Barbara had woken up a little before Jeremy and had showered and got dressed before he awoke. It was a day off today and she decided to wear her new, special dress...she'd had it a few days now and STILL Jeremy hadn't seen her in it. After whipping up a breakfast, Jeremy arose at the smell of freshly cooked eggs.
"Uuuurrrruuuraaaahhhh" he said, rubbing his hair and letting out an enormously loud yawn. Hmmm those eggs smell good......." his voice trailed off as soon as he saw Barbara. "Wow!" he exclaimed. "I haven't seen you in that outfit before!"
"You've been too busy to notice" replied Barbara. "Do you like it though?"
"I like it, I like it a lot!" said an approving Jeremy. "I'll make us some coffee...although all I want to drink right now is you in"
"So, I've got another ordinary day at work...shame I can't spend it with you but I think they'd notice me gone and I can't use the 'I've got the 'flu' excuse again" said Jeremy.
"I like my man in his smart business suit in his high powered, you must go in because I'm going to be busy today doing some research on the city"
"Sounds intriguing, tell me more!" said Jeremy.
"Now, now, that would be telling. I'm meeting up with Suzy for lunch but before that I'm doing some city exploration...I'll reveal all later!" she said.
"Is it the kind of reveal where I get to see more of you..." Jeremy, said with a mischievous grin.
"Tsch! What a dirty mind you have, Jeremy Saint...Saint by name but not by nature..."
"I have my naughty side!" he joked. "But all the best with your research project and say hi to Suzy from me"
After Jeremy left for work Barbara headed off to Magnolia Promenade. On her last trip there, to go clothes shopping, she noticed an old abandoned building. She guessed it used to be a shop given its large front windows and that it was smack bang in a shopping precinct. The red brickwork was faded and dirty and there was a huge pile of wooden crates stacked up near the delivery entrance as she took a closer look.
She got close to the shop doors and looked through the dirty, tinted windows to see that inside the place was empty and derelict. But...on the plus side, the building was large enough to support a modest sized shop and it wasn't falling down from what she could see of it.
Barbara wanted to find out more so she decided to ask a local about what they knew about the place. And help would come from an unlikely source...
"Anyways it's the grand opening today and they needed a children's party entertainer" said the woman. "And what have they got you doing?" she enquired of the gentleman dressed as a hot dog.
"2 for 1 luncheon meal offers this week only" said the man with a heavy sigh. "We all drew straws to see who would get to wear the costume....I lost" he said, looking forlorn.
Suzy overheard this last part of their conversation and approached the oddly dressed pair. "Oh hello..." she began "Do either of you work or live around this area?"
"Yeah, I work at Hogan's Burger Bar...2 for 1 luncheons only this week" said the Hot Dog man.
"I'm a party entertainer but I know this area pretty well" said the clown woman.
"Ah good, do you know anything about that old, empty shop over there?"
"That used to be Carbolite Tool & Die" said Clown Woman. "They shut down just after the Korean one's opened its doors for....13 years!" she said, in a spooky voice.
"But it's not haunted, if that's what you're thinking" said Hot Dog Man.
"No, I'm looking at retail properties to buy or rent" said Suzy. "You wouldn't happen to know if that place is on a particular realtor's books?"
Hot Dog Man thought for a moment but Clown Woman had an idea. "I think there's a local real estate agency a couple of streets away; Century 20. They might know"
"Thanks, you've been a great help" said Barbara. "Oh and good luck with your special events" she added.
"And good luck with yours" said Clown Woman. "Hey, I've just noticed you guys are wearing the same kind of tights!"
"Don't remind me!" said Hot Dog Man, sighing again.
Barbara located Century 20 Estates and managed to get one of their agents to show her the shop in more detail. Inside didn't take long to check out: It was well and truly abandoned and empty. However Barbara had a few questions to ask.
"So how much is the owner asking for this place?" she said.
"15,000 Simoleons for the property as it stands. Just to let you know at the moment the electricity and water are shut off, but could easily be re-activated should you purchase the place."
"I see. Well, I've got the details" said Barbara patting the brochure with the shop info on it. "I'll be in touch"
I can't believe I'm seriously thinking of buying this place! She thought to herself. I should talk it through with a few people...Jeremy, obviously, but I want to do my research properly first. Present him with a solid business plan....he'll like that.
She had to canvass some other opinions first. People who were experts in their field of what Barbara wanted to sell in this shop and it just so happened that she was going to meet the very person she needed to talk to for lunch.
"Well, thanks for inviting me out's a good job you found that 2 for 1 lunch offer today" said Suzy after the two young women had met up and grabbed a bite to eat. Now they were taking a walk through the park to discuss Barbara's plan more.
"Suzy...I want to set up a shop in Sim City" said Barbara.
"A shop? Wow, that's a big investment. What do you wish to sell?"
"A clothes boutique. Suz, I've been getting into fashion in the last few months and I think there's a gap in the market. Where's it all happening in fashion right now?"
"That'll be London, Carnaby Street. A little bit in Paris as well but London's the place to be" replied Suzy.
"Exactly. The hottest names in design right now are Quant, Courreges, Clarke, Cardin and Gernreich but those labels are pretty rare over here. I want girls and women our age to wear the top European trends here, in America."
"It'll be very expensive importing those fashion labels over here" said Suzy, sounding a note of caution.
"I know...but there must be more local designers out there who are dying to get a chance to sell their wares to the public who have been influenced by the Carnaby Street trends?" said Barbara, warming to her theme.
"There are, and I know a few. Things can be pretty staid around here" replied Suzy. "I can put you in touch with the kind of young, eager designers who want a big break and are fed up with the indifference of the big fashion houses. But what about the costing, though? You don't earn the kind of money you need to set up a shop working in a fast food restaurant...and what's Jeremy had to say about it as well?"
"Costings? Well I'm researching that right now. The shop I viewed today will cost me $15,000...My folks did agree that if I found a place to buy in Sim City they would help with a deposit...and seeing that I live with Jeremy and that's going great I would put that money towards a business. But that's why I wanted to speak with you about the fashion itself...I'll put together a business plan now. As for Jeremy? The risk will be mine, not his and I could call on his business skills to advise me but I haven't told him yet so hush-hush for now"

"Barbara this is all very exciting" said Suzy. "I won't say a word to Jeremy but I have to get back to work now...I'll send you a list of people I think you should approach. Good luck!"
Suzy left and Barbara shut her eyes, took a deep breath and thought about the exciting prospect of owning her own shop.
"Meow" came a little sound nearby. Barbara exhaled and still drank in the moment. "MEOW!" the noise got louder. Barbara opened her eyes, looked in the direction of the sound and saw a little ginger and white cat sitting in front of her.
"Oh hello puss..." she said. "Are you looking for a stroke?" she went to pat it but the cat went "HISSSS!" and Barbara pulled her hand away. "Maybe not, but you do want something. A treat? I don't have any cat food on me, puss, but...hang on...I have a cookie left over from lunch. Would you like a nibble?"
Barbara held out the cookie to the cat and it nibbled at it around the edges before taking the whole thing from her hand.
After that, the cat was very friendly. "Awww, you're so cute with those big green eyes!" said Barbara, now able to give the kitty a gentle stroke. "You seem a long way from home...or is this your home?" she mused, noticing that the cat didn't have a collar. "Well, next time I'm here I'll look out for you AND I'll make sure I have some more treats with me. Goodbye kitty"
The cat followed her for a little bit but departed from her side and headed off into the middle of the park. Barbara headed for home, where she found Jeremy had made some dinner for them both.
"Sorry, sweetie..." she said, hanging up her handbag and running to the kitchen table where Jeremy had everything laid out. "...I would have made us something but I had a full and exciting day"
"Oh yes" said Jeremy, inquisitively. "What did you get up to?"
Barbara was about to tell him all about her boutique idea but was a big step and a lot of money. She wanted to make sure she had more of a business plan before telling him about it.
"Erm...." she said, hesitantly. "Do you like cats?"