Tuesday, 15 February 2022

CHAPTER 145: Where The Girls Are


"Milton was a woman, discuss" I absolutely hate those questions!  I mean, is this important?  Can I get to the moon knowing whether John Milton was a man or a woman?  I hate homework like this!  

Now there's a knock at my door!  Who is it this time, mom or dad?

It's mom.

"Hello Jamie, I just came to see if you're OK as you didn't have any dessert with dinner"

"I'm OK, Mom, I've just got a ton of homework to get through"

She looked around the room.  "I don't know how you can get much study done in this light!  It's murky!"

"I like it; it's atmospheric"

"If you say so...so how's homework going?"

I show her the essay question.

"Oh...." she said in a mixture of surprise and trepidation.  "well, an unusual question but I don't think your teacher wants you to answer that directly.  This is more like a test of your skill at making a convincing argument.  So, to begin with, work out what you think is the answer and then figure out ways of backing that up."

Now it kind of all made sense...I invited Mom to stay so I could use her as a sounding board for my ideas.  I was going to ace this project!

"You know, Mom, this is really working...OK, I'm going to argue the case that Milton WASN'T a woman, here's my reasoning why, and my conclusion."

"You see what you can do if you think a little laterally" she said and then she did this annoying thing of touching my forehead to indicate thinking.  She's done that with me ever since first grade.

"Well, I've aced this homework so I'm going to relax a bit now" 

"What are you going to do?"

"I thought I'd go for a bike ride..." I want to go where the chicks are, but I won't tell her that.  "Maybe head over to the park..." Where the girls are  "and hang out with friends" preferably of the female variety.

"Well, be careful out there on your bike...and don't stay out too late either; it's a school day tomorrow"

I grab a few supplies from the fridge to keep me going while I'm down at the park, get my bike and head off for....who knows what?  But it's got to be better than John/Jane Milton.

Desert Bloom Park was fast becoming known as the hang out for high schoolers in this area.  The main reason is the snug area near the BBQ pits.  It had a small library, open fires, comfortable sofas, a bar and a built in radio which played all the popular pop/rock stations.  It was also somewhere to play my guitar...now that really impresses the chicks, or at least it should do.

I was wondering who else would be there tonight.  I'd met Yuki Behr down there, once, and although I like her she's dating that Marcus Mueller these days.  I've seen other cute girls off from afar but, not only that, I have friends who like hanging out there as well so there's every chance one of them will be present this evening.

Yep, I have a good feeling about tonight!

Right, first things first, get to the snug and start playing those sweet tunes.  I've learned a few new licks and songs which I'll try out on the lay-dieeeesss...

"Is someone strangling a cat in here?" 

I look around to see who said that and, would you know it, it's Marcus Mueller.  Typical.  I can't stand this guy.  And he's brought a friend it seems.  Let's see if he's as big a jerk as Marcus.

"I dunno, Marcus, I kind of like it" 

OK, this dude has gone up one notch in my estimation.  

"See, Marcus, this guy's got taste.  Hi, I'm Jamie"

"Rohan...so, are you in a band?"

"Not at the moment" Not at all...maybe I should put one together?  "I'm kind of a singer-songwriter type..."

"So you write music as well?" Rohan looked wide eyed in amazement at that announcement.

"If you can call it music..." 

Shut up and just leave, Marcus!

"So is this a band rehearsal in here or can anyone join in?"

I turn around to see who said that...Oh my gosh!  It's Gillian Hills!

Now on top of my ranking list of most gorgeous girls in Buckingham High is, of course, Judy Keith.  But only one notch below her is Gillian Hills.  She's head of the Fashion Club, does modelling as a part-time job and is always up to date on the latest fads, trends and scenes.  I've never even spoken to her before and yet she's right here, 3 feet away from me...the closest I've ever been to a goddess like her.

"Gillian, great to see you; you look amazing"  said Marcus, leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek.  She went all coy and patted him on his arm.  Of course he of all people would know her.

"Marcus, how sweet of you to say that"

"And to answer your question, it's just this guy and his guitar...I must apologise for his playing but he's very much a beginner with the instrument."

"Marcus is just jealous that he can't play" There, that's my marker put down.

"You're not bad...not bad at all" said Gillian, looking me up and down.  Did she mean my musical abilities or something else?

"I can play a bit of piano!" chimed in Rohan, a little desperately.  There was an awkward silence.

"Well, Gillian, I'd love to stay and catch up but I'm meeting Yuki for a date" Marcus said, smugly.

"Oh, you're still dating her?" Did I detect a hint of disapproval in Gillian's voice?

"Well, it's just casual...you know how it is" replied Marcus, his smugness disappearing.  Anyway, he said his goodbyes and left me, and Rohan, alone with Gillian Hills!  I go dry:  What do I say to someone like her?

"Hello, I'm Jamie"

"Of course you are.  My name is Gillian but you can call me Gilly"

"I'm Rohan!"

She ignored him.  I sat down on one of the sofas in the hope that she would sit next to me but she remained standing.

"So...Gilly...are you into music?"

"Yeah, I like all the latest bands and sounds.  You?"

I try to sound cool.  "Yeah, I like the British invasion bands mostly..."

She raises an eyebrow in surprise.  It's going well Jamie, my son...

"You do?  So do I...who's your favourite?

"I'm really into The Beatles"

"Oh...I prefer the Rolling Stones" Dang it!  Did she have to sound so disappointed though?

"I like Dusty Springfield!" Rohan reminded us he was still here.

"You know, we should start a band!" Rohan continued in his enthusiastic way.  "I mainly play piano but I've tried a Hammond Organ and there's this church I know where there's a piano and a room to rehearse in!"

"Well, I'd love to talk about this some more but I have a busy social calendar right now so I will leave you budding Lennon and McCartney's to it..."

No!  Gillian!  Gilly!  We've only just met!  Your mere proximity to me will boost my social standing immensely!  I'll write you a ballad in tribute!

"Jamie, don't you like my idea?"

"No, it's a decent enough idea...it's just...don't you know who that was?  That's Gillian Hills!"

Rohan shrugged.  

"She goes to my school and she's like...a model and hot and only one of the most desirable chicks in Sim City! And she left...."

"Oh don't worry about that, Jamie.  When we start our band the chicks will come flocking to us!  But we need to practice, rehearse, find a singer, drummer and bass player...then book some gigs..."

"Slow down, Skippy!" 

"Sorry, I get carried away sometimes"

"Don't sweat it...but I like your overall idea.  We'll get together soon and have a jam"

Rohan and I step out of the snug to see who else is around and I swear tonight in Desert Bloom Park it's a target rich environment.  As well as Gillian, there's loads of cute girls around.  Sadly, not Judy Keith but still...

Rohan stops dead in the doorway.  "Where did they come from?"

"Who cares, Rohan, they're here now.  So...shall we mingle with them?  Go over and say hello or something?"

"Yeah...something.  Well, we can tell them about our new band as a conversation starter"

"That's better than the starter I had planned"

"Which is?"

"Nothing at all.  Let's go with your suggestion"

Rohan approached one group of girls but just as he got close to them, he panicked and turned around.

"I...I...couldn't go through with it, Jamie!"

"Why?  What's the matter?"

"Well, one of them...I think she's French by the sounds of her...was going through her diary commenting on all the guys at Buckingham High and how she ranks them....we didn't even get a mention!"


"OK, time to think of a plan B..."  I consider our options to get ourselves noticed in a good way then I remember I have some foodstuff I'd brought along to share with friends.  Well, Rohan is my new friend and I was willing to make some other friends who were hot chicks.  I fire up one of the BBQs and get cooking.  Barbecuing is about the only kind of cooking I know and even then I just light a fire, slap on some meat and let the heat do the work.  The grill smell is wafting all over the park by now and it smells good...

This willowy redhead is walking over in my direction...I look behind me, expecting some big, hulking jock or some smarmy rich kid like Marcus Mueller to be standing right behind and who would be the person she's walking towards.  However, there wasn't anyone standing behind me.  OK then, she's going to the snug.  She looks very striking with the shortest shorts I've ever seen on a girl, a top that clings to her body like a second skin and these amazing red suede boots.  Before she walks past me and out of my life forever I can drink in her beauty for just a few seconds.

"Hello...you might just be a life saver!"  She spoke!  Was she talking to me?  I look around.  "I take it you're the chef?"

"Oh...me?  Yes.  Yes I am although I'm hardly a chef...more like your friendly neighbourhood BBQ guy"

"Could I be outrageous and ask for some?  I'm starving!  My own fault really for not having something earlier"

"You can be outrageous" I said, handing her a plate.

She took a bite of the hamburger I gave her and I swear I've never seen anyone chew on one as seductively as this girl.

"Hmmmm, and who do I have to thank for this?"

"Oh, that would be me:  Jamie McGregor"

"I'm Morgan, Morgan Fyres" she said, holding out her hand for me to shake.  I took it and it felt so soft and smooth.  

"Groovy name, I dig it...erm, would you like to sit down with me for a while and hang out?  I mean, if you've got nothing else to do or....someone else you're meeting"

"I've got no one to meet so, sure"

This is going so well!  How come I've never seen this girl before?  Maybe she goes to a private school but, she doesn't seem the type.

"So are you at high school?  I'm sure I've seen you from afar there"  That's me fishing.

"Yeah, Buckingham High...you?"

"The same"

"Funny how we've never met before.  Is this a usual hang out for you?"

"Yeah, we must just keep missing each other"

She looked straight into my eyes and I was captivated by hers:  The brightest green eyes I'd ever seen perfectly framed by thick. black eyeliner.  She pushed the plate of food to one side and made a kind of bridge with her elbows and hands on the table.  She rested her chin on her hands and fixed me with an enticing gaze again.

"So, is cooking your thing?" 

"One of them:  I play guitar as well"

"Ooh, a man of many talents!  I like the sound of you, Jamie McGregor"

"What about you?  What are you into?"

"ALL kinds of things!" her eyes widened as she said that.  I could well imagine this redhead with legs that went on forever and who isn't backward at coming forwards would be kind of fun, kind of wild and kind of unpredictable...this wasn't your average girl next door!

"Sounds interesting..."

"I am...if I may be so immodest"

"You certainly can"

This was the most flirtatious conversation I've ever had but I was kind of swept along with it...that's what it was like around Morgan:  She led, I followed.  I was just lucky she decided to approach me in the first place.  The place was getting dark and a quick look at my watch told me it was past 10pm.  I suspected she wasn't the kind who paid much attention to time, and I didn't want this moment to end but then there's the deal I struck with Mom to be home not too late...dang it, why couldn't I have met Morgan on a Friday or Saturday night?

"So, I guess I will see you at school tomorrow?" she said.  

"Yeah, I'll keep a look out for you"

"And thanks for the food...I'll make it up to you"

"My pleasure"

"The pleasure was all mine" And with that she gently stroked my hand. I could have thrown caution to the wind and stayed with her but I played it safe, packed up my gear and went to get my bike.  I turned to look at her one more time and she smiled, warmly this time.  I don't know if I'll see her tomorrow, or the next day or the days after that or whether the magic of what happened this evening will ever be replicated but now I know there was one time, and one girl, who looked favourably at me...and what a girl that was!

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