Action was pushing the limits....he had a daily routine to keep his body in A-1 shape because, in his line of work, being stronger and faster could just give him the edge over a violent perp. No pain, no gain was his motto when he worked out. Action was a man who worked hard...but also played hard as well.
Unfortunately, it seemed more like playing hard to get. He'd been working long, arduous shifts at the police department and had excluded his social life in the process. His girlfriend, Katharine, was busy too and they'd hardly seen each other in the last two weeks. Were they drifting apart? That question had cropped up more than once in recent weeks but Action was torn....he was very fond of her, enjoyed every moment they got to spend together but so many things got in the way of them meeting up and he feared that it was becoming too easy to take a rain check with her. Well, today there could be no excuses...sure, his fitness regime would take up most of the morning but after that he decided that time spent with his girl was going to be the priority.
He'd set up a date with her at the Villa Bovine: An upmarket Italian restaurant specialising in steaks done the continental way. After showering he put on his cutting edge red and black silk lounge suit and made his way to Newcrest, eagerly anticipating meeting Katharine.
"Table for two in the name of Action" he said to the Villa Bovine's hostess.
"No need to be that strict, sir, we're only here to help" said the surprised and alarmed hostess.
"No, you name's Action."
"Oh I see. I do apologise, sir, how silly of me....yes, I have your booking here and your companion is already waiting for you."
"Oh is she" said an intrigued Action. The hostess led him to his table where he saw that Katharine was already there; a vision in thin wisps of yellow.

"Dang, girl, you look like a cross between Aphrodite and Cleopatra!" said an impressed Action.
"High praise indeed" said Katharine.
"I hope I haven't kept you waiting long" he replied.
"Well, I know a lady should keep a gentleman waiting but I'm not your usual lady"
"That's OK, I'm not your usual gentleman either"
They both smiled at each other and Action nonchalantly waved to get the waiter's attention.
"Welcome to the Villa Bovine, sir and madam; my name's Zane and I'll be your waiter today. Would you like the wine list first?"
"Tell me, Zane, do you still have the '62 Chianti Classico in the cellar?" said Action.
"We do have a few bottles of that vintage, sir, yes"
"I think you'll like this one, you mind if I order for both of us?" said Action.
"You seem to know a good thing when you taste it" she replied.
"And when I see it" said Action, raising a seductive eyebrow to her. "Then the '62 Chianti it is then."
"Have you always been this smooth, Action?" said Katharine.
"Ever since I could walk and talk, darlin'" he replied.
"So..." began Katharine. We've got a lot of catching up to do"
"I know...I've been bad at making time for you" said Action.
"I'm to blame as well." She replied. "Don't beat yourself up"
"I get enough of that with my job" he said.
They ordered their meals and drinks and sat back to enjoy a fine lunch. After some initial awkwardness about them not meeting each other much, they soon let that care slip away as smooth as the wine slipped down their throats. Now they were back to being intimate friends who shared a frisson whenever they were together.
Action had only made plans for lunch but he didn't want this day to end so soon so he put it to Katharine that nearby was the Orange Peel club where they could dance and let their hair down. She readily agreed.
"You know I just realised something" said Action.
"What's that?" she replied.
"We've never danced together"
"Let's change that, shall we?" she said, offering him her arm.
They did it all: The Watusi, The Mash Potato, The Twist, Monkey Style....and they owned the dance floor. Their moves only outshone by the unspoken passion of the moment. Things were getting steamy and The Orange Peel had a way of lowering the inhibitions of people who frequented it.
"Hmmm, this is good" said Katharine.
"You said it, girl" replied Action.
"How about we....." she said, in between kisses.
"...move to your place or mine? Let's say mine" he replied, kissing her once more. "But first, I need to go to the bathroom."
He went downstairs to the gaudily lit bathrooms at the Orange Peel. After he did what he needed to do, he helped himself to one of the complimentary manly colognes on offer...he weighed up the choice of Heave Ho or Machismo X. He opted for the latter and checked to see if he had any prophylactics on him just in case he had to use the vending machine nearby. He was good to go.