continued Suzy "what inspires you...was it your upbringing?  Your experiences growing up or something more recent?"

"Oh I see...." said Johnny, looking upwards for inspiration.  "Well, I've always been a bit of a joker...growing up and especially at school" he said.

Suzy wrote down some notes "and was that appreciated by your teachers...or your parents?" she said, knowingly.

"Used to drive my teachers for my folks..." Johnny twisted his head slightly in discomfort at some painful memory.  "Well....they didn't like it."

There was an awkward silence for a moment...Suzy was unsure of her next question.  "And now...are they supportive?" she asked, gingerly.

Johnny put down his coffee cup with some force.  "No.  Let's move on"

"I'm sorry if I've touched a nerve" said Suzy.

"Well...that's a chapter of my life that's closed.  My family and I.....well, like I said, I want to move on" Johnny replied holding up his hands in a gesture of halt.

Neil chimed in again "Is the life of an up and coming comedian making his way in the scene different from what you were used to before?  I mean in terms of lifestyle?"

"Do you mean do I like being poor compared to what I had growing up...I see where you two are coming from.  You know, don't you?"

Suzy felt embarrassed as she knew they'd been rumbled.

"Well we had done some background research before contacting you, Mr Zest" said Suzy.  "And we couldn't help but notice your stage name didn't match your birth certificate.  We just thought the son of the wealthiest family in Sim City as a stand up comedian was an angle for the article that was worth looking into"

"Well, I've cut ties with them...or, more accurately, they've cut ties with me." said Johnny.  "But I can do without their money and politics"

"How about your brother, does he keep in touch?" asked Suzy.

"Malcolm?" Johnny let out a short laugh of derision.  "If there were sparks between me, mom and dad then Malcolm was a tank of gasoline thrown on them.  He's a squirt, a suck up and a backstabber...pardon my French.  Look, that's all I'm going to say about them...let's stick to the comedy or else we can end the interview here" he said with some finality.

"No, I want to go on" said Suzy.  "So tell me about your recent gigs and whether you have plans to showcase your act at the forthcoming Humour and Hijinks festival?"

"I now have a regular spot at the Blue Velvet but the Humour and Hijinks festival, are you kidding me? That's a complete scam!" said Johnny with another laugh of derision.

"It's a scam?" asked an incredulous Suzy.  "I've been there a few times and it seemed above board"

"Oh really...tell me, Miss Kent, did you notice the kind of people who show up to it?  Can you name any comedians on the bill there?"

"Well the last time I went I met Mortimer Goth and Victor Feng....the time before I met your father and Lily Feng....let's see and I saw Penny Pizazz top the bill" replied Suzy

"So you went and noticed the richest and most powerful people were hanging out there and that the comedy was being provided by a society gossip columnist....hello!  Did you not notice how suspicious that all is?" responded Johnny.  "There's no real comedians there, there's no actual comedy.  It's a cover for the rich and powerful to have a meeting with no press intrusion save for Pizazz who's on their payroll."

There was just stunned silence from Suzy and Neil at this revelation.  Johnny expanded the topic to further tell of the truth behind the festival and Suzy scribbled frantically in her pocketbook with all this new information.  After a couple of hours they thanked Johnny for giving them the interview and headed off.

"Wow...that was just...." began Suzy.

"You said" replied Neil.  "Nancy Landgraab is one of my patrons!  I mean, I had no idea about her work behind the scenes!"

" were saying something about doing something special this evening" said Suzy.


"The Solar old romantic you" said Suzy when Neil revealed that he had plans to spend the evening with her at the very desirable and exclusive evening spot in Oasis Springs.  

"I'm not really a romantic" Neil replied.  "I just make it up as I go along and hope I get things right"

"Well, so far so good" said Suzy, smiling at him.

Neil looked directly into her eyes.  "You know, since I've met you I've not known such excitement.  Everything we do feels like a rollercoaster ride but in a good way:  Take today, for example, I would have had no idea that we'd find out as much as we've done when the day started.  The investigations, the journeys we take together....the twists and turns of the plot...I find myself exhilarated being in your company"

"That's sweet of you to say so..." replied Suzy.  "Having you there, by my side, having my back means a great deal to me.  I really prefer it when you're with me...whether investigating that weird tree back home or finding out about some nefarious plan...I feel safer and more confident with you there....Neil, what are you doing on the floor?  Did you lose a contact lens or something?"

Neil was about to speak when a man walked around the two of them, narrowly avoiding treading on his foot.  "Suzy..." Neil began to say as he fumbled around in his pockets

"Oh're not!" said Suzy, wide eyed in shock.

"Suzy Kent....will you....agh, I've got it!" he said, producing a small box from his pocket.

"Neil!!!!!!" said Suzy, stamping her feet rapidly

Neil opened the box...there was a ring inside of it.  "Suzy Kent....will you do me the honour of letting me be that man who has your back, who's by your side and will stand by you whatever the danger, the situation or the adventure for the rest of our lives?"

Suzy took the ring from the box and slipped it on the ring finger of her left hand.  "Do I want to marry you?" she said, enchanted by the sparkle in the single diamond that caught the light of the club's spotlight.  "Of course!  Wow!  I do want to marry you, Neil!"

Neil stood up, took Suzy's hand and looked at how the ring looked on her finger.  "I'm glad it fits...I secretly measured your finger in the night"

"Wow!  We're engaged!" said Suzy.  "I mean...I didn't expect this!  I'm a trendy fashion reporter...I'm not even 21 you said....we are partners in adventure so marrying you makes perfect sense!"

"I read a book about this sort of know, how to propose and all that and there's one more tradition to seal the deal" he said and with that he scooped his new fiancé up in his arms.

"Barkeep!  Champagne!" shouted Neil.

The two celebrated in style that night and staggered home when it got dark.  They went straight to the bedroom where the combination of the wine, the mood and the exhilaration overcame his normally reserved nature.  As Suzy was about to unzip herself from her dress he stopped her, turned her around and began to slowly do it for her.  The dress fell to the floor and Suzy, in a like minded spirit, faced him to slowly undo his pants...making sure she lightly brushed against what was contained within to make sure he was standing to attention.

"Do you think we should wait until our wedding night?" he said.

"I think that ship has long since sailed" she replied.  "It's 1966...we do things differently from our parents now"  She took his hand and led him to the bed.

They lay on top of the bed, in their underwear, kissing and stroking each other before they finally shed the last of their clothing and getting under the covers to culminate their love making.  Suzy was caught up in the passion:  Neil was her man now...and forever.

As the two made love Foundry Cove was still a hive of activity.  It was the weekend and the students of the nearby college and high schoolers letting their hair down crossed paths either heading for home or heading to some hot new spot in town.  Two attractive and trendy teenagers paused at the entrance of the cul-de-sac.  A young man, fair haired, thin and with a haughty expression looked at the home of Suzy and Neil.  His companion, a beautiful blonde, brown eyed French girl dressed in the latest European fashions, looked at her companion in confusion.

"Oh Malcolm...why 'ave we stopped 'ere?" she said.

"Because, my Cherie, over there is the home of my nemesis" said the boy.

"You're what?  What ees this 'nemesees'?" she asked.

"It means enemy...I have had many, but she is my latest one" replied Malcolm.

"Who ees she?"

"Questions, questions...things you do not need to know about for now.  I have seen where she lives, that will satisfy me for now.  Like all my past enemies, she will be dealt with in the night is still young and I want to brush up on my to speak"

Malcolm put his arm around his date and together they walked on.