Tuesday, 27 April 2021

CHAPTER 98: The Engagement Party


One fine Saturday morning, while Travis Scott blissfully slept after a late night with "the guys" playing poker, Summer Holiday and Liberty Lee had a hush-hush meeting to discuss a matter of utmost importance.

"How are we going to celebrate Suzy and Neil's engagement?" asked Summer.  Suzy Kent and her now fiancé, Neil Humphries, were not just neighbours who lived across the road...they were close friends.  Indeed, Suzy was Summer's next best friend after Liberty.

"I hear they're trying to plan a party themselves" said Liberty.  "They want to book the Stargazer Lounge but the cost is pretty high and they have a limit on the number of guests who can come."

"That's a shame...they'll want to save money for the wedding itself" thought Summer.  "Hey!" she exclaimed all of a sudden.  "Why not offer them our home for the party?  I can cook, you can mix drinks and Travis can do the chit-chat and serving.  We have everything they need right here:  A large place, music, food, drink...we hosted a party once before and that was a big hit."  Summer was warming to her idea a lot.

"Sounds like a good plan...when shall we host it?"  asked Liberty.

"What's wrong with tonight?  We've got plenty of food in and our cleaning lady's just been and made the place spick and span.  Let's not wait, let's do this today!" said Summer, positively bouncing in excitement at the idea.

"Whoa, easy kitten!  We should ask them first, they might have other plans!" cautioned Liberty.

"So we thought that instead of you having to book some expensive venue, we could put on an engagement party ourselves at our place for you guys!" explained Summer, a few minutes after she and Liberty had conceived their idea.

Suzy was taken aback.  "That would be great, if it's not too much trouble" she said.

"Pah, we like having parties..." said Liberty, nonchalantly.  "...any old excuse and your engagement is an excellent one."

"So when do you want to throw it?" asked Neil.

"We were thinking tonight" said Liberty.  Neil looked shocked this time.

"Tonight!  Erm, what about our guests...I mean, they might be busy!" he said.

"That's true" began Summer.  "But if enough people can come tonight, what do you say?"

Suzy looked to Neil.  "If we can get most of our friends, we're up for it!" she said, the enthusiasm and excitement was getting to her now.

They sat down and worked out who they wanted to come:  Suzy and Neil the honoured guests, Liberty, Summer and Travis the hosts.  Jeremy and Barbara, of course.  Action...if he was around....Julia, to complete the Foundry Cove gang and Burr DeBenning...an old colleague of Suzy's and Brent Hecking, a friend of Neil's.  Suzy started phoning everyone up and Liberty and Summer went around the other houses in their street to personally invite their friends.  Jeremy and Barbara were enthusiastic about coming but Action was away for the weekend with his girlfriend so they couldn't come.  Julia was the last to be asked.

"This is going swell!" said Summer.  "I had a gut feeling that we should do this today...that so many people would be up for a spontaneous party"

"Most of the people we know have the Saturday off" replied Liberty.

They knocked on Julia's door and she answered it still wearing her dressing gown.

"Hello there, do come in" said Julia, stifling a yawn.  "Excuse the way I'm dressed but I worked the night shift at the hospital and have only now woken up and had breakfast"

Summer and Liberty entered Julia's house and outlined the plan for the party.

"I have nothing else scheduled" said Julia, looking at her diary.  "I think I shall attend this party." she said with a haughty satisfaction.

Heading back home, Summer and Liberty compared notes.  "OK, so we've got us, Travis, Suzy and Neil, Jeremy and Barbara, Julia plus..."

"Gary, don't forget Gary" said Liberty, making a point that her new boyfriend should be there.

"No, I've got Gary on the list" said Summer.  "Brent Hecking and Suzy's colleague Burr.  Suzy made a point that she didn't want either her boss nor Alan Cuffe coming along."

"If Alan Cuffe showed up he'd probably bring a dozen naked women and spike the drinks as well...our place would get wrecked!" said Liberty.

"I'd probably wake up and discover I've somehow become Miss Kitten for May!" said Summer, shivering at the thought.

Back home Travis had staggered out of bed and was making himself some coffee but whilst Liberty decorated the house, Summer got down to preparing the food.

"What the heck's going on?" said Travis, nursing his coffee and looking on at the activity with bleary eyes.

"We're having a party" said Summer.  "Tonight"

"What?" said a startled Travis.

"So get that down your throat and help us by firing up the BBQ and cooking up some burgers and steaks.  Come on, chop chop!" said a bossy Summer.

A couple of hours of frantic tidying, baking and grilling passed.  After that they went to get changed into their party threads, just in time for the guests to arrive.

"I will act as D.J....Libs, you've got the bar.  Summer, you do the meet n' greet" said Travis.

"Oh no, if you're in charge of the music just don't make it non-stop obscure European jazz!" said Summer.

"Don't worry, I've got all the groovy sounds!" said Travis, grinning from ear to ear.

First to arrive were Barbara and Brent Hecking.  He apologised for his 'friend' and housemate, Brandt, not being along as well but their little dog was sickly and one of them had to take her to the vet.  Brent and Brandt always referred to each other in public as either 'friends', 'special friends' and 'housemate' as they were both gay and devoted to each other but not everyone in society would approve of their relationship so a kind of coded language had to be spoken.  Fortunately for them all their friends knew and didn't mind but, nonetheless, the code was always maintained except in the most intimate and relaxed settings.

"Barbara, where's Jeremy?" asked Liberty.

"Tsch, he insisted on going for a training run so he should be along any moment now...he's obsessively running every day now" replied Barbara.

"You're not wearing him out enough" joked Brent.

More guests arrived.  "I believe there's a party with my name on it!" said Neil, entering with a big flourish.

"Neil!  One of the guests of honour!" said Summer.  "And your soon to be intended wife, where's she?"

"Still putting on her extra long eyelashes when I last saw her...she'll be here soon!"

Julia was next to arrive.  "I do apologise if I am late" she said, making her way straight to the delicious looking plate of brownies Summer had baked earlier.

Suzy eventually arrived closely followed by Gary, Liberty's boyfriend.  As soon as she entered the house, Suzy was mobbed by everyone who were greeting her with  "Congratulations!", "I'm so happy for you guys!", "have you set a date yet?" and even "I love those eyelashes".  Gary made his way to the bar where Liberty was and offered to help her with the drinks....Liberty having a deserved reputation as clumsy and a "dropper".  Mind you, Gary was having trouble remembering all the ingredients for the variety of cocktails he was being asked to make.

"The brownies are going down a treat" remarked Travis.  "They are just chocolate brownies, you know?" he added, raising a suspicious eyebrow at Summer.

"Of course they are!  I'm not like one of your dodgy work friends for whom 'brownie' has added extra ingredients" she replied, indignantly.

Jeremy arrived at last but he was still in his running gear...he'd just run out of time to shower and get changed before heading to the party.

"My man, Jeremy!" said Travis, hip bumping him.  "Phew, you're a bit hard on the old nose!" he added, getting a whiff of Jeremy's sweat.

"Is it too bad?" responded Jeremy, anxiously.

"Here, this will cover a bit of it up....I swear by this cologne" said Travis, throwing a small bottle at his friend.  Jeremy caught it and read the label.

"Heave Ho...I've not heard of this brand" he said.

"Trust me, you'll smell of an ocean breeze with some of that on you"

"And that's a good thing?" said Jeremy, not entirely convinced.

"You make a mean Tang and Zing, Gary" said Liberty before she gave him a full on kiss on his lips.

"Whoa, easy Tiger! How many of those have you had?" he replied.

"Hmmmm, this'll be my third.  I think" she said, coquettishly. 

"Well done you" said Summer to Suzy.

"Thanks...I'm still in a bit of shock with all this but I'm happy, very happy.  Phew, it's all so exciting!" replied Suzy.

"He's a lucky guy" said Summer.

"Thank you....now, Summer, as you're my best friend I want you to do me the honour of being my Maid of Honour"

Summer was taken aback and said nothing at first.  Then she warmly embraced Suzy and hugged her tight.  "Of course I will, Suz, of course I will!  This'll be great...I get to plan your bachelorette party!"

"You do love a party, don't you?" said Suzy with a big smile.

Julia had found herself in between Neil and Brent.  She didn't know either of them well but she was in a very talkative mood after having a drink....just one alcoholic drink.

"So you're both into painting, I see" she said, hardly pausing to take breath.  "Brent, I see that you are a professional but Neil you're still an amateur mind you I don't paint but I love art and often go to the gallery for inspiration.  I favour the Casbah Gallery in San Myshuno, of course, but our local Municipal Muses has an impressive collection of work...not on the scale of the Casbah and leaning more towards the classical but nonetheless I like it...."

I think this Brent is interested in what I'm saying...hmmm, maybe he's worth getting to know better...hee-hee, what am I thinking?  Julia, you naughty girl!  She thought to herself as she looked at the tanned, handsome face of Brent Hecking.

Liberty noticed that someone else had arrived: Someone none of them recognised.  Liberty went over to Summer and whispered to her.

"Hey, Summer, do you think that's Burr?" she said.

"I think it is...she did mention he had massive sideburns.  I think the only people he knows here are Suzy and Jeremy.  I'll go and say hello and introduce him to the gang"

Summer walked over to the solitary young man and welcomed him.  "Hello, Burr is it?" he nodded.  "Thanks for much for coming, it means so much to Suzy.  Let me get you a drink...I'm Summer, these are my housemates Travis and Liberty"

Burr lightened up when introduced to people but he looked back towards where Suzy was standing, side by side by her beau...Neil...She looked so beautiful and sexy in her figure hugging outfit and of course she was charming and dynamic as well.  He couldn't help but think I had my chance...and I blew it!

Travis clapped Burr on the back and handed him a beer.  "C'mon, bud, I'll introduce you to our merry Foundry Cove gang.  This here's Jeremy..."

"We've met" said Burr.  "And thank you for all the help you gave when Suzy and I were investigating the Landgraabs."

"One of these days you'll have to explain to me what it's all about!" said Jeremy.

The party continued and everyone was happy.  Some danced, some drank, some ate and some gossiped.  The women were all talking about wedding planning, the men talked about anything other than wedding planning.

Summer and Travis were getting a little tipsy....which led to a loss of inhibitions...

...which did not please Julia, who hated public displays of affection.  Thank goodness the League of Decency aren't here; they would certainly disapprove and would do something to stop it!  She thought.

"So I took your advice, Brent, and upped my running sessions to twice a day..."

"Sorry to interrupt, Jeremy" said Brent.  "But do you smell something like....fish?"

"That's the trouble with being the bartender, Liberty....*hic*....Everybody says to you 'and have one for yourself'..."

"So tell me, Burr, what's the deal with that weird tree at the end of our road?"

"I think it's linked to a tunnel under the Landgraab mansion, Summer"

"Wait, there's a tunnel under the Landgraab mansion?????"

"I wuv you...Liberty Lee, light of my life *hic*"

"Not as much as I wuv youw, Gawy ...erm....Wawy...*hic*"

"Seriously, Travis' cologne must be destroyed for the benefit of all mankind"

"Come on, gang, more music! More dancing!" said Suzy.

"Suzy" said Julia, confidentially.  "That Brent is...what's the word?  'Dishy'.  Is he single?"

"Oh Julia, I've never seen you interested in a guy before but, trust me, you're not his type" 

"Oh, don't tell me he's into buxom blondes or those vacuous model types!"

"Nothing could be further from the truth but...well...he's spoken for.  Let's leave it at that"

"Trust my luck.  The first guy I've met who I'm genuinely interested in and he's taken!  She's one lucky girl!" 

Suzy said nothing but noted that Julia, like so many others at this party (herself included), had a little too much to drink.

Liberty was giving some drunken sage advice to a drunken and depressed Burr.  "Don't give up hope, Burr, the right girl for you might come into your life sooner than you think.  I mean, I met Gary completely by chance...the last time we threw a party here as a matter of fact.  He was walking right past the house as I was cleaning up and we got chatting and...well...look where we are now.  Miss Right could be closer than you think:  She might even be standing right behind you!"

Eventually the party began to draw to a close.  "Come on guys" said Neil.  "I need to find my fiancée:  She was around here, somewhere".

"I have a long journey home and my boyfr...I mean, my main man...will wonder where I've got to" said Brent.

"I must remember where I live" said Burr.

"If Neil's left for home without me he'll be in trouble!" said Suzy.  "Once again, Summer and Liberty, thank you for all you've done for us today.  I really enjoyed it."

"I'm not drunk!" said Julia.

"Urrrurrrggghhh" said Gary.

Other guests stayed behind to help clear up as there were a lot of empty and half empty plates, glasses of all kinds of cocktails everywhere and Summer had suddenly gone to her room to crash out.

Finally, two of the hosts got to get some food and for Travis he hated to see some quality cocktail go to waste.

"I thought that went very well" said Liberty.  "When's the next one?"