Thursday, 22 October 2020

CHAPTER 3: Knock, Knock...Who's There?


Time for the local Beat Poetry Group meeting

Jeremy Saint had a hectic time in his first week at work. His boss, J.J. Gotcha, made sure Jeremy was on his toes with more work and chores to do than an average person could handle to see how the young man handled the pressure. After 4 days Gotcha was impressed and promoted Jeremy to a junior admin position in the company but Jeremy was tense through all the work.

There wasn't much time for anything else, there was barely enough time to eat at home. Travis would often stop by for a chat and Summer invited Jeremy to see a new play in town. He thought Summer had taken a shine to him but her vibe on the night was purely friendly. That was her manner: She didn't flirt, she beamed smiles and peppiness.

To celebrate his promotion, Jeremy headed into town for drinks at the Blue Velvet. He was getting to know the regulars now: Summer, Liberty and Travis, Geoffrey Landgraab and Bakko Jang; a cool cat with all the sharp moves.

One of the new patrons present that night was a bespectacled woman who kept flirting with Geoffrey. He didn't seem to mind at all and wondered what would happen if his wife had entered at that point? She certainly wouldn't have given him that passionate kiss she did the other night. The woman started to sidle up to Jeremy, batting her eyelashes at him as she did with Landgraab. Jeremy didn't know how to respond but Bakko pulled him to one side.

"Jeremy, don't go there....that's Eliza and it's complicated with her. Don't go there, my man, don't go!"

Jeremy took that as a good cue to leave...he was getting hungry anyway. Once he got home he fixed himself a meal when there was a knock on his front door. "I bet it's Travis...I'll just say hello"

Opening the door, he was surprised to see it wasn't Travis. In fact he'd never met this person before. It was a beautiful young woman all in dark blue and with long, flowing brown tresses. For a moment Jeremy had forgotten how to talk.

"Hi, I'm Bianca" she said.

"Of course you are" replied Jeremy.

"I noticed you moved in a few days ago and I came to say hi"

"Do you live local?"

"Erm…kind of. Could I borrow a cup of sugar?"

Jeremy knew a cue when he heard one and invited her in. He momentarily put down his dinner to make her feel at ease. not that she needed much because she was VERY talkative. Jeremy put out of his mind the weirdness of someone showing up at random to say hello, considering she didn't live in Founder's Cove itself, but...hey...cute chick and all that. At one point Travis showed up but Jeremy shoed him away, miming that he had a woman in the house. Travis nodded and winked and mouthed "say no more". Back inside Jeremy supressed his desire to go to the toilet to chat some more and not appear rude. She liked his book collection and talked a lot about books, movies and art. He struggled to think of cool and suave things to say and also keep his bladder under control until she said it was late and had to get home. Thrusting a cup of sugar in her hands, he said a sincere goodbye and rushed to the bathroom as soon as she left.

But the question remained: Who was this Bianca and why did she pick on him?

1 comment:

  1. Finally got here XuX

    Cool that you chose to set it in the 60s, good how well you manage to keep it looking accurate to the period as well. With or without CC I don't think I could manage it X_X I also like how you give all the characters a different voice as well, the way you write the dialogue says a lot about each and every one of them. I also like that the 'generation gap' is a bit of a theme in the beginning, with people talking about the crazy dances 'these days' and such. I like that you get that sort of 'cultural revoluton' vibe across in small ways. There's a lot of change so I'm wondering which characters will come to embrace this change, and who won't.

    I feel like Jeremy's going to be in for a surprise with work; he seems hopeful that he'll start off 'small' and then get to the big-time eventually, but that might just sadly be a pipe dream and nothing more. We'll see how he gets on! I'm wondering if Bianca will come back at all or if she did just want to borrow sugar. When Jeremy sees it as a 'cue' I wonder if he might just be overthinking it. Still, at least he's got a bit of optimism, will be interesting to see where he goes from here.
