Sunday 25 October 2020

CHAPTER 15: Private Investigations

Suzy Kent was still mulling over what she had learned in Willow Creek Archive yesterday. That there might exist a conspiracy involving the Landgraabs, the Fengs and a mysterious organisation known as "The Visitors", whoever they may be. She always had an option with her work to do it based from her home instead of going in to the office so she decided to combine her normal fashion reporting with a bit of hunting around to see if she could find more about "The Triangle of Power".

Her first port of call was Willow Creek Archive to try to find more of those mysterious pages that prompted her investigation. Returning to the upstairs section, she found the gardening book which contained them but the pages were missing! She searched the area, but to no avail. She considered going to ask the librarian for help when she saw Victor Feng sitting at the library chess table. Just the person she was interested in finding more about.

"Do you mind if I join you in a game?" she said, boldly, to Feng. He looked up at her with a look of incredulity.

"Sure...I could use the distraction" he said, coldly. She sat down and prepared to play. She decided to be professional in her conversation; mentioning that she wrote for Hey, Wow! magazine and that she was writing an article on the 10 most stylish people in Sim City and mentioned that Victor was on the shortlist.

"Why thank you, Miss Kent...One tries to maintain a professional yet stylish image in one's line of work"

"And what line of work are you in, Mr Feng?"

"I'm a city representative, as you might's a rather important job so I have to maintain my best image"

"Sounds fascinating. So what's your political outlook?"

"Miss Kent....all around us are unruly forces; anarchists, long hairs, revolutionaries, crypto-revolutionaries, crypto-anarchists and fluoridators. It's the responsibility of the elite forces in society to herd them, tame them and lead them."

"Check" said Suzy, calmly right at that moment.

"Oh, I see you've lured me into a trap, Miss Kent. I rarely make a mistake shan't happen again. Now I must attend to business, until next time."

Feng got up and abruptly left the library. Suzy could see how such a man would set himself against the old, established Landgraab family. She went about the rest of the working day interviewing locals about their wardrobes, styles and tastes, wrote them up in her notebook before heading off to dance the night away at the Blue Velvet club.

At the bar she got talking to an outgoing young man called Joaquin Le Chien. Suzy liked his cheery, breezy style and learned he was in the music business. She mentioned that he looked a little like John Lennon, which pleased him.

As they were talking, Suzy noticed that Geoffrey Landgraab had entered the club. She saw her chance to strike up a conversation with him but the man blanked her out. She was surprised to notice that Lily Feng was seated at the bar, right next to Geoffrey.

"Ah, Miss Kent, my husband mentioned he met you's your article?" said Lily.

"Well, I'm glad I bumped into you Mrs Feng; I'd like to interview you for my article" replied Suzy.

"About fashion?"

"Yes...what else?"

"Well, things aren't always what they appear to be....Miss Kent. Call my secretary tomorrow" she said, handing Suzy a business card. "...and we'll arrange a suitable time."

Suzy felt she was making some progress here...something was up, that was sure. She was buzzing too much to dance the night away and flirt with the cool guys...she had work to do. She left the club at a jog.

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