Suzy couldn't help but go for a jog past her old neighbourhood. Courtyard Lane and Foundry Cove were just under a mile away from each other so it was no great effort to plan a keep fit run that would pass right by her old house and those of her friends. There was still a tether between her and them.
She was wondering if she's bump into one of them and, as luck would have it, there was Julia walking down the road towards her.
"Oh my goodness! Suzy!" Exclaimed Julia.
"Julia! You look great, how are you? Give us a hug!" replied Suzy.
"A hug...oh...erm...alright" said Julia, overcoming her aversion to physical expressions of friendliness for a moment to greet a dear friend.
"Oh not far at all; about a mile. You must come over sometime to see it. Now look at you; pretty frock, lovely jewellery...going somewhere special?"
"No, not particularly but it's a lovely, bright morning and I felt a bit more colourful today." said Julia. Suzy wondered if she was meeting someone special later on, knowing that Julia would rarely admit to such things, even to her closest friends.
But there really wasn't. Julia just wanted to feel relaxed and positive about herself for a change. It was a warm day so thick, woollen turtleneck sweaters were out and a lightweight summer frock was in. It was that simple, but then Suzy's mind did race to all kinds of places and possibilities...
Julia was now going to head to the Spa: She much preferred it to the gymnasium as it was a calmer environment with no loud music playing, plenty of alternatives to just running and lifting weights and no sweaty jocks either!
"What?" said Julia, startled into full consciousness again. There was a frustrated looking woman standing over her in the steam room.
"I do not have a car. I took the bus here." replied Julia.
"Hurumph" said the woman, taking off her robe, hanging it up and sitting next to Julia.
"Well, I'm here now...time to relax." and with that the woman inhaled and exhaled deeply and loudly. Then she started to chant.
"Cum-bahhhhhhhhhhhh, cum-bahhhhhhhhhhhh, ohmmmmmmmm, ohmmmmmmmmmmm, cum-bahhhhhhhhhhhh...I do this to equalise the air pressure in my lungs."
"I....see...." replied Julia.
"I'm also trying to inhale the steam as well to purify my lungs." continued the woman.
"Erm, I'm not sure it works that way..." said Julia but the woman wasn't listening.
"Calm....balance...centre..." she mumbled to herself. "I am in control, I feel fine, I am at peace..."
Once finished at the spa she put on her summer outfit again and headed back to Willow Creek to meet with Joelene, her most unlikely friend. Joelene was a singer and model and was once a Lothario Kitten who was the April centrefold for the magazine before she became disillusioned with it. Now she was just making a name for herself in pop music.
Outside the Blue Velvet bar, the two friends met.
"Julia! Great to see you! You look amazing in that dress; the colour suits you." said Joelene.
"Does it? It's something I just threw on this morning. Shall we go inside?"
The place was really busy and it was still the early evening. The girls had to fight their way to the bar but Jolene had spotted someone she recognised....and they recognised her.
"Joeene! What are you doing here?" said a young, dashing looking guy with a mischievous glint in his eye.
"J, nice to see you too" replied Joelene, giving him a peck on the cheek before sitting down at the bar. "Oh, let me introduce you to my friend, Julia."
J took a brief look at Julia and didn't register any emotion or interest. "Oh, hi" was all he could manage before turning back to Joelene. "So, I haven't seen you since that last club meeting you were at; what's been happening?" he asked.
"I've been on tour, I've done a few fashion shoots...WITH my clothes on, I'll have you know!" Joelene replied
"Alan Cuffe's got a deal with the owner of this place: Saturday night one of the Kittens performs here. That's Skye, Miss June."
"Ah, my replacement!" commented Joelene.
Julia shrugged her shoulders. "Meh, she's OK...that's a backing tape she's singing to though, not a real live band."
" seems we have a bit of a technical problem here." she said, apologetically. "We're trying to fix it...alas, I don't have a piano accompaniment tonight."
Joelene leant over to Julia. "You could offer to play piano for her!" she whispered.
"Me? But that's a Kitten! I hate that scene!" replied Julia, indignantly.
"I was a Kitten once and we met when you accompanied me. Even Alan was in the audience that night. I hate to see a young singer stranded like that up there, no fault of her own when the equipment breaks down."
Julia nodded quietly, downed the last of her wine, and got up to walk over to the piano.
"Excuse me, Miss Skye or whatever your name is" said Julia, haughtily. "I am a pianist; you might recognise my friend Joelene over there. I will play the piano whilst you finish your set. I won't play anything lewd though; no hoochie coochie, no gyrating dance music and no songs with narcotic references if you please."
"Definitely not! Let's see your set, no, certainly not! Ah, this one is acceptable." said Julia.
"OK, that's a groovy choice, let's do this." said Skye. She turned to the audience and spoke into the night. "Thank you everyone for your has arrived in the form of...erm, what's your name?" Skye whispered to Julia.
"Julia Epstein...DOCTOR Julia Epstein"
" is here from Doctor Julia Epstein, the medical maestro on piano. This is one you should all know, it's from the last Beatles album, Rubber Soul and it's "In My Life"...
Joelene, in the meantime was trying to make a good impression on J. He had joined the club not long before she left and she didn't get the chance to know him well whilst they were both members. He was handsome, charming and witty but things never went further than that, despite the flirting that would go on. However, on this occasion, J seemed more interested in Skye than her...
Once Julia and Skye had finished the song, the barman gave them a heads up that the backing tape was working again. Skye thanked Julia for coming to her rescue.
"You know, you're pretty good. I'd like to work with you again at a future gig. How about it?" asked Skye.
"I offered to help you out as a favour to our mutual friend, Joelene. As a rule I do not help any enterprise connected to Lothario. If you were to do a gig not under their umbrella, and I was free, I would like to accompany you in the future." Julia replied, firmly. Skye shrugged in agreement.
Julia went back over to the bar to join Joelene. "Jules, I hope you don't mind but can we split from this joint now?" said Joelene.
"Oh, why?"
"I don't like the vibe right now" said Joelene, looking in the direction of J, who was in turn smitten by Skye.
"OK, where do you suggest we go next?" asked Julia.
"You might not like this idea but hear me out...." said Joelene.
"I know, I know, you hate lovey dovey romance stuff but the bar here's really good and the, the food is some of the best in the city. We can avoid all the romantic stuff and just have fun."
"If you say so..." said Julia, looking on in disapproval at a couple chasing each other around and giggling like schoolchildren.
However, she did recognise someone very familiar to her; her aunt Elle. "Auntie Elle! Auntie Elle! Hello there!" she called out but Elle was in a world of her own and didn't hear Julia calling out.
"Can you wait a moment here, Joelene? That's my aunt over there and I want to say hello to her. I'll be right back." said Julia before trying to catch up with Elle. However, Elle had turned a corner up ahead and when Julia had caught up to where she had been, Elle was nowhere to be seen. Julia sighed and went back to find Joelene, who had already found something exotic to eat.
"You should try some of this, Jules. I can't pronounce what it is but it's delicious." she said.
"I hope so. Her moods do change rapidly. I don't know whether I'm in her good or bad books at any given moment. Sigh, oh well, I'll telephone her later this week to see how she's doing. So...let me get one of those bowls."

Julia bought some edamame and enjoyed it. Once both women finished eating they checked out the scene at the festival.
"So what happens here, Joelene?" asked Julia. "I've always been put off by the name, 'Romance Festival'"
"Well, in theory you bring a date here or you hope to find a date and the environment is meant to inspire romance" replied Joelene.
"Sounds like a waste of time to me" said Julia.
Joelene smiled. "Oh Jules you really shouldn't be so down on love. This isn't sex, this is romance. The art of courting, of getting to know someone you're interested in a little better and sparking a bit of chemistry between people. It's a more wholesome version of what the Kitten Club gets up to."
"My parents were introduced to each other by a matchmaker" replied Julia. "A much better system. Their prospects were analysed and assessed and the matchmaker used all her knowledge to find the right people to match up. No need for dating and guesswork."
"Forgive me for bringing this up, Jules, but didn't you open up and feel a pang of romance between you and that doctor?"
Julia gulped nervously. "Well...I did but look how that turned out. Now a matchmaker would have assessed that Vincent's true loyalty was to helping the world instead of getting romantically involved with one person." she replied.
"OK, now there isn't a matchmaker here but there is a Love Guru." said Joelene.
"A what?"
"A Love Guru. She consults the tea leaves and gives sage advice on love and romance"
"And tea leaves are going to tell me who I should marry? Pfft!" said Julia, dismissively.
"Let's give it a go and see what happens..." replied Joelene.
Within 3 minutes of meeting Saya Sakomoto, the Love Guru, Julia was pouring her heart and thougths out to this old, wise woman who mainly sat there nodding but saying little.
"And what about you, Joelene, what has led you here to see me and ask for my guidance?" said Saya, turning her attention to Julia's friend.
"I still haven't met a man since I had an accidental lesbian affair with a co-worker." replied Joelene, matter of factly.
"I....see..." said Saya, thoughtfully. "Was the other young lady?" Saya continued, pointing at Julia.
"Oh no!" said Joelene suddenly.
"Definitely not" added Julia. "I'm completely unromantic with men and especially women. If I get married, and I must stress 'if', then children and family are vitally important. Besides having an affair with a co-worker is most unprofessional."
"What about Vincent?" said Joelene.
"I did not have an affair with him!"
"But you thought about it" said Joelene.
"Alright ladies, I think I can give you both some advice: You will meet the right people at the right not force it or rush things. You both have long journeys ahead of you. Sayonara."
As the Guru left their table, Joelene turned to Julia and said "so much for that. We're no closer to having a good time with any guys."
"Good job that's not what I'm looking for right now....hey..." said Julia, noticing someone she recognised across the square from where they were sitting. "...I know that man. Burr DeBenning, yes, he's a friend of Suzy's."
"Are you interested in him?" asked Joelene.
"Not really. But if I can attract his attention, I'll introduce you to him."
"Ooh, thanks. He does look cute and what interesting sideburns." said Joelene, looking the man up and down.
However, their interest was soon dimmed when they saw Burr eagerly talking with a woman neither recognised.
"It's been fun; not my scene but fun to watch. Ugh, not that couple though! Get a hotel room you two!" replied Julia. "Well, I'm going to head on home...I'm getting very tired."
"Jules, next time it'll be your choice of where we go...are you OK?" asked Joelene.
"Oh I'm completely fine...I am calm, balanced and centred" she said, with a little grin of smugness. "Don't worry about not finding a catch here tonight, I'm sure you'll meet someone you like and who likes you very soon."
"Excuse me..." said a man, approaching where Julia and Joelene were sitting. "Aren't you Joelene Scholl, the singer?" he said.
"I am..." she replied.
"I saw you in concert a couple of weeks were great. I'm a fan of your work" he added.
"Really? Are you going anywhere or can you spare some time here?" Joelene said, looking him up and down and smiling?
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