"Hi, it's Burr" said the voice at the other end.
"Burr...hngh...that's got it! Sorry. Yes, hi Burr. How are you?" She said with relief that the zip made it all the way to the top.
"Good. Hey, I've found out some interesting things about the Landgraabs...can we meet up at the library?"
Suzy's eyes widened in excitement. "Sure! Willow Creek Archive in 1 hour?" she said.
"See you then" replied Burr.
Putting her feet into her favourite white go-go boots and checking her make up one last time, Suzy grabbed her shoulder bag and headed off to Crawdad Quarter.

Suzy sauntered her way to Willow Creek Archive and saw Burr DeBenning, an acquaintance and someone else who was interested in the shady activities of the Landgraab Family, waiting outside for her.
"Burr, what is this you've found out?" she asked.
"I've been looking at the land records for Oasis Springs and there's something strange near the Landgraab mansion. A tunnel that runs right under the property. I've tried finding out more but there's no record of it other than an old map dated before WW1."
"Hmmm, potentially interesting. So no one knows what it is or what's in it? I think we should take a closer look" she said.
"My thoughts exactly" said Burr, smiling and impressed with Suzy's courage. "Let's go"
Afluista Mansion
Standing outside the modernist estate of the Landgraab family, Suzy and Burr looked at their pocket map to see where the mystery tunnel entrance was. A jogger went past them, looking at the pair suspiciously.
"Quick!" said Suzy, pulling her pocket instamatic camera from out of her bag "let's take a picture of ourselves so we look like tourists!"
Once the jogger had gone they checked Burr's map. "According to this, it's down a footpath to the left of the house which loops around behind it. I think this-a-way!" said Suzy, running off in that direction. Burr took a leisurely stroll down the path instead.
Once they'd reached the point where the map indicated the tunnel entrance, they found a heavily boarded up hold in the rock face. Burr tried to pry the boards off but they were heavily nailed in place with rocks and mortar behind them to deter any intruders.
"This is going to be more difficult than I thought" said Burr. "We can't manage it today, we'll have to come back with more equipment"
Suzy agreed, reluctantly; her curiosity piqued even more by the discovery of the tunnel entrance. Burr said he knew a decent bar in the area and they headed off to the Rattlesnake Juice Bar.
"So, do you do a lot of this undercover investigating where you work?" Burr asked Suzy.
"This is my first time" she said. "I got into fashion journalism but I've gotten away from that lately".
"I didn't think of myself as an investigator either" said Burr. "I work for the city planning department but whilst I've been there I've seen plenty of shading dealings...I've been sucked in to the case as well. Psst! You'd never guess who's just walked in this bar?"
"Nancy Landgraab! No way!" exclaimed Suzy, clapping her hands over her mouth so she didn't sound so obvious to onlookers.
"Shhh!" said Burr.
Nancy tottered over to the bar; she swayed exaggeratedly, winking at a male customer before she sat down, unsteadily.
"My ushual, Barkeep, and put it on my tab *hic*" said Nancy.
"I think she's already had too much to drink" said Burr to Suzy.
"I love your dressh" said Nancy to Suzy.
"Erm, thanks." replied Suzy. "Coming from you Mrs Landgraab I take that as a compliment"
"Now who'sh that handshome young gentleman sitting next to you....he looks like a keeper" Nancy said, eyeing up Burr.
"I'm Burr and this is Suzy" he replied.
"Hmmm, if I weren't already a married woman..." Nancy didn't finish her sentence but eyed up Burr lecherously.
"Well, is that the time? I must head out, Suzy. See you soon?" said Burr, getting up to go.
"Wait, no! Already? Can't you stay?" said Suzy.
"Sorry Suz, got to be somewhere else" he replied before heading out the bar.
Nancy Landgraab was chatting up a couple of other men at the bar and ignored her. Stepping outside into the cool evening air, she spied a friend: John Action. "Hey John" she said.
"What's the score, Suzy?" replied Action. "You still following that case of yours? I saw Nancy Landgraab in the bar just now"
"Yeah, she's hammered." replied Suzy. "Look, John, can you push some information my way about her and her husband?"
"Don't go messing with police business, Suz. It's a job best left to the pros. This is a tough town with some mean streets which the Landgraabs pave with secrets, signs and threats!" Action banged his fist down on the table they were sitting at.

"But this could be big!" said Suzy
"Leave it, doll!" said Action. He looked into her eyes, intensely. He was not a man to be messed with. Suzy said nothing and Action left without another word.
Suzy felt conflicted; to pursue this investigation or to drop it? Action had warned her, Burr seemed too frightened by what he might find out. That left her to investigate. Meanwhile, back at the Rattlesnake Juice Bar, Nancy Landgraab kept downing Tequila Slammers and keeping the young menfolk there wrapped around her little finger.
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