Class had ended and Joanna was thankful that it she had a clear weekend ahead of her. After finding her early psychology work easier than she expected, her second semester was ramping up the workload and complexity. This week's lectures, seminars and coursework were much harder.
She heard a voice behind her calling out her name. Turning around she saw that it was her fellow psychology student, Pace Tye, calling to her.
"Joanna...wait up! It's been a while since I last saw you" he said as he jogged up to her.
"I've had to hit the ground running this semester. It's nothing personal although it's real good to see you" she said with a suggestive smile and tone in her voice as she looked him up and down with approval.
"Are you going into Darby's now?" asked Pace.
"Yeah...if you are?" was Joanna's expectant reply.
"I sure am. After you..." he said, making a gesture to usher her in that direction. She led the way but he opened the door to Darby's Den for her.
They found a sofa to sit down on where they could continue their conversation. The Den was a hive of activity from people having their main meals to a couple of people debating just around the corner from where Joanna and Pace were sitting and they had attracted a crowd. Others were sitting around and talking by the fireplace.
"So, am I right in thinking you've got Professor Fen for psych?" asked Pace.
"Yeah...he's a real taskmaster, you know? I mean, he's OK in some ways and I'm learning a lot from him but he keeps bugging me about how I express myself." Joanna replied.
"And how do you express yourself to him?"
"I kind of use a lot of street slang and shit like that..."
"Including profanities"
"You mean I swear a lot? Yeah, I shoot the shit a lot 'cos that's the way I grew up: You had to have a big mouth or else you got nuffin'. Catch my drift?"
Pace smiled "Yeah, I dig it but cats like Fen want a lot of flowery, high falutin' words and terms. I'm in my second year here and I've had all my rough edges smoothed out..." he said, making a smooth gesture with his hand. "When I go back home my folks can hardly understand what I'm saying. To them I now sound like Laurence Olivier!" he added with a chuckle.
Joanna let out a little laugh as well but inside she felt awkward. Her lack of polished language was yet another sign of her rough upbringing and she was keen to get away from the pain and sadness of those years.
Pace in the meantime had picked up a book and handed it to her. "Go on" he said "if you want to sound more sophisticated and collegiate read a few fancy poems" and he nodded at the book she was now holding.
"I'll borrow this and read it tonight" she replied.
"No. Now. And out loud as well. No good reading it to yourself alone in your home because you've already shown you're smart and understand the coursework. Now you have to sell your ideas by saying them out loud to other people." Pace then turned his attention to the microphone stand that was nearby and Joanna saw what he was looking at.
"You're not serious..." she said, smiling suspiciously at him.
"Oh I certainly am. Do a live poetry recital right here, right now" he replied.
"I'll look like a ditz" she said.
"This place is loaded with them...go on, have a gas with it. I dare you"
Joanna was never one to back down from a dare so she took the book, stood up and walked to the microphone, opened up the book at a random page and started to recite one of the poems.
"I wandered lonely as a cloud....oh come off it! Seriously?" she said.
"Keep going, you're doing OK" said Pace, trying to be encouraging. Joanna took a deep breath and continued.
"...That floats on that 'ooh-er' or 'oh-errr'?"
"It's short for 'over'"
"Then why not write 'over'? It'll still scan"
"It's called 'poetic licence'"
"I'll take your word for it...let's read on. Hey, this isn't bad once you get over the first two lines. I get it; this dude digs nature."
"And he's really into daffodils. It's by a Limey called Wordsworth and if you read works by him and by some of his contemporaries you'll enrich your writing skills."
"Can you recommend any American poets?"
"Walt Whitman. He's pretty much the go-to guy. You could try the beat poets like Furlinghetti but they write like you talk now."
"I'll read Whitman for tips and Furlinghetti for fun" said Joanna, nodding.
"I like your style" Pace replied. Looking at Joanna in an admiring way he then said "how about we take a walk by the canal?"
"Yeah, I'd like that...although no making me do some kind of Shakespeare performance whilst we're there" she replied.
"It's beautiful along here. I've been here one semester and I've only been to lectures, then Darby's, then Pepper's Pub and finally back home. I didn't know about this area." she said, taking in the tranquillity of this little bit of land around the back of Darby's Den.
"I come here when it gets too noisy back there" said Pace, jerking his thumb towards the main campus. "They've tried to make the whole campus like those European ones with the network of canals, the granite buildings and the ornate gardens."
Joanna took it all in but said nothing. She still had to pinch herself to remind her that she was a college girl now and that her everyday life was going to be nothing like she had ever known. She also worried that she was coming across as an unsophisticated slob to Pace...he was having to explain everything to her, everything that other people from better homes took for granted.
"Do you like it here?" he asked.
"Yeah, it's neat...I don't mean to make it sound like not much but I've already said it was beautiful here and I don't want to repeat myself." she replied.
"I meant do you like it at Britechester?"
"Oh that! Yeah, I dig it. It's challenging, sure, but it's stretching my mind in ways I didn't expect but that's what I want. That's why I came here."
Pace nodded. "That's what I like about you, Joanna. You've got drive, energy and a will to succeed."
No one had ever said that to her before; not even Action and certainly not any of her family. All she could respond with was a shy "thanks".
"Say, are you free this evening?" he suddenly said.
"I haven't anything scheduled" she replied.
"Would you like to go out for dinner with me? I was thinking of somewhere off campus, somewhere nice and groovy."
"I'm up for that" she said, her thoughtful expression changing to a sultry smile.
"Dinner at 8? I'll pick you up from your place."
"You got a date, Mister" she said. A dinner date! Hell yeah!
She went home, showered and looked for something fancy to wear but she only had one "formal" dress, or at least a dress that could be worn to swanky places and she had bought that back in the springtime...before she came into her inheritance and when she was still on the game. It was the dress she wore to impress clients.
Nevertheless it was her one smart dress and still a damn fine one so she wore that with a pair of white heels and white fishnets to complete the look. Along with styling her hair differently, some striking make up and a pair of brand new earrings she was all ready to be wined and dined by Pace.
She saw him walk up the driveway to the front door and noticed he polished up very nicely in his drainpipe pants, sky blue blazer and narrow black tie. The blazer was tailored in such a way that it showed off his lean frame and broad shoulders and she liked it.
Joanna opened the door and stood in the doorway, a hand on her hip in a seductively expectant manner. Pace stopped in his tracks for a moment to take in her beauty. "Whoa, you look sensational" he said.
"You're not so bad yourself" she said, smiling.
"I'm parked just there, would you care to be escorted?" he said, offering his arm. She smiled and took it. 'Escort'....she had a different meaning in her world.
They drove to Newcrest where there were a number of restaurants, many of which were high quality. Pace parked up and the two, yet again, walked arm in arm to the place where Pace had booked a table. Joanna, however, recognised where they were going.
"Oh, the Villa Bovine!" she exclaimed.
"Do you know it?" Pace replied.
"Um, yes. I've been here once or twice before" she stammered in reply. Yes, she had been here before but with clients.
"Great! I've not been but it comes highly recommended. Maybe you can suggest what's good on the menu"
I don't really remember the menu, Pace... she thought to herself.
As the two of them were chatting away a family of three very blonde white people barged past Joanna and Pace and entered the Villa Bovine.
"Say, what's that little princess' problem?" said Joanna in annoyance as the daughter, a very snooty blonde girl who was dripping with a sense of self-superiority, swanned past her and making bodily contact along the way. There were no apologies or acknowledgement from the girl that she had bumped into Joanna.
"Relax, Joanna. No need to sweat it. You don't want to lock horns with a teenager." Pace replied.
Joanna was still glaring at the girl and noticed once she'd got inside her expression changed from haughtiness to sadness. There was definitely some kind of discord in that family, Joanna thought.
Pace opened the door for Joanna and ushered her into the restaurant. The maitre d' took a look at the couple and his facial expression wasn't warm or friendly.
Pace went up to him and said "Table for two under the name of Tye"
The maitre d' looked at his booking list and hummed. "Hmmmmmmmm, no sir. I don't have anything under that name."
"What? I called earlier! Check again!" said Pace.
"Is there a problem?" Joanna said as she approached the podium. The maitre d' gave her a harsh look and Joanna could tell he recognised her.
"As I was explaining to your....gentleman associate...we have no record of your booking and, as you can see, we are fully booked tonight" The man had said the words 'gentleman associate' with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Oh he knew who Joanna was alright...she thought.
"Listen, Mac, is this a race thing? Don't you serve coloured people in here or what?" said Pace with anger in his voice.
"Certainly not, sir! I can assure you we comply with the Civil Rights Act here!" The maitre d' looked behind him, towards the outdoor seating area at the back of the restaurant where a black man, Asian lady and their mixed race daughter were seated and being served with civility by the staff.
Joanna looked at the family, then to the maitre d'. "It's not us...well, it's not you, Pace. Isn't it, Mister?" she said to the man.
"Madam is correct. This is a high class and family environment." the maitre d' replied, still in that stern and haughty tone.
"Wait...I don't get it" said a very confused looking Pace.
"I'll explain outside, Pace..." said Joanna.
This time it was Joanna's turn to usher Pace outside. He was confused and bewildered by what had happened. It wasn't racial but something to do with his date.
"'s about time I told you the truth about me" she said.
"The truth?" Pace was astonished and dreaded what was to come.
"Let's sit down over here and I'll tell you all about it. Now I happen to have crossed paths with that Maitre d' before and he knows a bit about my past. You see, I used to come here with clients"
"Yes. Gentlemen clients. It's like this, Pace, how do I put this nicely as possible but honestly at the same time? I was....I was a professional escort."
"Escort? As in..."
Joanna leant close to Pace and whispered in his ear "I was a hooker"
"A HOO....erm, I mean *a hooker*" he whispered. "No! You? I can't believe..."
Joanna just nodded.
"'re so don't seem the type! You're intelligent..."
"A lot of hookers ain't dumb, Pace. I told you; I'm from the streets and I grew up rough. There weren't a lot of options for a black girl with my looks in a neighbourhood controlled by crime and gangs. It's like I didn't have a choice."
Pace didn't say anything at first but looked down at the ground. When he looked up to Joanna he had a pleading, searching look in his eyes.
"You didn't just left out some details. So the stuff about the inheritance?"
"That's all true and it was my escape out of that ghetto" she said. "I used the money to move to a better part of town, get an education and cut all my ties with my past. I have no parents, no other family and no one I want to remain in contact with."
"It makes sense now...that guy who came up to you at the Waterside Warble...he was..."
"One of my old Johns. Look, Pace. If you want to end this evening and whatever we had cooking between us, I understand. I come with a lot of baggage and I certainly ain't no virgin either."
Pace drew a deep breath and looked Joanna in the eyes. "I'm no choirboy either. What kind of free spirit and live and let live kind of guy would I be if I held someone's past against them...especially when they're trying to start a new life? No. I thank you, Jo, for being candid with me. I can handle this....I hope I don't come across as too stuck up?"
Joanna smiled. "Not at all. So...what now?" she said.
"I promised you a nice evening out and that's what you'll get." Pace replied. "The only thing is, where?"
"I know a place that's still open at this time of night and who won't turn us away..." said Joanna.
"Two of your finest bowls of chilli with a side order of tacos, my good man"
"Hey, Joanna...look at you all dressed up fine like that. Two bowls and some tacos, comin' right up."
As the street vendor got her order he still chatted away to her.
"I thought you didn't hang around here no more?" he said.
"I don't...usually. I moved to Willow Creek and enrolled at Britechester U." She replied.
"Good for you, little lady. I always knew you were too good for this place...I don't mean stuck up, I mean you always had it in you to do better. And that guy over there?"
"He's my boyfriend. I don't turn tricks no more. I should say 'anymore' as I'm a college girl now and should talk like one."
"He looks a smart as well?" Said the vendor, handing over the food to Joanna as she paid him.
"He's waaaay smarter than me and, yeah, that's how we met. On campus. Anyway you take care: Great to catch up with you" she said, winking at the old man before taking a seat next to Pace.
"Hey there..." she said to Pace. "...I know it's none too fancy but you can always get a seat here."
Pace took a taste of chilli and nodded "My compliments to the chef....and to my date for saving this evening"
"Saving? I thought I ruined it" Joanna replied.
"'d take a lot more than being refused a table at a restaurant and finding out your date was...well...I won't would take a lot more than that to ruin my evening with you."
"I can't get rid of you that easily, huh?"
"Only if you want to get rid of me first"
Pace finished his meal and stood up. "I get where you've come from but I always look forwards, never backwards. I think we've got a lot of groovy things going for us; I feel a vibe, a connection. I hope you feel it too but if you think the past and the fact that I now know something of it is too much of a barrier I will split and maybe we'll see each other on campus as just friends."
"Pace...I'm going forwards as well. I'm sitting here, looking around this old hood and although some of the old friendly faces remain I feel no attachment to it. I do feel an attachment to you, though. You've been like a guide, helped me navigate my way around the campus, deal with the rich kids and the old money...heck, what's the word for someone who helps you like that?"
"Yeah, that's it. You've been a mentor and now, hopefully, something more..."
"A lover?"
"You're a bold one Mister Pace Tye. So let's move things along to where we both know this is heading. We could go back to your college room where no doubt your dorm mates are chugging beers and singing rude songs or we could go back to my nice, private and quiet house...." she said, smiling at him seductively.
It turned out to be a good choice as Pace was impressed by her home. "Now this is a groovy pad. Interesting and nice to look reflects you well." he said.
"Would you like a nightcap, Pace?" she asked.
"I'm good about we skip that part and move straight on to..."
No words needed to be exchanged. The two of them were utterly focussed on each other with no room for small talk. They held each other in a warm, increasingly passionate embrace, kissing, fondling and gazing at one another until they had lost all track of time. Then things reached their inevitable culmination.
It was later, as the hour approached midnight, that the first words were spoken since that first kiss.
"Pace...would you stay with me the night?" she said, softly.
He realised the significance of those words. By staying he would be a lover, not a client. He saw a pleading look in her eyes that told him that sex with her would be consensual and loving with no trace of a transaction or business to it. He stroked the side of her face.
"Of course I will. I'm not going anywhere tonight" he said. She smiled warmly at him and whispered "Thank you".
He laid back down in the bed and she snuggled next to him, with him putting his arms around her before they both fell asleep.
The next morning they arose...not knowing what time it was but as it was a Saturday it didn't matter. Pace went to the bathroom and after he had finished he found Joanna standing in front of him. He was naked but she still had her underwear on.
"Hey have me at a disadvantage" he said, looking down at his exposed privates and looking around for something to give him some modesty. The only thing to hand was a tea towel.
"I do indeed..." she said, saucily before kissing him passionately.
When they broke apart she said "Thank you for last night. It means a lot to me that you accept me for who I am."
Pace smiled but said nothing.
"Hmmm, I think I need a new bed. My shoulders are sore this morning" she said, grimacing and touching her left shoulder.
"We were quite physical last night..." said Pace.
Joanna let out a short laugh "yeah, I guess we were".
"Now as it so happens Pace Tye has healing hands..." he said, immodestly. "Turn around and let's get that knot out of your shoulder..."
This was looking to be the start of a beautiful relationship.