Sunday 6 October 2024

CHAPTER 232: Jamie's Luck Turns

Rohan had arrived at my house thirty minutes early.  I could sense the nervous energy in him as he stepped through the door, his eyes darting around the place until he saw my guitar and then they widened.

"Is that it?  The new guitar?" 

"It sure is, Rohan buddy.  It sounds sweet; I'm bringing it to the gig today."

"Yeah...about that gig.  I mean, should we be going ahead with it?  Are we ready?"

That's what was bothering him:  Our first gig as the Bluestones.  It was a combination of rehearsal and gig.  We'd booked the club house at Desert Bloom Park and were going to do a jam session plus go through a few numbers but this time we'd be inviting people we knew and any member of the public could come and watch.  Now Rohan was getting cold feet...

"Step into my office".  I jerked my thumb towards my room and we went in there, away from the attention of my parents.  Rohan was still twitchy so I turned to face him directly and gave it to him straight.

"I know we're taking a step up today but it's not that big.  It's a free show so we won't have to refund any money to disgruntled customers, it's another rehearsal session for us but this time we're trying our act out in front of a small crowd.  You can't back out now, Rohan, think of Efrain and Lulu...especially her.  Think of those big, blue eyes welling up with tears because we've had to cancel today."

Rohan bit his lip and looked worried.  "I'd sure hate to let Lulu down" he said.

"That's the spirit!  So come on; all for one and one for all.  We're the Bluestones after all!"

"OK...but can I stand at the back where I can't be seen much?"

"Rohan, you can perform behind a bush if it means you can play.  C'mon, let's get down to the park!"

"HELLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOO EVERYBODY!  We're The Bluestones and we're gonna be performing right here in just a few minutes so get your dancing shoes on and prepare to GROOVE OUT!"

I didn't expect Efrain to be so pumped up and I'm glad he stepped up to do the introductions instead of me.  I'd just mumble something like "flargh-aargh-fnargle".  I was giving Rohan a pep talk inside the den and Lulu was outside telling the public that we were going to be performing in a few minutes.

Efrain was going to speak again but he had his microphone levels dialled up to maximum and there was some feedback, which hurt his brain.

Lulu was looking all bright eyed, keen and she usually does about everything.  She greeted me very enthusiastically.

"Jamie!  This is it!  This is really it!  I think there'll be a good crowd here today...I can just feel it!"

"Great to hear, Lulu.  Are you OK to share lead vocals with Efrain?" 

"Sure...sure...he's going to do the first number with me on harmonies and then we'll switch places for the second."

Lulu has this all figured out so I go and give my guitar one more tune up before we start.  Efrain is just about ready and he introduces us as the fabulous Bluestones.  I look over at Rohan and he is, as he discussed, tucked away at the back.  I'm ready to go, as is's showtime!

We let rip with our first number and Efrain's voice was loud and gravelly sounding, which was ideal for the song and a great way to begin the set.  OK, so I missed a couple of notes and I couldn't see where Rohan was half the time but the vocals were impressive:  Efrain on lead, Lulu doing the backing vocals and they were sounding good!

A small crowd started to gather around us and at least no one booed.  I noticed Eliza Dudley was in the crowd and she's this serious, classically trained musician so if she wasn't giving us hassle then we must be doing a few things right.  I caught her eye and she smiled a little, which I took to be a good sign so I turned to Efrain and gave a little jerk of my head in Eliza's direction to alert Efrain of her presence.  Of course he tried to flirt with her from the stage...

"Thank you very much...that's our interpretation of the current hit single 'You're Gonna Miss Me'.  We're The Bluestones and I'd like to introduce you to the band.  I am Efrain Webber...bass and vocals.  On lead guitar is Jamie 'lock up your daughters' McGregor..."

I roll my eyes in disbelief that he's called me 'lock up your daughters'.

"...and on Hammond and rhythm guitar we have....where's he gone?  Ah, there he is...the silent hunter himself:  Mr Rohan Elderberry.  Finally we have the lovely, the delightful Miss Lulu Strang on vocals!"

There was a ripple of applause among the audience but suddenly it went South when Lulu and Eliza saw each other.  I could sense trouble was brewing.


"What is your problem, Eliza?"

"You!  Boyfriend stealer!"

"You don't have a boyfriend to steal"

"Ah!  So you admit you steal other people's boyfriends!"

"Stop saying those things!"

"And you smell weird!"

"At least I never spent any time in the loony bin!"

"It was a rest hostel...I have problems with my nerves, Lulu!"

"That's it, give it to Lulu with both barrels!" 

Now top teen model and 'it girl', Gillian Hills, is wading in to the argument.  She hates Lulu as well and I can't understand the animosity she generates amongst the other girls at school.  Every interaction I've ever had with Lulu has been great.  What is going on?

"OK, guys, let's start playing'll drown out their row.  Efrain, what's the next number on the set list?"

"'s 'Psychotic Reaction'."

"SERIOUSLY?  Our next song is 'Psychotic Reaction' with that fight going on?"

"Well, we can claim they're doing a theatrical performance piece that accompanies the song"

I stand there, torn between smashing Efrain over the head with my guitar or with that mic stand.  Both are expensive so I restrain myself.

"OK then...1, 2, 3, 4!"

I made sure I cranked the amp up to nearly full in order to drown out the argument between Lulu and Eliza and I think we got through that song and the next one OK.  By the time we got to the last tune on our set list, I realised that it was Lulu who was meant to be lead singer!  I looked across the stage area and saw that Eliza had stormed off, making theatrical bad smelling hand gestures as she flounced off.  Lulu realised where we were in the set and came running back just in time.

I was thankful that we made it to the end in relatively good shape.  The small crowd showed their appreciation, some were even enthusiastic, and others threw some coins our way.  I was anxious about the scrap between the girls but Efrain said that if it got us some publicity then he was OK with it.  Plus he said it was kind of horny watching two hot chicks fight.  I was worried one or both of them would get hurt.

We packed up our instruments and started to go our separate ways but Lulu stuck around and helped me finish clearing up the performance area.  With Rohan and Efrain gone, it was just the two of us.  As I finished putting the rest of the trash in the bin, I saw her standing there looking at me as if she had something more to say.

"Jamie...I really appreciate the way you include me in the band...and the friendship you show me" she looked shy and awkward as she said that.

"You've added so much to this band.  You're the reason we could put a show on today."

"That means a lot to me"

I can see a sensitive side to Lulu.  Those comments from those other chicks must really get to her.

"Lulu, you have 3 guys who think you're fab.  And, well, none more so than me."  I blush as I say that.  Lulu then breaks into a big smile and her big blue eyes light up once more.

"Oh Jamie you're so, so great!"  She takes a few steps towards me and throws her arms right around me to give me one of her big, strong hugs that take you by surprise because she looks waif-like and fragile you don't expect such strength.  I catch the waft of her lavender scented perfume and enjoy the sensation of her body pressed to mine.  I don't want the hug to end but it has to, eventually.

I'm excited but I'm also nervous right now.  Lulu's just given me this big hug, she's told me she thinks I'm great and she's stuck around so it's just us two so the signal is she wants to be with me more but...and this is a big but...I've learned the harsh way that when you think things are moving on romantically anything, and I mean ANYTHING, can derail the moment without any warning.  I am now attracted to Lulu and I want to be with her more but what's the right thing to say and do now?  What if I blow it like I always do?

" you have any plans for the rest of the day?" she asks me.  OK, that's a signal to ask her to hang out; it's got to be.

"No.  I am free for the rest of the day...and evening..."

Lulu looks at me with those big blue eyes and she's smiling but she's not venturing anything more:  I have to make the move.

"So, Lulu. to....erm...get a bite to eat....with me!  You and me, you know, go for some lunch?  My treat, of course...and we can hang out, talk about the band, music, and stuff?"

"I'd love to, Jamie.  It doesn't have to be fancy but some place we can, as you say, hang out."

"Great!  Let me grab my guitar case and let's head!"

Lunch with Lulu Strang, an actual girl who wants to share a meal with me, it is!  Fan-tastic!

We head to the Sunny Side Diner, which is in my price range, and get a table there.  I can't believe I'm going to have lunch with a chick!

We're given a pretty nice table, away from the kitchen, and settle down.  Lulu doesn't sit down immediately.

"Jamie, I have to go to the rest room.  If the waitress takes our order whilst I'm gone can you order me a chicken salad with a side order of fries and a Pepsi?"

"Sure know what's on the menu without even looking at it"

"Yeah, I've been here lots of times before"

That got me thinking...who has she been here lots of times before with?  My paranoia is kicking in and I try to suppress it.  I have this little voice inside of me that tries to ruin my love life.  It's always expressing doubts, always sabotaging what I say and do.  Rationally there is nothing wrong with Lulu's statement that she's been here lots of times could be with family, or friends and so what if she's been on dates here with other guys?  That's normal.  That doesn't mean she's a SMELLY BOYFRIEND STEALER...stop it, naughty internal monologue.  You just stay quiet!

"Well, I'll remember that for when the waitress comes.  See you in a bit" 

I try to sound nonchalant so I don't come across as nervous but I remember a time when I was on a date, the girl said she had to go to the bathroom and she never came back.  It's little things like that which play on my mind.  I need to let go of the negative thoughts.  This is Lulu, she wanted to be here with me and we've become friends over the last few weeks.  There is no sensible reason she will abandon our lunch date.

The waitress comes and Lulu's not back yet so I go ahead and order for us both.  OK, it's been a while and I'm now starting to get nervous.  The drinks arrive and Lulu's not back yet.  I spy the Sneedley's over on the other side of the restaurant and they give me a little wave and I wave back.  Lulu still hasn't appeared.

But then, as the waitress comes over with our food Lulu vectors in from the rest rooms and makes her way back to the table.  She came back!

"Sorry I took so long...hmmm, this food looks good.  I'm famished!  Anyway, Jamie, let's talk about our next gig..."

And that little nasty voice inside of me shuts up.  Lulu and I have a great time over lunch and we talk about music, school and anything that pops into our minds.  I don't feel awkward or lost for words when I'm with her.  This is great.

"Again, I'm really sorry I let Eliza and Gillian get to me earlier on" 

"That's OK, Lulu, they shouldn't have gone off at you in the first place."  I am curious, though, why Lulu is hated at school so much but I don't want to ask.

"You make a couple of mistakes in 9th grade and it haunts you for the rest of your school life."

"The school social hierarchy, eh?"  Weak words of support from me but what the heck did she do back then?"

"I bet boys don't have to go through all this!"

"Ah, that's where you're wrong.  We do but it manifests itself differently.  We all have to defer to David Watts.  What he says goes, what he wants to happen happens...he's like a Roman Emperor at Buckingham High.  Thumbs up and you're accepted, thumbs down and you're not."

"Did he give you thumbs up or thumbs down?"

"Thumbs down right from the start.  I don't know what I did to get a thumbs down's the thing.  The Bluestones:  That's my entire friendship group."

"Awww, Jamie.  That's sad but at the same time really sweet" And she reaches across the table to hold my hand.  It's lovely and soft.

"Quality over quantity I say.  I really like the guys in the band.  Rohan's really sweet and Efrain's just a bundle of energy but I like you the best.  You're thoughtful."

And she fixes her big blue eyed gaze at me, I don't let go of her hand.  Eventually our gazing at one another is interrupted by the waitress.

"Is everything OK?  Can I get you anything else?"

"Everything was fine...I'm good, are you good Lulu or would you like dessert?"

"No, I'm good as well."

"Can we get the cheque?"

"Sure thing.  Are you two heading on to the Romance Festival later?" The waitress says suggestively, noticing that Lulu and I are still holding hands.  I look at Lulu, seeing if she would approve or not of the idea.  She's smiling.

"I've not been before...have you, Jamie?"

"No. to go.  With me?"

"Sure.  Sounds fun"

Well, that's it then:  I'm going to the Romance Festival with Lulu.  The waitress smiles, hands me the bill and I pay up.  Then Lulu and I leave and where we're headed, I'm not sure.

"The Romance Festival starts in a couple of hours, Jamie.  I'd like to go home for a bit, have a shower and change into something more suited for the evening.  I've got the flyer for the festival with all the information on it:  Shall I meet you there at 6?"

"Yeah, I'll do the same and meet you there..."  At the Romance Festival.  I'm going to go to the Romance Festival with Lulu and this is so exciting my heart is pounding hard.  I've gone from a zero love life to...well, a date with a girl who doesn't flake out or run away.

I go home and change...but into what?  I opt for this trendy jacket which has zippers instead of buttons and a pair of off-white pants.  I hope it's OK...I don't have much in the way of "date wear".  Then I make it to the subway and trek downtown to the city centre.  When I get there, I find Lulu has arrived at the festival before me.

I almost didn't recognise her at first because her appearance had changed remarkably since I last saw her at lunchtime.  I was able to recognise her by her eyes and round face.  For starters her hair was all curls and then her outfit was black from neck to foot, from her tight fitting turtleneck sweater, black flared skirt, leather boots and even her stockings created a soft black haze around her legs.  I was stunned at how sexy she looked compared with the cheerful waif I had known until now.

", you look amazing!" 

"You're not so bad yourself"

"I noticed your hair...did you go to the salon?"

"I'll let you in on a secret..." she said, looking around to see if anyone was eavesdropping before leaning towards me.  "'s a wig"

"I'd never have guessed"

"I like wearing wigs own hair is short and there's only so much I can do with it so now and again I'll wear a wig if I want to really go wild"

I wonder what she means by "really go wild".  Roll with it, Jamie, she's obviously put in a lot of effort for this evening.

"Well, I think you look sensational.  Soooooooo, have you ever been to the Romance Festival before?"

"No.  Have you?"

"No.  I guess we'll find out what it's all about as we go along."

"I think the clue is in the title, Jamie" she said suggestively.  I'm starting to really believe she wants me as much as I want her.  Man she looks amazing and I'm seeing another side to her.  Not just the fun, bouncy girl who's always coming up with ideas but a sultry and enticing young woman.

"Let's see if we can get some inspiration from it..." I said, smiling at her.  We walk on right into the midst of the festival and without any conscious effort I find my arm and hers are interlocked.  OK, we're doing a little bit of physical intimacy now.

There's a crowd up ahead getting refreshments and I offer to buy Lulu a drink but when I get to the front there's just one drink:  This pink coloured liquid that is labelled some kind of tea.  I'm reluctant to try it but two things make me get two glasses of the stuff:  One, it's incredibly popular with the festival goers and two, they're giving it out for free.

We get this tea and take a seat wherever we can.  There are two older women sitting opposite us and one of them, a red headed lady, seems very familiar but I can't picture where I've seen her before.

"Hello there" says the woman.  "How are you enjoying your evening?"

"Well, we've only just arrived."

"It's our first time here."

"It's actually our first date" says Lulu.  I look across to her and smile:  She considers this a date!  I feel definitely relaxed now...well, I'm also feeling warm and I think it has something to do with the tea.

"Aww, that's so sweet.  I advise you go go easy on that tea, son, by the way"

"Thank you, ma'am" 

"I love your hair, Miss.  I wish I could get it to curl like yours but mine steadfastly refuses to do anything except be straight and lifeless.  Alas, it's a family trait amongst the women in my family:  My daughter's hair is also straight and won't curl."

And that's when the penny drops...we're talking to Morgan Fyre's mom!  The resemblance is uncanny.  So Lulu makes some small talk with her about hair and first dates and all that stuff and I just nod along to be polite whilst the lady lets loose some information about her daughter which leaves no doubt in my mind that she is Morgan's mom.

I look over to the next table and I spot another familiar couple:  The parents of Judy Keith, my long time crush.  I'm surrounded by the parents of girls I've either dated or wanted to date.  I wonder if we'll bump into Lulu's folks whilst we're here.

Once we're finished with our teas, we get up and take a stroll around the festival to see what else is going on.  Once we're out of earshot of the parents, I whisper to Lulu.

"That lady we were talking to...that's Morgan Fyre's mom.  And over there are Judy Keith's parents"

Lulu looks surprised.  "No way!  She seemed like a nice lady...not much like Morgan"

"You don't get on with Morgan?"

"No...she is such a massive hypocrite and flake!  Says one thing but does another."

"Yeah, I know..."

"Oh, that's dated her a couple of times I hear"

"You heard about that?"

"There aren't many secrets at Buckingham High.  Is that something you don't want to talk about?"

"Better get it off my chest...yeah, I went out with Morgan a couple of times but I wouldn't call them dates...I mean, not like you and me tonight.  We met up said it yourself, she's a flake."  I'm starting to feel a warm glow inside of me and my desire for Lulu is increasing.

"Lulu...what you said back there, to Mrs Fyres, that we were on our first date."

"Was I wrong to say that?  Do you see this as...platonic?"

"No!  Not at all!  I mean...well...I'm glad we're on a date because...I really dig you.  You're fun, really positive, you say what you mean, you actually came here with me tonight and that means so much...and...and...what the heck!"

I noticed other people throwing rose petals in the air and I suddenly and spontaneously decide to do the same.  Lulu laughs as she's showered in petals.

Then all of a sudden, as the petals rain down, I find my hands are holding hers.  Once again, I didn't consciously go to hold hers, it just happened spontaneously.  They're so soft and warm and I can't let go, not that she's letting go either.  Lulu is now looking at me with those big blue eyes and I know for sure she digs me as well.

"Well, what are you waiting for you two...kiss already!  This is the Romance Festival" says a food vendor who is standing nearby and is witnessing everything we're doing.

"Well, shall we?"

"Oh yes,'s the time"

Oh boy.  That.  Was good.

"Jamie...I'll add 'great kisser' to 'talented guy'.  I'm having a wonderful time.  Thanks for everything."


"Your friendship first of all, your kind words, letting me join your band and for this evening."

"I would like more evenings like this"

"So would I"

We spend about another hour at the festival but both Lulu and I are getting tired so we agree to head home.  Almost every step of the way we are holding hands and on the subway she rested her head on my shoulder.  I walked her home to her place and even though she was tired I was still won over by how stylish and wonderful she looked.

"Thanks for a wonderful day, Jamie"

"Thank you for being a wonderful companion"

"So...I guess...we're an item now"

"Yeah, that's a pretty safe bet.  So, what next?  Are you free tomorrow?"

"Hmm, I've got lots of homework so tomorrow's not good.  I'll definitely see you at school though"

"Maybe we can hang out for a bit after school?"

"I'd like that, Jamie"

"Well, before I say goodnight...there's just one more thing..."

The second kiss was even better than the first.  I don't know how long we kissed for but we only broke apart when we needed to breathe.

"OK, I'll see you on Monday....boyfriend.  Purrrrrrrr"

"I will see you then...but can I phone you tomorrow evening for a chat?"

"You got it!"  She blew me a kiss and then went inside her house.  I smiled to myself and had a spring to my step all the way home.

So Lulu Strang is now my girlfriend!  It's strange how life goes:  I've spent years pining for Judy Keith and she only just about knows my name.  And I've had crushes on most of her friends as well:  Colleen, Gillian and Halley and then there was that brief on-off affair with Morgan.  Yet it was cute, bouncy Lulu that has trumped all of them.  She is just so much fun, I feel relaxed around her and I'm not so hung up when I'm around her.  She has made the band more lively and positive just by being in it and she's having the same effect on me.  When I get home I go straight to bed...but Lulu is occupying my thoughts as I settle down.  I've done life is now on the up...finally.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

CHAPTER 231: Fame Is The Name Of The Game

"I think they've gone" said Suzy as she looked out of the living room window.

"Who's gone?" asked Neil.

"The press.  There's no shifty looking men with cameras hanging around outside, no one on our doorstep.  I think the news cycle has moved on and I'm no longer a hot news item."

"Thank goodness!" said Neil.

"I know it's been tough on you, darling, and on some of our friends who've been caught up in this but thanks for standing by me throughout all this and I mean going back to before we were married."

Neil nodded but he didn't feel comfortable being feted.  It was his husbandly duty, as far as he was concerned.  He never had a big ego anyway and always admired how Suzy handled people so well.

"So that's an end of that" he said, eventually.

"Well, not quite..." said Suzy, looking away from the window and going to sit on a nearby seat.  "There's a special event at Hey, Wow! magazine.  I'm one of Sim City's people of the month.  I've got to show my face there, meet more press, have my photo taken and all that..." she didn't seem happy about it.

"I see:  The so-called perks of the job" he replied.

"Some perks...and I feel like I've been too off hand with my friends of late.  Like they're not important enough to pay attention to anymore." Suzy sighed.

"But you were with Summer yesterday" said Neil.

"Yes, but we got to the bar and people kept asking for my autograph, or telling me how they love my work or how they love how I dress, do my hair, do my make up, do I have any tips?  I didn't get much of a chance to actually talk to Summer and she's about to enter a really hectic time as well in the run up to her wedding.  There was so much I wanted to say..."

"Like it or not, Suzy, you're a celebrity now."

"I like it not." she said, pouting.

"But you love to write and write about things people these days are interested in.  That's going to attract attention...I'm sure you'll make it up to Summer but right now you've got to find that balance between your work and your personal life."

"As always you know just what to say" she said, standing up and giving him a kiss.

"But I have to get to this function at the office.  Wish me luck and depending on how it goes I'll either return happy but slightly drunk or miserable and in need of putting back together.  Bye, darling." she said as she grabbed her shoulder bag and headed out the door.

The event was a "faces of 67" photo shoot.  All the people who were tipped to make it big by next year; 1967.  Suzy spotted some familiar people:  Baako Jang, Tiffany Lawson and Vanessa Jeong to name a few but there was one person present she knew about but hadn't met.  Penny Pizazz.  She could be considered a rival; Sim City's #1 fashion expert, but Penny had a TV show and Suzy was still a print journalist.  They had crossed paths at various hot spots and social events but had never properly met until now.

"My chief rival...Suzy Kent.  I finally get to say hello to you" said Penny, a very confident looking who oozed sassiness.  Her greeting was friendly but there was an aura about her that left Suzy feeling she was definitely the junior fashion reporter present.

"Penny...lovely to meet you properly at last.  I'm a big fan of your work." replied Suzy.

"As I am of yours.  How come we've not met before given our work?"

"A bit of a mystery" said Suzy, smiling.

"Well, you've added another string to your bow with the crime investigations.  It's not a subject I wish to touch." said Penny, her expression turning serious for a moment.

"That wasn't planned, a story just happen to land at my feet, so to speak.  So what are you currently working on?"

Penny leant in and whispered closely to Suzy's ear.  "A date has been added to The Beatles' American tour.  They are coming to Sim City after all and I've landed an interview with them."  Penny leant back, looked at Suzy's shocked expression and nodded a confirmation.

"Oh my gosh!  Sorry, I'll keep my voice down!  I take it this is an exclusive and to be kept under wraps for now?" said Suzy.

"Yes, if you don't mind.  I don't want to brag but...hey, it's The Beatles."

"I understand and I'm very happy for you.  But do you know what's going to be happening here, today?  My publisher hasn't revealed much about the schedule."

Penny pointed to an older black man standing in the office and who had a faint air of disapproval about him.

"That's Mark Hanson, our photographer.  You may have heard his name before:  He gained fame as one of the first black war photographers in WW2.  Of course he went on to cover Korea, the Cuban revolution and has recently returned from Vietnam."

"And someone thought he'd be ideal to photograph a glossy magazine studio shoot?" said Suzy.

"He's done fashion as well:  Paris, Milan...You might remember that Suzy Parker shoot for Vogue back in '61 or '62, I can't remember exactly when."

"Before my time, Penny."

Hanson approached Suzy with a scowl on his face.  "Are you Suzy Kent?" he said, gruffly.

"Yes...well, Suzy Humphries to be exact.  Kent is my maiden name..."

"I haven't time for that.  Is that the outfit you're going with?" he said, looking her up and down.

"Well, yes.  Is this acceptable?" said Suzy nervously.

"Black and white on a multi-coloured background?  Sure...sure..." he said but Suzy wasn't sure if that was a yes or no.

A little while later and Suzy was in full swing as a fashion model.  Hanson snapped off reel after reel of film and by the end he managed to crack a smile.  "You're very good at this, Suzy.  You have a natural poise and grace often lacking in young people these days.  You look like Grace Kelly and you have a style like Audrey Hepburn."

Suzy blushed at the comparison but thanked him.  "Am I done?" she asked, politely.

"Yeah, OK, let's get these other kids on set..."

In a break between photo shoots Suzy and Penny found themselves seated next to each other again but before they could continue their conversation from earlier, Mark Hanson came over and sat next to them.

"You know..." he began to speak, before even any pleasantries were exchanged, "...I've seen all kinds of beautiful women pass through my lens; some great, some shy, some with that magic quality not easily put in words but you know it when you see it.  You two definitely have it.  You both have style and grace...not like pin-up girl, what's her name, over there!" he said, nodding towards Tiffany.

" could easily be a professional model.  If you want to make a career move and earn some serious money, I can put you in touch with the right people"

Suzy blushed at the compliment but said "thank you, Mr Hanson, but I prefer to write about the fashion, not model it."

"Yeah, you've got smarts and I respect that.  But just one word of advice....why not grow your hair long?  You've got that Louise Brooks thing going and that died out with the stockmarket crash in '29"

Suzy laughed.  "Mr Hanson, I like my geometric bob just fine.  It's making a comeback."

Hanson shrugged and stood up.  "Young women today...they know what they want.  Sheesh." he muttered.

Penny looked at Suzy and smiled as well.  "Let's slip away from here and head on to a groovy bar I know..." she said.

"I couldn't agree more..." Suzy replied.

The place Penny chose was quieter and the two young women could sit at the bar and converse without being disturbed.

"I'm starting to get fed up with being feted all the time.  I've got reporters outside my home, I'm sent by the magazine to do photoshoots and interviews, one after're famous in this town, does this happen to you?"

"From time to time...the thing is, Suz, is that you chose to work in the media and that comes with expectations from others.  You could always up sticks and become a teacher in a small rural town if it gets too much." Penny replied.  

"How do you cope?" asked Suzy.

"This..." Penny said, raising her glass.  "Well, seriously, I ask myself what do I want to do?  I want to be at the heart of the social life in this town.  I look on, observe then comment on what I see and I accept that my wish to be at the heart of things comes with this cost of fame and dealing with it.  The press intrusion is only occasionally:  They move on to the next story at the click of the fingers.  But the fame grants you access to more things."

"I wanted to write about fashion and I took this turn and ended up becoming an investigative journalist."

"Yeah, and you took on the Landgraabs.  I'd worry less about the press intrusions and more about what they're going to do for revenge."

Suzy took a sip of her wine and nodded.  "I fear this is merely the beginning of something much bigger.  You see, Penny, my next piece is going to be about the Fengs."

"You don't make life easy for yourself!" said Penny, looking astonished.

"I know...and I wonder how much I can put my husband through yet another investigation  of the rich and powerful.  You see, there's that matter of an attempted assassination of Lily Feng a few months back which is linked to that theft of your fashion portfolio...."

Penny went wide eyed in shock at that reminder.  "You're going revisit that?  The police couldn't even get any leads...except for that obnoxious British photographer who took the pictures and he vamoosed back to England when he found out the cops wanted to talk with him."

"Maybe I'll have to travel to England then..." said Suzy.

" really are crazy!" said Penny. 


Wednesday 4 September 2024

CHAPTER 230: Friendly Neighbourhood Summer Holliday

The last day of Summer was a wistful time at the BFF household.  Liberty, as was her wont, was dreaming about the stars, the Moon and her boyfriend.  She thanked her blessings that she had a loving companion, good friends and the most amazing job anyone could wish for.

Summer and Travis were in the kitchen talking about wedding preparations.  It was now a month to go before they tied the knot and there were seemingly endless tasks still to do.

Whilst Travis just wanted the thing over and done with, Summer was relishing the planning and had typed out list after list of what needed to be done.  The church had been booked, and the catering, music and a whole slew of other things but now it was a matter of chasing up those invited guests who had been slow or unresponsive in replying.  She was loving all of this right down to exercising vigorously in order to maintain her shapely figure so the wedding dress would still fit. 

Travis brought her a cup of coffee and said "Summer...don't burn yourself with all this.  We've got all the things sorted that we need to sort out:  Let's just coast and relax before our big day."

"Relax?  Travis we have dozens of little tasks left to do!  The little name cards for each guest at the reception still needs chasing up.  The florist gave us square centrepiece vases instead of round...that will clash with the shapes of the tables!"

This sailed completely over Travis' head.  "OK, if you're sure you want to go down this route to madness, be my guest.  I'm heading off to work now; don't wear yourself down." he said.

Summer finished typing out her revised wedding schedule, showered and got dressed and then decided that she would check in on all her friends.  She didn't want to be alone at home on her day off because that was boring.  Once dressed, she went to visit Barbara and Jeremy but they weren't in:  It was probably another busy day at their shop.

Next she moved on to visiting Action who was at home, albeit in a somewhat undressed state...

"Come on in..." boomed Action.  "...Excuse my state; I worked the nightshift last night."

"That's cool..." she replied, noticing his bulging biceps for a moment before recovering her senses.  "How did it go?"

"The usual:  Muggers, hookers, drunks and pimps for the most part.  I'm still working these two murder cases though and I think I may be close to a breakthrough."

"I can't imagine doing your job.  You need to be tough, I guess.  Tough and well built to handle anything..." she said, her voice trailing off when she saw his muscular physique again.

"I keep in shape because you never know who or what is coming at you next!" he said, with steely growl in his voice.

"Hmmm, I can't say I relate to that but it's so nice that the police department have you working on our side."

They discussed his work and her wedding plans, which were two topics diametrically opposite to each other.  After 20 minutes, and Action saying he really needed to take a shower, Summer decided to pay a visit to another neighbour.

She found Julia looking bleary eyed and surrounded by medical textbooks and journals.

"Sorry the place is in such a mess..." Julia said by way of apology but to Summer the house seemed in pristine order with the exception of all the books lying around.

"No need to apologise, Jules.  Say, I could help you put this stuff away and do a bit of tidying." said Summer, ever her cheerful self.

"That's kind, Summer, but I'm sure you have more important things on your mind like your wedding preparation." said Julia.

"Well, yes, but I've done all I can on that front for now which is why I'm visiting all my friends today!"

"I welcome the break from the studies" Julia replied.  "And how's Travis coping with the wedding planning?"

Summer let out a sigh.  "He's relaxed...maybe TOO relaxed about it.  He doesn't want to get too involved in the planning though:  He just thinks all that happens is that we show up at the chapel and that's that.  He's leaving most of the work to me.  I just hope he doesn't go on another eating binge and he ends up not being able to fit into his suit!"

"Sounds like some of my uncles!  In my family, we have so many festivals, get togethers and special events my mother is a mistress of organisation:  Rumour has it she was on General Eisenhower's staff during the war...SNORT!" She laughed in her unusual, nasal style.

"Well, she will sure come in handy when it comes time for you to get married!" said Summer but Julia's smile suddenly vanished when she said that and Summer immediately recognised that romance was a subject that made Julia uncomfortable.

"Sorry to mention that, Jules."

" made a reasonable point that most people wouldn't think twice's my hang up, I know.  It's not like I never want to get married's difficult to explain.  I just hate the process of courting, that's all."

"One day it'll all come together for you, I'm sure, Jules." Summer nearly patted Julia on the knee as a way of encouragement but thought better of it.

"...let me help with that pile of dishes" Summer added.

Next on her list of people to visit, it was the turn of their newest neighbour, Joanna.  She was a college student but lived off campus so she could usually be found in half the time.

"Come on in, excuse the mess..." came Joanna's voice after Summer had knocked on the door.  When Summer went inside she thought the place looked great and couldn't see any mess.

"You shouldn't've got the place looking great OH MY GOSH WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?"

Summer suddenly caught sight of Joanna and the girl was covered head to foot in a thick layer of soot.

"Yeah, excuse the mess...I mean, me" Joanna replied.  "I was clearing out the chimney and...well...I got it wrong and the soot came rushing down and covered me, and the kitchen.  Now I'm having to clear it all up.  Have a seat."

"So how's college going?" asked Summer.

"Great...I've never experienced anything like it.  Such a world away from what I'm used to but the course is really interesting and it's keeping me busy." Joanna replied.

"I never went to college" said Summer.  "I spent a year at catering school but that's what I like:  Hospitality and all that."

"Well you've got your big day and all that.  That's one heck of a catering event!"

"Yes it's going to be and I've personally scrutinised and chosen the meal and canapes.  Listen, Joanna, when I got engaged you'd only just moved in and we didn't know you well but these last couple of months have seen us get friendlier and you're now part of our little community.  We still have a couple of places left at our wedding:  Would you like to come as our guest?

"Yeah, sounds cool.  I've never been to a fancy wedding before.  Thanks, Summer." said Joanna, her face lighting up with joy.

"Never been to a wedding before?  Wow." replied Summer, slightly shocked.

"It's just that where I grew up, people didn't tend to get married..."

Summer hadn't realised just what an impoverished background Joanna hailed from before.  It was eye opening to get a glimpse into a world of poverty, desperation and the grim life of the ghetto.  After leaving the cosy confines of Foundry Cove she headed over to the more wealthy and genteel neighbourhood of Courtyard Lane:  Home of her second best friend, Suzy, and her husband Neil.

Being married and moving away from Foundry Cove hadn't hurt their friendship and Suzy was overjoyed to see her friend.

"Summer, wonderful to see you.  Now how is everything going with the Big Day?  Let me tell you from experience that the last month just races by!"

"Yep...I feel there's no going back now!  I've been going through a rollercoaster of emotions from initial excitement, feeling overwhelmed, purposeful and now I can't wait for the day itself!"

"And how's Travis bearing up?  No cold feet from him?" Suzy joked.

"Oh he's being his usual self:  'maintain an even strain' as he says.  He's not as gushing as I am about getting married but I can tell he's keen on it."

"That's great..." Suzy was about to say something else but she was interrupted by the arrival of Neil."

"Honey, have you seen the Burnt Umber?" he called out.

" that a shade of paint?  You left some tubes in the lounge; it could be there." Suzy replied.

Neil entered the lounge and he was startled to see Summer there; startled and embarrassed as he was still in his pyjamas.

"Oops, ahhh, yes.  Sorry about my, erm, appearance" he said apologetically as his cheeks turned red.  "It's just that I had a flash of inspiration for my latest painting and I just leapt out of bed this morning and forgot to shower and get dressed."

"No need to apologise, Neil" said Summer, turning her head away from him to spare him any further embarassment.

"I tell you what, Sum." said Suzy, standing up and clapping her hands.  "How about you and I go somewhere for a drink and a catch up and we'll leave our resident artiste to find his Burnt Umber?"

The place they settled on was the Rattlesnake Juice Bar; somewhere where they hadn't been for some time.  Suzy advised not going to a bar that was more local because of all the press attention she'd been receiving lately and that reporters had been known to camp outside of the Blue Velvet Nightclub.

The bar was busy but the girls found room to order a couple of glasses of wine and have a conversation without having to raise their voices in order to be heard.

"My advice for the big day..." said Suzy " make sure you can get a drink.  You'll be buffeted by family, friends, photographers and caterers all wanting to say congratulations or ask you questions and whilst they'll manage to get a drink quite easily, you won't.  So if you're feeling parched, you just give me the nod and I'll make sure you get a drink!"

"That's great advice, Suzy, and I'll remember about the nod." Summer replied.

"Excuse me, are you Suzy Kent?" said a young woman suddenly butting in to Summer's conversation with her friend.

"I am" said Suzy.

"I just love your column in 'Hey Wow' and congratulations on that big article in this month's issue.  I had no idea about the Landgraabs" continued the woman.

"That's nice of you to say so" said Suzy, respectfully.

Suzy returned to speaking with Summer.  "So can you give me a hint about what your dress is going to be like?"

"No.  That's a secret known by only me and Liberty..." said Summer.

"Hey, you're that Suzy Kent from that magazine!" said another woman, suddenly recognising her.

"Yes, yes I am.  Are you a fan?"

"A BIG, about Malcolm Landgraab..."

And it continued this way for about an hour.  Summer and Suzy would be talking and a fan would show up and interrupt them.  Suzy would always be polite and answer a couple of questions but to Summer it appeared that fame was starting to take over Suzy's life.

Eventually Summer said goodbye to Suzy and made her way home.  There was a small matter of bringing in the mail, which contained junk, bills and a few RSVP returns from wedding guests confirming their attendance.  As Summer checked her mailbox, an acquaintance stopped to say hello.

"Hello, it's Summer, isn't it?" said the woman who Summer recognised as model and night club hostess Tiffany Lawson.  They had met once earlier on in the Summer at Suzy's old house when she was being interviewed for Suzy's magazine.

"That's right:  You're Tiffany from the Lothario club" Summer replied.

"You've got a good memory.  I was just passing and thought I'd call in on Suzy but she doesn't live there anymore."

"No, she moved out and bought a house in Courtyard Lane with her husband" said Summer.

Tiffany nodded as she had been at the wedding herself.  "Yeah, that makes sense.  Going up in the world and all that.  I see she's doing really well after those articles about the Landgraabs.  Good for her"

"I can write down her new address and phone number if you like." said Summer, ever the helpful one.

"Thanks, yeah, that would be great.  And you're keeping well?" Tiffany asked.

"Sure...couldn't be better.  In fact I'm getting married myself soon." said Summer, beaming with pride.

"To that same guy you've been dating?  What's his name?  Trent?"

"Travis...and here he is now.  I'll go and write down those contact details for you" said Summer passing Travis on the steps as she went inside.

"Now I know you from somewhere..." Travis said to Tiffany.

"A lot of men say that" said Tiffany, raising an eyebrow in a suggestive manner.

"Don't tell me...It's...erm...were you in the news not that long ago?"

"Not the news but you're probably thinking of a magazine.  Shall I tell you?"

"No.  I'm keen to guess.  A magazine you say?  Hmm, not a music one.  What genre?"

"Men's lifestyle"

Travis thought for a moment before his eyes went wide.  He was about to say something as the penny dropped but Liberty, who had recently arrived back from work, suddenly interrupted him.

"From Suzy's wedding, Travis" she said.

"That must be it...although you seem more familiar from somewhere else" he said.  Summer then appeared on the porch and handed Tiffany a piece of paper with Suzy's phone number on it.

"Thanks, Summer.  I gotta go now but nice seeing you again...and you, Travis.  Meowwww" she said, mimicking a cat raising its paw.

Back inside the house the three housemates sat down for dinner and when Travis excused himself to go to the bathroom, Summer and Liberty could have a private talk.

"She's never been rude to me or anything like that but that Tiffany always rubs me up the wrong way.  There's something there, I can't put my finger on it, that doesn't seem right."

"If you ask me she always looks like she's on the prowl for men" replied Liberty.  "Not surprising considering she poses naked for magazines."

"I was asked to pose for Lothario magazine once..." said Summer.  Liberty just stared agog at her.

"Really?  How did that happen?" she asked, shocked at her friend's revelation.

"I once met Alan Cuffe and he asked me.  I said no, of course"

"Of course.  I wonder if Travis reads Lothario?" mused Liberty.

"Well, if he does he won't be doing so after October 8th, that's for sure!  I shall be enough for him." she said, haughtily.

Once the dishes had been put away and Liberty went off to do some reading before her bedtime, Summer and Travis found themselves alone in the kitchen together.  

"Travis my dear..." she began.  "Do you read Lothario magazine?"

He sensed a trap being set and gulped.  "Only for the articles, Summer my love"