Thursday 18 July 2024

CHAPTER 228: Is There Something Up With George?

It could have been Julia's imagination but it seemed of late that Dr Murakami, Scourge of Willow Creek Hospital, was acting nicer around her.  No barked orders, no contradictory instructions, no stealing of Julia's patients in order to massage her casework statistics and no traps set for Julia to fail.  Maybe, finally, Julia had paid her dues...

She was also allowed to diagnose and treat patients without having Murakami or some other doctor take over the case from her.  Indeed, some of the more junior staff started coming to her for advice.

The first patient of the day was Candace Vargas, age 34.  She had developed a nasty cough, aching limbs and was coming out in a rash as well.

Julia ran all the tests she thought might be relevant:  Bloods, urine, x-rays and even a stamina and lung capacity check on the treadmill.  By the time she was done with her patient, Miss Vargas was thoroughly exhausted.

The result was, however, that Julia's diagnosis was spot on.  Even a second opinion by Murakami confirmed what Julia had thought.  Another successful treatment and another feather in Julia's cap.  All done by herself.

A rejuvenated and healthy Candace Vargas was prepared to be discharged but she had some last words to say to Julia.

"Dr Epstein; I was sceptical at times about all those treatments, scans and exercises you performed on me but I must say I've not felt better in weeks.  I was wrong to doubt your judgement."

"That's alright Miss Vargas; I just like being thorough.  The upshot is you're 100% healthy...although I would recommend you give up smoking."

"I'll bear that in mind, Doctor" said Miss Vargas, smiling.

Julia took a few moments to return to the staff room where she could write up her case notes.  Sitting in her usual spot was senior orderly Mr Ghandi; who was spending every spare moment he had to study for his medical degree.

"Ah, Doctor Epstein, I hear you managed to cure a patient before lunchtime" he said in his strong Indian accent.  

"It's been known before, Mr Ghandi." she replied with her tongue in cheek.  "How are your studies going?"

"Very good, very good.  I'm studying the cardiovascular system.  Fascinating stuff.  Maybe one day when I am qualified I will think about specialising in cardio-thorasics."

"Aiming high...that's what I did."

"Doctor Epstein, paging Doctor Epstein to reception" came the bored sounding drone of the Hospital's PA system.

"I am needed elsewhere..." she said to Ghandi and with that she headed off to reception.

Julia was being paged so she could attend to her next patient:  A man named Jonathan Oglesby and his surname reflected his behaviour...he liked to ogle Julia as she examined him.

"Well hellooooooo" he said in a soft purr of a masculine voice.  "Or should I say, 'enchante'?"

"No, just hello" Julia flatly replied.

"I can see I'm going to be in very capable hands, and so soft and delicate as well..." he said, reaching out to stroke one of her hands.  Julia recoiled and became stern.

"Just cut that out, Mr doesn't pay to annoy your doctor; after all there are numerous painful and intrusive tests we can perform on you!"

"Don't threaten me with a good time!  Ah-fwa-fwa-fwaaaaah" he said in his lounge lizard voice.

"Why is it that 8 out of 10 male patients over the age of  30 try to hit on me?" Julia complained to her friend and colleague, Harper, afterwards.

"Those older guys struggle to come to terms with competent women in positions of authority" replied Harper.  "They're trying to send a message to you that they're still in charge and not you.  Plus, you're pretty.  At the end of the day men are dominated by their eyes and Johnsons."  

"So do you have the same problem as well?" asked Julia.

"I am a nurse so leering men tend to want to be babied and cosseted by me.  That all changes when I take their temperature with a thermometer....and I will spare you the gory details about that procedure."

After her shift Julia got changed and headed off to downtown Willow Creek to catch up with friends at the Blue Velvet club.

However, just before she went inside she noticed George Sneedly standing further down the road and looking nervously around him.  She wondered what might be bothering him and so went over to say hello.

"George!  George, hello.  I didn't expect to see you here." she said as a way of greeting.

"Oh, hello Julia...ah, yes, I was in this part of town  That's all.  I'm afraid I got a little lost; I don't know Willow Creek very well." he said, haltingly.

"Where were you trying to find?  Maybe I can help you?" said Julia; wondering what George was looking for.  He did come across as nervous, almost embarrassed. 

"Oh I'm fine now...fine....fine..." he said with increasing emphasis every time he said the word.  "And you're keeping well, are you?" he asked, hesitatingly.

" is intense but that's the way I prefer it and I still get time to play the piano.  I've missed our society meetings; are there any plans for one in the near future?"

"I think so.  Edna's handling that side of things right now.  I've been very busy with work...and...other...things..." he said, again his voice trailing off as if something was on his mind.

"George, are you feeling well?  You can tell me, I am a doctor after all"

"Well, I've been a bit under the weather of late but I don't want to bother you with it"

"It's no bother, George..." but as Julia was trying to talk to him his attention was being drawn to other young women walking along the street.  She wasn't even sure if he was even listening to her as she spoke.

"All these young people out in their trendy clothes...I suppose it's the done thing these days." he mused.

"I thought you didn't approve of the latest fashion trends?" said Julia, puzzled by George's behaviour right now.

"Oh normally I don't...I'm just making an observation" he said, his attention focussed on two young women who were wearing cutting edge designer outfits.

The conversation dried up and Julia said she had to get ready to perform at the Blue Velvet club and said her goodbyes to George.  He appeared to be under some kind of stress but she didn't have time to dwell on his issues.

It was really buzzing in the Blue Velvet and Julia made lots in tips from her playing.  It was a double bill that evening as her set took place after local music star, Bakko Jang, opened the evening.  After both sets they got together for drinks along with Julia's good friend and neighbour, Barbara.


"Great set, Julia" said Barbara.

"Yeah, you were smokin'" said Baako.

"Is that good?" Julia asked, not knowing a lot of slang.

"That's real good.  We should perform more together" added Baako.

"I'd be up for that" said Julia.  The three of them chatted some more but Barbara noticed George Sneedley warming his hands over the fireplace.

"It's that Sneedley man over there.  You know him, Julia?" she said.

"I do.  It's strange he's warming his hands when it's August" Julia replied.  It was even stranger to find George alone in the Blue Velvet bar.  The man cut a solitary and unfashionable figure in this vibrant and sociable venue.

Barbara continued speaking.  "He's been in my shop a couple of times over the last two weeks, shopping for his wife although I've met her as well and she's stick thin so what he's buying for her is too big."

"Maybe he isn't buying for his wife..." said Baako.  "I don't know the man but if he's like a lot of middle aged men who act strangely then it's about cheating on the wife."

"Edna and George are very devoted to one another" Julia said as a rebuttal.  "It can't be that..."

"Well those clothes aren't for himself either!" said Barbara.  "I mean, he's not into modern fashions...he's made that clear...and where Mr Sneedley goes Mrs Sneedley isn't far behind."

 "She ain't here at the moment" said Baako.

"True...but...I mean, there's got to be something up with him.  There's too many things not adding up here" Barbara replied.

Julia thought about it.  Yes, something was off about George but she couldn't figure out what.  Maybe things would become clearer at the next League of Decency meeting?

Sunday 7 July 2024

CHAPTER 227: In The Bloodstream

Stay off the case, Action...we've got top men...TOP MEN...taking care of the Landgraab murder.  Just stick to your assignment...

Action was pounding the streets of Willow Creek hard this morning as he jogged around the neighbourhood.  It was often a good way to sharpen his thinking when he had a lot on his mind.

My assignment...a stolen diary and a drug overdose gone wrong.  I should be focussing on them but I keep thinking about the anomalies in the Landgraab death; someone tampered with the thermostat and locked the door from the outside.  It was no accident but Detective Schuster's going to write it up as one because he's lazy.

I've always said...'my job, my way'.  Dammit; I have a hunch all three cases are connected and I'm going to prove it!

At 13th Precinct HQ Action wasted no time in heading to the forensic lab to get some answers.

"Bibi..." he said to his favourite crime scene officer.  "...did that toxicology report I requested come in yet?"

"Which one?" Bibi replied in her clipped German accent.  "Your official case that you are meant to be working on; the Thomas Green case, or the one you insist on working on even though you have been told not to?"

"Why not both?" Action replied.

Bibi picked up two files from her desk and opened up the first one.  "Mr Thomas H. Green:  There was nothing in his bloodstream out of the ordinary...but we haven't been able to ascertain what caused his massive organ failure.  But there is something of interest."

"Oh yeah, what's that?"

"Something that was found on his person.  In one of his jacket pockets there was a handkerchief and wrapped up in it were two small pills"

"Drugs?  Illegal ones?" asked Action, his interest in the Green case suddenly piqued.

"They tested as amphetamines but one that is entirely new to us:  It is not on our database of narcotics.  But now things get interesting..."

"How so?"

"Traces of that amphetamine were found in Geoffrey Landgraab's bloodstream"

Action said nothing at first but instead looked straight at Bibi as he realised the implications of that bit of information.

"A narcotic that is entirely new, Green, a known drug dealing associate of Malcolm Landgrab has possession of it and Malcolm's father had ingested it.  I've got a lot of questions about this bit of news but my one to you, Bibi, is could the amphetamine caused Geoffrey's heart attack?"

"We don't know enough about this specific drug but in theory a pill that boosts your heart rate in the body of a middle aged man who gets stuck in a sauna..."

"...LOCKED in a sauna with the thermostat turned up to maximum. all adds up!  Bibi, once again you are a superstar" and with that Action gave her a kiss on the cheek as he strode out of the lab and towards the squad room.

"OK, listen up you turkey necks!  We've got a new lead in both the T.H. Green and Landgraab deaths..." he said, his loud baritone voice bellowing in the squadroom.

"But Action, I thought we were only supposed to be working on the Green case" said a young patrolman, Jesse Navarro.

"Turns out this lead is for both cases.  A new type of drug, an amphetamine, was discovered on both bodies.  Here's a tox report I want you all to read.  When you go out on patrol I want you to shake down every dealer, every dope head and fixer you know.  Find me the manufacturer of this drug!"

Action was prepared to lead by example and hit the streets himself, questioning his network of informants and those who he knew had an ear to the ground on the streets.

Of course once a policeman starts flashing his badge around in public they're going to encounter a moral busybody who demands the police do something about layabout delinquents/terrible litter/illegal parking/buskers...

One of his favourite places to hang out and get information from was The Blue Velvet bar on the Willow Creek high street.  Everyone knew Action there and when he entered he was satisfied to see a couple of regulars there who knew what was going down.

As soon as Action had entered the bar he was recognised by one acquaintance.  She wasn't enthusiastic to see him either.

" here?" she said with a resigned sigh.

"I sure am, Aime.  How are you keeping?" he replied.


"Good to hear...but maybe you can help me out on a little matter?" he asked.  Aime's eyes rolled; she knew what was coming.

"I just knew you were working.  OK, what is it this time?" she said, with a weary sigh.

"I'll make this worth your time.  The lowdown is this:  A new drug, an amphetamine, has hit the streets and we have two dead bodies on our hands, both related to this new thing.  Have you heard anything about it?"

"You know, Action, I have.  This kid...she's over there by the piano...came in here earlier and offered to sell me a couple of pills:  She said is was a new way of getting high, keep me going all night.  I told her I don't do that kind of stuff so she's been trying it on with some of the other customers but they're not exactly the kind who wants to trip out."

Action looked over towards the piano and saw a mixed race waif of a girl who was wearing a bright orange-red wig.  "Not exactly the inconspicuous type..." he muttered to Aime.  "...and she's no more than 15, I'll wager.  Thanks for the tip off, Aime" he said, passing a $20 bill to her.

Action sauntered over to her and flashed his badge.  "I need to see some I.D." he said to the girl, matter of factly.

"I ain't got none; they're in my other pants" she replied, defiantly.

"That's a shame...then you're going to have to come downtown with me and answer some questions"

"And what if I refuse?" she said, jutting her jaw out in stubborness.

"Kiddo, I'm John Action.  Ask around; I've never lost a fight.  You can come along peacefully or in cuffs; your choice.

The teenager, who went by the name of Aya Chatman, kicked up a stink when they arrived at the precinct house.  

"I know my rights!  I have to be in class in an hour!" she wailed.

"In class?  I thought you had I.D. proving you were an adult" Action replied.

"Erm...I'm a college student" she stammered.

"Oh yeah, whereabouts?"

"Britechester Academy..." 

"It's Britechester University.  So what are you studying there?"

"Erm...uhm...theorem?" she said, unconvincingly.

"Whatever, Einstein, just get in here and answer some questions." he said, shoving her into the interrogation room.

"Am I under arrest?" she asked as she sat down.

"No, not yet...although you illegally purchased liquor in a licenced establishment so I can charge you with that.  And those pills you were carrying on you can get you jail time as well...not least you were trying to sell them in that club, which witnesses will attest to.  So I can go through all that and charge you, then we bring in the lawyers and your legal guardians, you'll go to court, probably get probation if this is your first offence and you'll have a nice shiny criminal record.  Or..." 

"Or what?"

"Or you can help me catch some bigger crooks." he said, laying out his case file before her.

Aya said nothing.  Action continued by showing her a photo.  "Do you know this guy?"  he asked.  Aya took the photo and looked at it.

"Yeah, I know him:  Tom Green.  He died recently but I had nothing to do with that!"

"Do you know who did?" Action asked.

"I...I'm not sure.  One of his dealer pals, I reckon."

"Male or female?"

"Could have been both:  One to give the order and the other to carry it out.  That's the rumours, anyway.  I was told to keep my mouth shut."

"By who?"

"Man...I just told you!  I was told to keep my mouth shut otherwise..." Aya looked tense and anxious at that point and she shut her eyes and put her hands to the temples of her head.

"Who told you to keep your mouth shut?" said Action with more forcefulness in his voice.  "Who?"

Aya looked up at the ceiling and then all around the room before she spoke.  "OK, if I tell you I want police protection" she eventually said.

"That can be arranged"

"Malcolm Landgraab.  There.  He handles the business side, the distribution, but he doesn't get his hands dirty."

"I bet he doesn't...but go on, who does get their hands dirty?"

"This girl...Leanne's her name.  She doesn't look like much but there's something about her that's real scary."

Action's eyes lit up.  His suspicions confirmed by this girl and he wanted to spring into action.

"Aya, I'm going to get a police sketch artist to come and talk to you and I want a detailed description of this Leanne.  Don't leave a single detail out!"

"So it's that obsession with you, Action:  Leanne McGregor, that's responsible for the deaths?" said Chief Amos.  He had called Action in during his lunch break because he was worried his lead detective was going rogue again with his wild hunches.

"I know it is, Chief" Action replied before taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"But this sketch you've just had made looks nothing like the original APB sketch of McGregor that we have on file.  Explain the difference, Action"

"Same person, different look.  Plastic surgery, a wig, different clothing and make up..."

"So she changed from a Latin looking woman with black hair and dark brown eyes to a pasty faced, green eyed red haired girl about 10 years younger than she was?  Come off it, Action!"

"I can't explain how she did it, but it's the same woman, Chief.  If our initial assumption is correct and she's ex-KGB then she's already a mistress of disguise.  Look, let me play this hunch out, Chief.  I know this case better than anyone!"

"Ah, but which case, Action, which case?"

Action had gone home to change into a suitable outfit for where he was going to go next.  He had a plan and a couple of helpers along the way; one willing, one not so willing.  His destination was The Kitten Club, where he had membership...but strictly for professional purposes.

Action didn't immediately go into the club but instead walked a little down the road as he was waiting for the two people he had arranged to meet.  One was a fellow cop; Jesse Navarro and the other was his latest acquaintance, Aya Chatman.  Navarro was there to escort the troublesome waif and keep her out of trouble as a condition of her release.  She was there to provide some information.

"OK, Aya, talk me through how you would conduct your business dealings" asked Action when they got to Newcrest; the centre of this drug dealing ring.

"I'd get here at the Bowl-o-Rama about a half hour before the deal was to go down.  There's a dead drop point inside where a message would be left telling me my instructions for the evening." she replied.

"Where's this dead drop located?"

"There's a rack with a brown, chipped bowling ball on it:  No-one would want to use that one so it just sits there.  Down one of the finger holes a note would be placed, curled around on the inside.  I go there and it looks like I'm trying out a ball but when I withdraw my fingers from the hole, the message is now wrapped around my finger."

Action nodded, "Very clever".

"Then I carry out the instructions...either keep a look out for cops, help the client find what he 'needs' or taking the cash to a prearranged place after the deal is done." she carried on.

"But you don't actually conduct the deal yourself?"

"No.  Malcolm handled that and Leanne is his enforcer.  Anyone steps out of line and...." at this point Aya shuddered.

"What is it?  What does she do?" asked Action, now all excited.

"I've seen's hard to explain but....she rarely touches anyone but when she does the first thing anyone says is how cold her hands are but she has a power...I don't know how she does it but she has a way of looking at people that can turn even the biggest, burliest and meanest guy into a quivering jello."

"And where does the meeting happen?" 

"Malcolm sets up the deal and concludes business at the Kitten Club down the road."

"OK, that makes sense; it's a plush and desirable location and I'm sure no one in the staff questions that he's under 21.  OK, that's where I'm going next."

"What about me?" asked Aya.

"You ain't going in there, sister.  I'll have my man, Officer Navarro, take you home.  You're done now."

Action went inside the club and found Navarro sitting by the bar, in full uniform.  Action let out a low grumble and strode over to him.

"Navarro, what the hell are you doing here?  You're on duty!  And what's with the uniform?  You're gonna scare all my informants away!" he glowered.

"Sorry, Action, I didn't think..."

"No you didn't!" said Action, cutting off the now sheepish looking young policeman.  

"Chatman's waiting outside.  Escort her home and check her place over; someone might be watching her.  Make sure the premises are safe."

"On it, sir" Navarro said, quickly getting off the barstool and heading outside.

"What are the Academy churning out these days?" muttered Action to himself.  He took a look around the joint, looking for someone he knew he could put the word out to.  There was no one downstairs so he headed up to the upper bar and gallery and spotted just the right person...

"Hello Deano" he said to a very old acquaintance of his:  Dean Lunn.

"Action, long time no see.  Digging that jacket; cool threads man, cool threads."  said Dean, laconically.

"Thanks ol' buddy.  I trust you're keeping your nose clean." said Action, knowing all about Dean's chequered past with the law.

"As always, Action.  I keep a toehold in the underworld but I don't cross the line into it." replied Dean.  "Now I take it this ain't no social call."

"Am I that obvious?  Yeah, I'm still working on the job."

"Then sit down, Action, I'll call a waitress and get us some drinks:  You do drink whilst on duty, do you?"

"On this occasion I do."

"OK...oh, waitress..." said Dean, clicking his fingers at a Kitten Club waitress who was bedecked in the iconic costume of a black strapless corset bodysuit, black pantyhose, high heels, a collar, white gloves and a cats ears tiara.

"Two bourbons, Miss" said Dean and the waitress nodded and went to the bar to get them.  "What a time to be alive..." mused Dean as he watched the young, shapely woman slink away.

"To business..." said Action, snapping Dean out of his mini-trance.

"OK, what do you want this time, Action?"

Action looked around the lounge to see who was nearby before leaning in closer to talk to Dean.  "There's a new kind of drug that's hitting the streets:  A completely new and largely unknown amphetamine.  Have you heard of it?"

"There's been rumours..." said Dean, in a non-committal tone.  "Ah, here are our drinks.  Thank you, Miss."  Dean and Action waited until she was out of earshot before they continued their conversation.  "You know I don't deal hard drugs, Action."

"I know, but you know who does.  I'm looking for someone in particular; a woman"

"Action, I thought you were steady with that rich white chick"

"Not that way!  She's a suspect.  Goes by the name of Leanne McGregor.  The best image I have of her is this police sketch." Action said, passing a sheet of paper, folded, across the table to Dean.  The other man opened it slightly and took a look.

"Yeah, I've seen her around." he said, calmly.


"Here and there.  Usually in the company of either Malcolm Landgraab or another guy called Luke Kendall.  I can't tell you much about him, unfortunately."

"Luke Kendall...Luke Kendall..." Action mused over the name.  "It sounds familiar but I don't know where from."

"What do you want to know about them?" asked Dean.

"Where they live, where they hang out, who they hang out with, what kind of things are they getting up to that might interest me."

"That's a long list....what do you want me to do with my other hand?"

"I'll think of something.  Can you do this, Deano?  There's a reward for helping me out."

"That goes without saying.  I wouldn't do this for free." said Dean, downing the rest of his drink.  "Leave this with me.  Don't try to contact me, I'll contact you if I find anything."

Dean got up and walked out of the club.  Action nodded, appreciatively.