Monday, 18 December 2023

CHAPTER 213: The Trigger Effect (Downfall pt 1)


Jeremy approached Sneedley Burrow with his stomach tied up in a knot.  He didn't want to come here and he didn't want to pursue this investigation into some cleaning lady that the Landgraabs and the Sneedley's employed but his gung-ho colleague, Darrin, had egged him on in his usual dramatic style.  Jeremy was angry at the Landgraabs and wanted some justice for what was done to him by them but Darrin's hatred burned passionately and he wondered what they had done to him to make him so vitriolic in his hatred?

George Sneedley was sitting outside on the large front porch of his home, polishing a chess set with glee.  The man seemed engrossed in his task and Jeremy was reluctant to disturb him but he'd come all this way to Oasis Springs so it was pointless to turn back now.

"Oh, hello George" he said when he stepped on the front porch.  George just glanced in Jeremy's direction for a moment before returning his attention to his chess set.

"Hello Jeremy, I didn't expect to see you here" came George's reply.

"Well, I was in the area and I thought I'd come and say hello.  This is a very nice place you have"

"Thank you.  Edna and I have worked hard to keep it so."

"I see you take good care of your chess set"

George looked at this shiny chessmen and puffed out his chest with pride.  "Yes...a memento from my time in Korea.  I polish the set monthly because Edna and I like to have a game almost every day.  Do you play, Jeremy?"

"Oh I'm still learning the game, much strategy to take in."

"By the way, is Edna in?  I wanted to talk with her about something" he asked, his stomach tightening as he thought about using a plausible cover story in order to get information out of the Sneedleys.

"She's inside...if you have time, maybe you could join me in a game of chess?" said George.  

Jeremy smiled nervously "Maybe, George, maybe...I'll just go inside and say hello to Edna" he said as a way of an excuse.

He went inside and found the lady of the house straightening a painting on the wall.  "Ahh, Jeremy, I thought I could hear you outside talking with George.  So lovely to see you...can I get you a drink?"

"It's a bit early for me, Edna" he replied.

"I hope you don't mind me having one..." she said, opening a bottle of gin and getting a glass.

"Not at all.  I was in the area and thought...." he said, trying to find the right words for what he was about to say " you know, you've got a really great house here, Edna?  I mean, it's so tastefully decorated and so clean!"

"How kind of you to say so, Jeremy.  George and I maintain it to a high standard; it's what separates us all from the riff raff." she said, glaring out of the window towards the shabby looking trailer home that sat opposite their house.

"So...." he said, building up to the point he wanted to make " you do this all yourself something like a cleaner or maid who comes in?" the words came out awkwardly as he didn't want to appear to have an obvious agenda.

"I do most of it myself but I get very busy these days with my ever growing political career so lately we've got a woman who comes in once a week to add some finishing touches and sparkle."

"She sure does an impressive job, Edna"

"Well....I still do most of it myself, Jeremy" Edna said, not wishing to share the credit too much.  "This woman, I believe her name is Beulah, is also cleaner for the Landgraabs, you know" she said in a haughty tone to let Jeremy know that her life and the Landgraabs overlapped.

"You don't say!" said Jeremy in reply, pleased that he got that bit of information from her without difficulty.

"Are you in need of a cleaning lady, Jeremy?  I can understand that looking after a fashion boutique takes up most of your girlfriend's time and that she neglects her household duties." she said with a hint of acid in her voice, especially the way she said 'girlfriend' as Jeremy hadn't married her yet.

"Actually we're both pretty busy would be helpful to have someone do all those cleaning chores." he replied.  "You don't happen to have this Beulah's phone number, do you?"

"I don't, she was arranged by George.  He'll have her contact details.  Oh George..." she called out, before adding as an aside to Jeremy "...I do hate yelling so but often my George is in a little world of his own"

"Yes dear?" came a muffled voice from another room.

"Jeremy has a question to ask you" said Edna.

"I'm in the study working on this week's menus...come in, Jeremy" came George's voice again.

Jeremy went to the Sneedley's dark study, which was in stark contrast to the rest of the house with it's old fashioned bookcases, chairs and desk compared with the modern and sleek design of the rest of the home.

"Take a seat, Jeremy.  What do you wish to ask me?" said George.

"I'm looking for a cleaner...for my house.  I hear you know of an excellent and reliable one.  Could you tell me her name and where I can contact her?  Edna says you have her phone number." asked Jeremy.

"Oh..." George exclaimed; a worried look on his face.  "Well...that's not as easy to obtain as you think..." he spluttered.

"Really, why's that?" asked Jeremy, taken aback by George's nervous response.

"Well, she's really busy working here and at the Landgraabs.  She cleans for them, you know."

"I know, that's how I came to hear about her.  But I also know she only cleans there twice a week and how often does she visit here?"

"Once a week, isn't it, George?" said Edna from the doorway.

"Yes...once a week, but she has other clients" stammered George.

"I'm looking for a one off clean of my house.  Between you and me, George, Barbara and I are thinking of moving house and we will need our present home to be cleaned inside and out before we put it on the market.  Why don't you give me her phone number and she can say yes or no herself when I speak to her?"

George started to pat his desk and look around as if he was searching for something.  " had it written down here somewhere..."

"In one of the desk drawers, maybe?" Jeremy offered as a suggestion.  He thought to himself; why is George acting so nervously?

"Oh yes...a-ha...silly me.  Yes, a desk drawer." said George opening one up and looking inside, humming to himself as he did so "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no.  Not here" he said, shutting the drawer.

"That's a pity" said Jeremy.  "So how do you contact her if you or Edna have to change your plans suddenly?"

" a good question, Jeremy.  Yes.  A very, very good question indeed.  Well....we....she...has her own key and she lets herself in and out when we're not around."

"You didn't tell me you gave her a house key" chimed in Edna.

"I'm sure I did" said George, with a frown on his face as he adjusted his shirt collar.

"You didn't.  That's something you should have asked me in advance, George.  I mean, I've never even met Beulah."

"Haven't you?" asked Jeremy, turning in his seat to face Edna.  

", she has never let us down.  LISTEN, I will search this office thoroughly, yes sir I will, and I will call you when I have her number.  It's just that...I'm very busy right now but once I've done these menus I will get straight on to looking for it." George's voice was going up and down with a nervous croak to it and Jeremy thought the man was hiding something, why else would he be so evasive?  At that moment he wished he was like Action and could sweat the information out of him in an interrogation.

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

CHAPTER 212: Malcolm Landgraab Lives


Suzy entered the kitchen and the sight there filled her with dread:  Neil was making breakfast and he was very inexperienced as a cook.  It wasn't that she was worried about the meal not tasting nice but it was only recently that Francesca's husband, Rod, was killed in a kitchen fire because of his lack of experience using cookers.  The memory of that tragedy was still fresh in the minds of everyone who knew the couple.

"Ah, good morning, Darling.  I thought I'd surprise you and make breakfast" said Neil.

"It certainly is a don't have to, really.  I have more experience and it's no fuss to make breakfast for us both." she said, concerned about the large chef's knife that was laying right next to the cutting board.

"I'm almost finished" Neil replied.  "I've been able to cut fruit without cutting that's an achievement" he added.

"OK...I'll get some plates and cutlery but if you need any help..."

"I don't, Suzy.  You shouldn't look so worried, I've got this sorted" he interjected.

The fruit salad tasted good and Suzy's fear about Neil seriously hurting himself disappeared.  

"You've got something on your mind, I can tell" said Neil.

"I have lots of things on my mind right now" she said with a warm smile.  "I've got to interview this starlet over at Del Sol Valley this afternoon but first I'm this close to finishing that Malcolm Landgraab expose"  she said, pinching her index finger and thumb to indicate a tiny distance.

"Do you think it will be accepted by your editor?" asked Neil.  "I mean, what we've learned about that family in recent weeks is going to be dynamite!"

"If she doesn't, I'll sell it to Alan Cuffe over at Lothario.  He's no fan of the Landgraabs"

"Well, this might be the article that puts you on the map" he said, patting her on her knee. 

"I'm hoping it doesn't put me in the hospital!" she replied.

"Don't even joke about that" said Neil with a look of concern.

Suzy finished her breakfast and went to smarten herself up in the bedroom.  As she viewed herself in the mirror, she felt that she was on the cusp of publishing her most dangerous and provocative piece of writing that she had ever done.  Once the story was out, there was going to be an eruption of anger from Affluista Mansion. 

"To print, or not to print?" she mused.  "PRINT!" she said, defiantly.

With that decided, she returned to her typewriter to finish the piece:  THE TRUTH ABOUT MALCOLM LANDGRAAB.

To the left of her typewriter were her research notes and tucked away, between the folders, was the mysterious book about the dark history of the Landgraabs...and probably the Fengs as well but she hadn't read that section yet.

Neil entered, clutching his stomach.  "I think I overdid it with the cherries...ugh" he said, sitting down on the couch.

"I thought they were nice" said Suzy.

"Yeah, but while you weren't looking I ate a whole load more from the bowl.  Now I'm regretting it.  Before I forget, you need to keep an eye on the time so you're not late for your interview"

"Oh, good thinking!  I haven't kept track of time.  I've finished this now so I'm going to put it in an envelope and post it." she replied, brandishing the manuscript.

She stood up, tightly clutching the envelope with the precious document inside it, and shut her eyes before exhaling.  "This is it, Neil" she said, opening her eyes once more.  "This is my magnum opus"

"It might be the first of many" he replied, standing up and placing his hand on her shoulder.  "Whatever happens; rejection, acceptance, awards or bricks lobbed through our windows by an irate Malcolm Landgraab...I will always be here for you"

"Thanks, sweetie.  Well, time to go.  We've got some Alka-Seltzer in the bathroom so take care of yourself" 

He nodded and she headed out the door, stopping to put the manuscript into the mailbox.  

"I'll keep an eye on it until the mailman comes" said Neil, standing at the doorway.  "No one's getting their hands on that beforehand"

Suzy headed across town to Del Sol Valley and the Orchid A Go Go club where she would be meeting this starlet.  Her editor assured her Vanessa Jeong was one of the "Faces of 66" and going places.  After all the excitement of her work investigating the Landgraabs, interviewing an up and coming actress with only one screen credit to her name:  "Pirates of Brindleton Bay" as "Serving Wench".

At the club Suzy noticed a well known actress resplendent in a long, sparkling gown and expensive jewellery but for the life of her, she couldn't place the woman's name.  She became famous in a soap opera, won an Emmy award and is being tipped to star in a big screen adaptation of a popular novel but the name was eluding her!  She had spent so much time invested in her investigative journalism she had fallen out of touch with the pop culture world:  A world in which she used to live and breathe.

"Excuse me, you're Suzy Kent aren't you?  I'm Vanessa" said the girl with trepidation.

"I am" replied Suzy, who still wrote under her maiden name.  "Nice to meet you, Vanessa.  I hope I haven't kept you waiting"

"I've only just got here myself." said Vanessa.

"Well, let me get some drinks in and I'll ask you a few questions about your background, how you got into acting and we'll take it from there"

Once settled at the bar, Suzy got out her notepad and pen and started the interview.  Vanessa was originally from Strangerville but had now moved to Sim City, specifically Del Sol Valley in the heart of showbizland.  She had always loved acting ever since she appeared as a singing star in her local nativity play, age 6.  

The interview kept on getting disturbed by a lot of fans of the soap opera star who were fawning all over her to get an autograph.  Suzy was jostled as she tried to find somewhere quieter to conduct the interview.  One fan was so overcome at getting the actresses' autograph and shaking her hand that she fainted.

The two of them found a booth that afforded some peace and quiet and the interview continued.

"It's not a big role, I had three lines, but I have a comedy moment when Dash Riprock slaps me on the butt and I go tumbling.  That's got me an audition for a guest spot on The FBI" Vanessa continued.

"Very good.  OK, so our readership are interested in personal style, music tastes and where you get your clothes.  That's a great jacket, by the way..." said Suzy.

"Well, I'm not exactly loaded so most of my clothes are from Penney's or Target...but I like The Beatles, Manfred Mann and Dionne Warwick" Vanessa replied.  Suzy made a note of all of this and then asked the girl if she wanted another drink.  She said yes and Suzy headed to the bar once again.

Just then, Malcolm Landgraab entered the club and immediately saw Suzy pass right in front of him.

"Ah, the gutter press are here.  I might have known" he sneered.

"Today, for once, the story isn't about you" she replied, defiantly.

"Taking a day off from your pathetic vendetta against me and my family, are we?" he snorted contemptuously.  All of a sudden he winced with pain and touched the side of his head.

"Headache?" asked Suzy, in a sarcastic manner.

"I...I...don't have time to waste talking to you.  My crowd are expecting me and you're not part of it!"  

"Oh deary me" she said in a deadpan snark.

"DON'T trifle with me, Kent, I am a very, very dangerous person to cross as others have found to their cost!"

There was an intensity to his gaze that actually frightened Suzy.  She had not noticed that in him before and suddenly there was a sinking feeling in her stomach again as she considered her article that was due to be published that would make Malcolm even angrier.

Suzy went back to the bar and Vanessa but she kept an eye on Malcolm as she resumed her interview.  He was laughing and fooling around with a crowd of young women (although most were a few years older than him) but she noticed that every so often he would wince and touch the side of his head.

"Miss Kent, are you OK?" asked Vanessa, who had noticed that Suzy was distracted.

"What?  Oh yes...sorry.  It's busier here than what I thought it would be" Suzy offered as an apology.

They talked more for about ten minutes before Vanessa had to go to meet a date.  Suzy had got what she wanted for an article but still the draw of observing what Malcolm was up to was preoccupying her mind.

Suzy went back to the bar to take a look at her notebook before she too headed off when she heard Malcolm's voice from behind her.

"Still here, Kent?"

"Apparently so..." she answered, dismissively.

"I wouldn't be so nonchalant if I were you...I have power in this town!"

"I wouldn't count on that..." she said, trying to sound cryptic about what she meant.  In the next few days the expose of his criminal activities will drop.

"Oh but I am counting on it..." he said with a malevolent smile on his face.  " don't know about the hold I have on people around here.  Everyone!" he called out loud, grabbing the attention of the bystanders standing around them.  "This is Suzy Kent...she is your enemy!" he said, clicking his fingers.  Suddenly the people in the club went silent and they all turned to glare at her.

Suzy was unnerved but this sudden turn but Malcolm was laughing.  "And there you were thinking you're popular!  Ha ha ha ha!  You know nothing, Kent...absolutely nothing and you're a nobody in this big old world!"

Suzy picked up her bag and slowly made her way out of the club with everyone still staring at her with blank expressions on their faces.  How did he do that? She thought to herself.  Just as she was at the door, Malcolm went from laughing to suddenly letting out a wince of pain which made him touch his head once more.

The whole experience spooked her as she headed back to Willow Creek.  She couldn't even think about the interview she had with Vanessa with what she subsequently witnessed with Malcolm.  Did he have his followers all hypnotised? 

Suzy stopped by at the Willow Creek Archive to take a look at a land registry book to see what sites the Landgraab Corporation owned in the entire city and surrounding county, making a note of every location.

Then it was time to return home.  She was pleased to see Neil there; his presence made her feel more secure after her bizarre encounter at the Orchid A Go Go.  He was also looking a lot better than when she'd last seen him.

"Yep, nothing a couple of Alka-Seltzer couldn't cure...say, you look bothered" said Neil.

"I'm not" she replied.

"Come on, I can tell something's got under your skin...didn't the interview go well?"

"The interview was fine it's just that...Malcolm Landgraab was there and...Neil, this is going to sound weird..."

"Suzy, there's been TWO dirigible scares, a secret mine underneath Affluista Mansions, a missing, presumed dead mad artist, a strange book, a tree that leads to somewhere impossible and a mistress of disguise who's tried to kill various people...including you...and you think what you're about to say next is going to sound weird?"

Suzy shrugged and looked sheepish.  "Well, in that're right.  OK, so Malcolm is there and he's being a jerk, as usual.  I'm not bothered but then at one point he snapped his fingers and everyone in that bar stopped dancing, talking and schmoozing and....well...they all turned to stare at me but the looks on their faces; like animals who have seen a threat in the distance.  How did he do that?  And there were other weird things like he kept rubbing his head in pain..."

Neil took a sharp intake of breath and looked down at the kitchen counter as he gathered his thoughts.  "Now that is weird..." he said, tapping a finger on the counter top.  "Wasn't Jeremy brainwashed by some machine they have in the basement of the Landgraab building?  Maybe Malcolm's been using it...or something like have his own personal, loyal army so to speak?"

"That might be it!"  Said Suzy, wide eyed at the revelation.  "And my article is going to go out in a few days!  What if he sends those people out after me in revenge?"

"They'll have to get past me first" said Neil, calmly.  He got up from the bar stool and walked over to her.  "I'm not leaving you alone whilst there's a threat" he said, taking her in his arms.

"Neil, you can't be my bodyguard when we're out and about!  You've got your work!"

"I am my own boss.  I'm taking time out and that's that.  We'll contact Action and tell him what's going on and Jeremy can investigate that machine as well.  No one is going to lay a hand on you!"

Suzy smiled.  "Neil...where did this man of action and purpose spring from?  When we first met you were all tongue tied, nervous and terrified of doing the wrong thing"

"I found a new purpose when the greatest woman I've ever met showed up in my life"

"...and when she wasn't available you hooked up with me?" she replied with a smirk.

"Silly.  Love, honour, cherish...I take my vows seriously.  You keep on telling the truth, I'll keep the barbarians away"

Suzy was overcome by Neil's brave and comforting words and she leaned forwards to kiss him.