Sunday, 20 August 2023

CHAPTER 203: All Dressed Up

With Julia's latest promotion she could afford to purchase a stereo record player.  Now she could enjoy fine recordings of her favourite classical composers plus her growing interest in progressive jazz.  As she listened to one of latter her thoughts turned to how she was going to enjoy her day off from work.  She was wearing her newest, most fashionable outfit:  One that she was nervous purchasing at first because it was the height of Mod fashion and attracted attention from onlookers and that made her uncomfortable but now, wearing it for the third time, she felt something she often didn't feel...feminine and alluring.  The latter emotion being almost unknown to her, she definitely wasn't used to feeling that and didn't know if she liked the feeling either...but as she smoothed her miniskirt and stroked her long, loose hair she was aware that, like it or not, she felt a desire to succumb to these sensations.

This afternoon she was due to play a set at The Blue Velvet nightclub...her talent for playing the piano had now secured her a semi-professional residency there and she was making some decent additional money as well.  This was one of the reasons she was dressed in her latest threads but there was something else going on in the recesses of her mind as well:  Maybe impress a guy or two with more than just her brains?  Not any guy, lounge lizard or barfly she might encounter but a smart, well educated man like Dr Vincent Bledsoe or her recent acquaintance, Blair Herrick.  As Vincent was still in the Congo he was a non-starter but after her set she thought about doing some medical research up at Britechester University so maybe Blair had some free time to meet up?  Maybe...

But she didn't want to be couped up indoors this morning either.  She decided to get out and about and see what adventures she would have along the way...if there were such adventures.  Maybe not grand ones but little ones, mini ones, easily handled ones...that was more to Julia's liking.  She stepped out of her house and as soon as she turned the corner she met little Stefanie Griffiths...daughter of her good friend, Francesca.  Stefanie took a shine to Julia after she had cured the little girl of a particularly nasty illness and ever since then she talked about how, when she grew up, she wanted to be a great doctor like her "Auntie" Julia.

"Good morning, Stefanie, are you off to school?" asked Julia.

" we've got art; that's my favourite lesson" the little girl replied.

"No wonder you look happy.  How are mum and dad?  Are they doing anything special today as I know your mummy has a day off as well as me?"

"No, they're at home...we got a new puppy and Dad's trying to train him and later he's going to cook us all his favourite meal.  He doesn't cook often and knows two recipes but he treats us once in a while."

Julia laughed.  "Your dad's so much fun...I might call around and see them for a bit.  You have fun at school, learn lots of things and be good."

"See you later, Auntie Julia!"  said Stefanie, waving enthusiastically at Julia before walking off.  Julia smiled and wondered what it would be like to raise a good girl like Stefanie...before checking that thought as it involved husbands, settling down and...ugh...'woohoo' to coin the popular term.

Julia made her way over to Francesca's house and saw her husband, Rodney, out front playing with a little dog.  She remembered that Francesca had mentioned getting a new dog about a couple of months ago but it didn't really register at the time as Julia was very indifferent to dogs and pets in general.

"Hello, is that your dog?" she said on greeting him.  The dog was a squat little thing; possibly a pug or a bulldog, Julia didn't know much about breeds, who was sitting there and watching with fascination as a slug slithered by on the front driveway.

"Yep...this is Boris and I'm trying to teach him to sit, come here and bring back this rubber ball when I throw it.  I've achieved about a 50% success rate with that so far." said Rodney.

"I...see..." said Julia, attempting to make some small talk about dogs.  "He seems...nice"

"Oh he is; overall he's a good puppy if you don't mind the odd hurt hand when he play-bites or his muddy paw prints all over the carpet or on your clothes...oh, look, he's noticed you talking to me and wants to meet you.  Look at his little tail wagging!"

"Is that what it's doing?" said Julia, noticing that the tail was so short it wasn't so much wagging and more like Boris' entire bottom wobbling.

Boris sniffed Julia's feet, which made her wince, before attempting to leap up on his back legs with his front paws flailing at her legs.

"No!  Stop that, doggy!  I don't like the claws!  These are brand new tights!" she exclaimed, backing away.

"He wants to hold hands with you, Julia" said Rodney, calmly.

"I...don't think I can do that!" she replied, nervously.

"OK, just be firm...but kind...with him.  Just say 'sit' in a firm voice and point upwards."

"Oh...uhm...SIT!  Oh, he's done it..." she said, surprised that her stern tone of voice had worked first time.

"There you go, you're a natural at this.  And little Boris likes you as well..." said Rodney.

"I'm not sure he likes me" replied Julia.

"He definitely respects you.  Who's a good dog?  You are!  Come here, Boris, I have a treat for you for being a good, obedient doggie!" said Rodney, reaching into a pocket in his suit jacket and pulling out a little dog biscuit.  Then he crouched down, patted the ground before him and Boris came trotting over to get the treat.

"I tell you, Julia.  He's been a little blessing in our lives and it's only been a couple of months." said Rodney, patting little Boris.  "I never knew he'd be so much fun when we got him.  Stefanie loves him, of course, and he treats Fran like a mother.  Speaking of Fran, she's inside and would love to have a gossip with you."

Julia smiled and said thank you but before she went inside the house she turned to Boris and said to him "good dog".

Inside the small, but immaculate, house they lived in she found Francesca; who had just turned off the TV so she could greet her friend.

"Julia, so nice to see you.  Is this a social call?" 

"Yes.  I have a free morning before I play a set down at the Blue Velvet club this afternoon so I thought I'd come and visit you.  I've just chatted with Rodney and met your dog."

"Ha, Boris.  I hope he was a good dog to you"

"I don't know much about them but he seemed to be reasonably well behaved." said Julia.  Francesca motioned towards the couch for Julia to sit down.

"Lately at work it's been so busy we can only talk we can catch up on what's happening.  So the piano playing is going well, is it?"

Julia nodded.  "Yes...I have two sets a week now.  On my wages I don't really need the extra money but it's nice for my nest egg and I really enjoy playing."

Francesca looked Julia up and down.  "It looks like some of that extra money is going on your wardrobe.  You look fabulous and I love the long hair look; it suits you" she said.

"I should say so!" said Rodney, who had entered the room with little Boris trotting beside him.  "Dare I say it; are you seeing a special someone later on?"

Francesca shot him a cross look.  "Rodney!  Looking nice and fashionable isn't just about attracting a date...Julia's a lot more sophisticated than that!"

"Oops, I'm sorry!" he grimaced.

"That's alright..." interjected Julia.  "Both of you are basically correct.  I want to look nice for my set this afternoon and...well...I've met a man who is...interesting."

"Oh do tell!" exclaimed Francesca.  "Is he nicer than that louche city guy you went on a date with?"

"He's a PhD student, his name is Blair and he seems intelligent, polite, generous..."

"Yes, but is he a dish?" said Francesca, rolling her eyes at Julia's primness.

"By all reasonable metrics he is attractive for a man" said Julia, maintaining that primness in her conversation.  "I think he's good looking, not that I base my judgement on men by attractiveness..."

"No, of course not" said Francesca, only half believing her.  After all, Julia had a massive crush on Vincent Bledsoe who was an absolute hunk of a man.

"Well, I hope you have fun this evening, Julia.  I must confess my knowledge of the dating scene is out of date:  Rod and I were high school sweethearts and we've been together ever since."

"And now you've got a wonderful daughter and...that dog" said Julia, still wary that Boris will leap up on her at any moment.

The two of them talked for a couple of hours about work, Dr Murakami in particular, music and how Stefanie was getting on at school.  Rodney made some lunch for them whilst they of the two recipes he knew was sandwiches.  After some time spent at the Griffiths' house Julia had to move on to the Blue Velvet for her piano set.

The place was busy for a weekday afternoon, which was a good sign in that it usually led to more tips for Julia.  The set went without a hitch; Julia's confidence was growing with each gig she did and even though she didn't work a crowd, like her friend Joelene did when they did one of their duets, she made up for it with her smooth playing style.  Her choice of outfit to wear put her more in line with the other female patrons there and she didn't feel so out of place.  She was blending in so well, in fact, that even her neighbour and friend, John Action, didn't spot her among those lining up at the bar to get a drink.

 "Hello, Action.  Did you catch my set?" she asked, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Wait?  What?  Who's that?" he said, spinning around and seeing Julia.  "Never approach me from my gun side, woman!" he exclaimed.  He looked around the room for a moment, tilted his head slightly to the left to loosen the pinched nerve in his neck and looked her up and down.  "Dang it, I almost didn't recognise you, Julia.  Looking more with it than you normally do...was that you playing back there?" he said, jerking his thumb towards the piano.

"It was...did you like my playing?" 

"Yeah, pretty damn fine.  Hey, let me get you a drink while you're here:  On a day like this you need a bit of bar presence to get served and they know me well enough to know not to keep me waiting too long." He said, producing a $5 bill from his pocket and brandishing it towards the barman.

His tactic worked and he ordered drinks for them both.  Handing Julia a gin and tonic he raised his glass and said "here's to a great, what's the lowdown in your life?"

Julia took a sip of her drink before answering.  "Here...the hospital...and not much else to be frank"

"Well that's a shame; you shouldn't be all work and no play"

"What about you, Action?  You seem very dedicated to your job"

"I am...but I play as hard as I work.  I need to switch off from all the stuff I have to see and deal with or else I'll jump off the deep end.  I have my fitness drills, enjoying the company of some cool cats and the love of a fine woman to keep me on the even keel..." he said, holding his hand out flat and motionless in front of Julia.

"I have my music and a few good friends...I was seeing some of them this morning as a matter of fact and I love to research the latest medical breakthroughs as well.  I take it that when you say 'cool cats' you don't actually mean cats?"

Action laughed "'s just street slang for the kind of people you want to hang out with."

Julia did her laughing snort at that in self-deprecation.  "Well, Action, I think I'm done here for this afternoon; I want to get to the University library for some research...I will see you later."

"Hang loose, Jules.  That means be relaxed and not..."

"I think I know what hang loose means" she replied with a smile.

From Willow Creek she headed to Britechester and their extensive medical library.  Fortunately for her, it wasn't crowded at all there; just one student at a far away desk scribbling into a notebook and a very bored looking serving woman at the refectory counter were the only others present.

Julia made some notes from a book she was particularly interested in when she noticed someone enter the library:  Someone who she hoped would make an appearance eventually...her new friend, Blair Herrick.  He was smartly dressed in a lounge suit and turtleneck sweater and walked over to a desk, produced a journal and a pen, and started to write frantically.

"Oh hello,'s me, Julia.  We met last week..."

"I remember.  Hello.  What brings you here?" he said, putting down his pen.

"Research.  This library has many very good medical books." she replied, nodding and trying to peek at his journal to see what he was writing.  "And you?  Is that coursework?"

"Yes.  I have a presentation to give at 4pm as part of my doctrinal studies.  I'm just amending the final section...I'm a perfectionist that way." he said, with a thin smile.

Julia liked to hear that he was someone who took his coursework seriously, as she had done when she was studying to become a doctor.

"I never asked you:  What's your doctorate about?" she queried.

"Oh, it's in chemistry...I'm researching the effect of different compounds on the human taste sensors and how that can be applied in the creation of food and sustenance.  Everything from TV dinners to food astronauts can consume in space." he said with a hint of pride in his voice.

"So there's commercial possibilities with your study then?" she asked.

"Yes...plenty of scope for when I leave this place" he replied.  "Now what are you researching at the moment?"

That was a tricky one for Julia to easily respond to as it involved rare tropical fungal infections that affected men's genitals.  "Oh, disease related stuff..." she awkwardly replied.

She was also struggling with the small talk and it was somewhat of a relief that members of the debating society had now turned up to discuss some proposition about immediate withdrawal from Vietnam.  

"They're always here around this time" said Blair.  

"I see...I never got involved in the debating society whilst I was in medical school."

"No...I'm not either; it's more for the political types."  He looked at his journal and tapped his pen on side of the desk as he was checking something he had written.

"Oh, I'm sorry Blair, I hope I haven't disturbed you!" said Julia with concern that she was doing the wrong thing in her voice.

"'s a pleasant distraction seeing you here.  But I have one last correction I have to make so I hope I'm not being rude if I ask you..."

"To leave you to that for a bit?  Not a problem, I understand" she said, feeling guilty for not leaving him in peace earlier.

She stood up and went to watch the debate.  The young woman was proposing that the US should immediately withdraw from Vietnam and the man was arguing the counter point.  Julia was only half listening as she was going through in her mind when would be the right time to sit near Blair and talk to him again?

Eventually she heard the sound of a book being shut firmly and she turned around to see Blair leaning back in his chair with the journal that he was writing in was closed.  He turned to face Julia.

"And that's all done and dusted" he said with satisfaction in his voice.  "Just the presentation now.  How's the debate going?"

"Con's second rebuttal; citing the Domino Effect" replied Julia.  She stopped paying attention to the debate and sat back down at the long oak table.

Blair shrugged and leant into the table, resting his elbows on it.  "I've got to go and give this presentation soon but I'm free from six onwards...say you and me get a drink over at Pepper's Pub then?"

Julia looked taken aback by this offer.  This was what she had hoped would happen but it was nice to hear it being said to her.

"That sounds great.  I've got some more research to do first but I will see you at six" she said, perkily.

"Look forward to it" replied Blair, standing up and giving her a little wink.

Julia arrived at Pepper's Pub at 5:45pm but was too nervous to enter on her own.  She didn't like going to bars on her own anyway, felt it was not a place for single women on their own, so she waited outside the pub, in the street, waiting for Blair to show up.

Blair showed up not long afterwards but he had changed his outfit since she had last seen him in the library.  He was now wearing a casual shirt and dark, moleskin pants and walked in an easy going swagger about him.

"Hey, you made it" he said with a smile.

"Yes, well, my research was fairly straightforward and as I don't know this part of town very well I thought I'd leave a bit of extra time to find this place...turned out I left too much time, SNORT" she said with a laugh.

"Shall we go inside?" he said, motioning her towards the entrance of the pub.

They sat at the bar and Blair asked Julia what she wanted to drink and then motioned to the barman that they wanted two.  Julia was still a bit nervous about meeting Blair here and going for drinks so she started with some small talk.

"How did your presentation go?" she asked.

"Fine...I think.  The panel are pretty tough with their questions but I think I got my main points across.  You know, you fit in well around here; this is a student bar and you look the part."

Julia raised an eyebrow "Do you think I look immature?" she said.

"No, no, please don't take offence.  I mean, here I am in the company of an actual medical doctor who's working in the real world but observers would think I'm talking with a fellow student.  I'm observing the dichotomy."

"Ah, I see." she said, nodding.  "That can be a problem at work; some patients, and other doctors, don't take me seriously because they think I'm younger than I actually am.  I'm 22."

"22?  Wow, I'm actually 25!" said Blair with a chuckle.  "I started college later because I did two years in the army, then did my undergraduate degree and now I'm working on a PhD.  You left school before I have!"

The two talked some more about their backgrounds but, unbeknownst to Julia, an acquaintance of hers had entered the bar.  Scott Urban had just finished a postal round in Britechester and needed a drink so he came to Pepper's Pub to unwind after a long, day, made unpleasant by all the assholes he had to deal with at the mail depot and on the street.  He brooded over the kind of idiot he usually had to deal with. Why did they all have to blame him when they didn't get their mail on time? He just gets given a bag with post in it and trudges around the neighbourhood...he isn't personally responsible for lateness or when letters go missing.

He looked across the bar and saw Julia talking with some guy.  He sighed; she looked so pretty in that outfit...although he did like her hair in pigtails but she was so smart, learned and good looking he was happy to see her however she dressed.  But she was way out of his league...he could tell by the way she was focussed on College Boy there and she hadn't noticed he was in the bar as well.

Julia was having a nice time with a civilised young man who, apparently, didn't have any baggage.  He clearly had an eye on the future the way he talked about using his PhD research in business after he completed his doctorate.  But now she felt happy and comfortable in Blair's presence, what next?  She wasn't a flirt, she couldn't flirt even if she tried so she had now hit a brick wall in trying to develop this friendship with the guy.  What to do next?  What to say?  It would be easier if he made the next move, she thought...

Blair finished a second drink and put the glass down firmly on the counter.  "I've had a really good time tonight, Julia, but I've got to go.  I've got another presentation to give tomorrow morning..."

"And you've got to finish your notes, I get it?" she replied.

"Actually I have to start them...but, seriously, we must do this again sometime.  All the best with your medical research."

"Oh...that....I nearly forgot.  Thanks.  I had a nice time too and we should definitely meet up again."

He took out his wallet and pulled out a business card.  "My phone number, if you want to call it."

Julia took it and reached for her shoulder bag.  "I should give you mine too..." she said, producing her own card.  Blair read it.

"Dr Julia Epstein, M.D. F.A.C.S....very impressive." said Blair.

Julia blushed and let out a little nervous snort.  "Anyway" he continued "I will see you soon" he said, putting her card in his wallet before walking out.  She watched him casually stroll out into the evening and sighed.  

Then she felt her pager go off so she took it out and looked at who was calling.  It was Francesca.  Maybe it was a question she had about tomorrow's shift so she asked the barman where the payphone was and went to call her friend.

Almost immediately after phoning the number, Francesca answered it and it was clear she was crying.

"Francesca?  What's the matter?" asked Julia.  Francesca was trying to speak whilst holding back the sobs.

"Oh Julia, thank God you called!  It''s Rodney...Rodney....he's...DEAD!"

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